January 2016 Meeting Minutes

January 11, 2016
Call to order: The meeting was called to order at 6:15 p.m. by Nancy Metz, president. Nancy welcomed members to 2016.
Guest in attendance: There were no guests.
Minutes of the November meeting: Susie Graham moved to accept the minutes. Cassidy Young seconded the motion, which passed.

Committee Reports
Hospitality: Betty Wagoner thanked Ann Karine Bley, Mary Reinhold, Deborah Rush, Patty Uffman, and Jane Watkins for the refreshments.

Signature Members: Signature Membership information will be distributed at the February meeting.
Scholarship donations: Jeanne Dutton reported that there is $886.26 in the fund. $135 in donations has come in since November. Andy Lehman is designing posters and flyers. Sara Steffey McQueen will deliver the posters and flyers to high school teachers.

The Art of Chocolate update: Jeanne Dutton reported that BWS would have the Art of Chocolate Exhibit this year. The best of show will be awarded $100 by two anonymous judges.

The Art of Chocolate dinner will be Feb. 13. Three BWS members are needed to give demos. The demos will be of greeting cards, which will be for sale. The demo artists’ paintings will be displayed at the dinner, plus 10-12 works from BWS members. Artists giving demos will receive two free tickets to the dinner.

Paintings for the Art of Chocolate exhibit must be turned in to the Venue Gallery on Feb. 2. Artwork must be framed and ready to hang. The exhibit will be held at the Vault Gallery during Feb. and March 2016. Artists will get 50% of their painting’s sale price.

BWS members are needed to host at the Vault to host during Friday Gallery Walks on Feb. 5 and March 4. Let Jeanne know if you want to give a demo, host, or submit a painting.

Garden Walk 2016: Charlotte Griffin reported that the Bloomington Garden Club invited BWS members to paint in the gardens again this year. Dates are Sat., June 25 from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m., and Sun. June 26 from noon-4 p.m. One artist is needed for each of the 5-6 gardens on the walk. Charlotte passed out an interest sheet to gauge member interest in painting during the walk.

Other Business:
Charlotte Griffin brought some slate to give away from a farmhouse in Ohio. She showed sample paintings done on the slate.

Jo Weddle invited the group to a free journaling workshop with Jeanne Dutton. The workshop will be at the church Sat. Jan. 16 from 10 a.m.
to 2 p.m. The theme will be illustrating faith artistically or expressing feelings through art. Supplies will be provided. Bring a sack lunch.

Jo Weddle announced that the Feb. 8 meeting will be Speed Dating, but it is not romantic! It will be an art-related surprise. More information will be announced in Brush Strokes.

The plein air group has 22 people signed up. They will meet 10:30 Thurs., Jan. 14 at Jackie Frey’s home to decide where they’ll paint next year. The meeting will be a potluck lunch. Everyone is invited to attend.

Jo Weddle moved to adjourn the meeting. Kathy Barton seconded the motion. The meeting adjourned at 6:40 p.m.

Following the business meeting, Linda Meyer Wright presented a program on abstract collage. After a discussion on collage, members had a chance to work on their own pieces. Linda provided many materials to use on the project.

Respectfully submitted,
Char Dapena, Secretary