

Article I — Name of Organization

This organization shall be known as the Bloomington Watercolor Society (BWS).

Article II — Objectives of the Organization

  1. To promote the interest of the Bloomington Watercolor Society.
  2. To increase the effectiveness of artists through education and activities about watercolor painting.
  3. The definition of watercolor is “aqua media on 2-dimensional substrate.” The term “watercolor” shall be deemed to exclude encaustic or oil. Watercolor paintings can include other water-based mediums, e.g. collage, pastel, ink, etc., if the total does not exceed 50% of the painting.” Official, member-only BWS shows may invoke stricter definitions, depending on specific show rules.

Article III — Membership

The classifications of memberships shall be Active, Family, Student, Associate, Founding, Patron, Lifetime, Signature and Honorary.

  1. Active Member: An Active Member is a member in good standing who has paid membership dues for the current year. An active member has voting rights; may run and hold a club office; and, serve on a committee. Active members may participate in meetings, shows (both physical and digital), and workshops at a membership price.
  2. Family Member: A Family Member can be a spouse or family member living at the same residence. They will have the same status as an active member.
  3. Student Member: A Student Member is a member in good standing who is enrolled in a recognized high school or university. A student member can serve on a committee. They cannot hold office.  Student members may participate in meetings, shows (both physical and digital), and attend workshops at a membership price.
  4. Associate Member: An Associate Member is any interested party who wishes to join BWS in a category other than Active or Student Member. They can attend program meetings and serve on a committee. They cannot make motions, vote or hold office. An Associate Member may not enter works into shows, BWS galleries, and must pay non-member fees for workshops unless they upgrade their membership to Active.
  5. Founding Member: A Founding Member is considered an active member in good standing. These members do not have to reside in the local area. These members include: Marilyn Martin, Jodi Estell, Jacki Frey, Cathy Korinek, Carolyn Rogers Richard, Tricia Wente, Carol Rhodes, Connie Brorson, Jeanne Iler, Shelley Frederick, James M.C. Yang, Paul and Alice Sharp, Rose McCay, and Sandy Taylor.
  6. Patron Member: A Patron Member makes a monetary contribution to BWS to further the objectives of the organization. A patron member cannot make motions, vote or hold office. They can attend all meetings and serve on a committee.
  7. Lifetime Member: A lifetime member makes a one-time contribution to BWS of an amount derived as outlined in the Operating Budget Policy. They will be considered an “active member” with all rights of membership.
  8. Signature Member: A Signature Member is an artist who has been admitted to membership after completing the application process, achieved the 70 point plus status after jurying, and has paid dues through the current year.

The application process includes submitting the completed application, a current resume, and three framed and matted paintings to the members of the Selection Committee.  This committee should consist of the Second Vice President, one signature member and one voting member.  The selection process shall take place in even numbered years.

The process begins with a 100 point system starting with the application and resume: juried competition 20%, art education 10%, art experience 20%, publication 5%, awards 10%. The outside art professional will perform the final jury process of the artwork by this point system: composition 10%, concept 10%, use of watercolor 10%, and overall presentation and body of work 5%.  An applicant must obtain a minimum score of 70 points to be considered into Signature Membership.

Prior to application, the member must have been accepted into juried competition in at least three (3) or more recognized shows, i.e. Hoosier Salon, Indiana Watercolor Society, NWS, AWS, Southside Artist’s League, Penrod or other approved organizations.  They must remain an active member to keep their Signature Member status.

The Signature Member is entitled to use the initials BWS after their name. They will be invited to display their paintings in special exhibits, and have BWS show entry fees waived.

  1. Honorary Member: the Executive Board nominates an Honorary Member for exemplary service to the arts and BWS. They are not considered “active” members. All Honorary Members must be approved by a majority of those in attendance at a BWS general meeting.

Article IV — Officers of the Executive Board

The officers of BWS will be President, two Vice Presidents, Treasurer, and Secretary and they shall be considered to be the Executive Board.  The Executive Board shall conduct all necessary business of BWS between general membership meetings.

Article V — Meetings

BWS will hold at least seven (7) meetings during each year.

The President or the Executive Board can call special meetings. Members must be notified either by phone or by written request, which may include electronic mail.

Article VI — Dues

Dues are payable May 1st of each year and shall be considered delinquent after June 30th. Non-payment of dues shall result in deletion from the active membership roster.  Membership fee levels will be determined periodically following the process defined in the Operating Budget Policy.

Article VII — Quorums

  1. Twenty percent (20%) of the active members shall constitute a quorum in order to transact the business of BWS at a meeting.
  2. Three (3) members of the Executive Board shall constitute a quorum for a meeting of the Executive Board.

Article VIII— Duties of the Officers

  1. The President shall preside over all regular meetings; may attend all committee meetings as an ex officio member except the nominating committee; and, sign checks.
  2. The 1st Vice President shall preside over all meetings in the absence of the President. They shall succeed to and become President of BWS in the event that the office of President becomes vacant. The 1st Vice President will serve on the Show(s) Committee.
  3. The Second Vice President shall have the same duties as the 1st Vice President.  The Second Vice President will chair the Membership Committee which oversees the signature membership process.
  4. In board terms of service that begin in even numbered years, the Secretary will review the BWS By-laws along with one other member.
  5. The Treasurer shall handle all the banking and handling of club’s money, and writing checks.   Financial drafts may be signed by any officer; however, drafts must be approved by the treasurer.   The Treasurer is responsible for reporting to appropriate state and federal agencies.

Article IX — Election

  • The nominating committee of three members shall select a slate of officers prior to the election held at the May meeting.
  • All officers shall serve a one-year term beginning July 1st after their election and continue through June 30. No elected officer except the Treasurer and Secretary shall succeed themselves consecutively more than twice, unless they fill an unexpired term.
  • The nominating committee shall consider the following factors when creating the slate;
    1. Prior performance in the officer position if an officer is to succeed him or herself.
    2. For the President’s position, prior experience on the executive board.
    3. Unique knowledge that might be required for the position, such as record keeping and accounting experience as needed for the Treasurer position.

Article X — Special Elections and End of Term

Special Elections In the event an Officer position becomes vacant, the remaining members of the Executive Board shall select a replacement for that office. The Board shall nominate a replacement for approval by the general membership at the next business meeting.

End of Term

Each Officer and Committee Chair shall deliver all records, files, and properties of BWS to their successor or the President within ten (10) days after their term has expired.

Article XI— Committees

The President, with the approval of the Executive Board, shall appoint standing and special committees as necessary to carry forward the objectives of BWS, Standing committees shall include: Activities, Finance, Historian, Meetings/Programs, Membership, Newsletter, Nominating, Plein Air, Publicity, Refreshment, Scholarship, Show, and Technology.

Article XII — Parliamentary Procedures

The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised shall govern the club in all cases to which they are applicable.

Article XIII— Amendment of By-Laws

These By-Laws, at the discretion of the BWS Executive Board, can be amended.    The Executive Board must first approve proposed amendments.

An amendment notice of at least two (2) weeks must be sent to the BWS members prior to voting.

Approval of the amendment(s) requires 2/3 vote of the active membership; votes may be cast in person, by mail, telephone, or electronic medium, i.e. website or email.  Votes may be delivered to the By-Laws Chair (Secretary).

Article XIV— Dissolution of Organization

Dissolution of BWS shall be proposed to the membership by the Executive Board, based on a majority vote of that Board. The decision to dissolve the Bloomington Watercolor Society shall be by 2/3 majority vote of active members of the society.   Votes may be cast as outlined in Article XIII.

The Executive Board will dispose of the physical assets.  Those items useful to teachers shall be given to Teacher’s Warehouse or an equally appropriate 501c3 organization. The remaining items shall be disposed of at the discretion of the Board.   The treasury shall be used to pay any outstanding BWS debts.  The remaining funds after payment of debts will be given to the Foundation of Monroe County Community Schools to support the BWS Art Scholarship, established in 2012.

We certify that the members approved the foregoing By-laws of Bloomington Watercolor Society on the day of January 13, 2021.

                          _____________________________ President

                          Joanna Samorow-Merzer


                          Charlotte Griffin

First draft 6/20/05 Jeanne Iler, Secretary

Second draft 6/24/05 Tricia Wente and Jeanne Iler, By-laws committee

Third draft 6/29/05 by Executive Board

Fourth draft 7/28/05 by Executive Board

Amended __11/16/10__ by vote of two-thirds of the BWS members

Amended __12/17/12__ by vote of two-thirds of the BWS members

Amended_12/9/2014_ by vote of two-thirds of the BWS members

Amended 3/1/2015_ by vote of two-thirds of the BWS members

Amended 11/26/2016 by vote of two-thirds of the BWS members

Amended 10/31/2017 by vote of two-thirds of the BWS members

Amended 11/21/2018 by vote of two-thirds of the BWS members

Amended 1/13/2021 by vote of two-thirds of the BWS members