Brushstrokes March 2017

Upcoming Monthly Meeting

Monday, March 13, 2017
6:00 p.m.
First Christian Church

After refreshments, socializing, and a short business meeting, BWS Signature Member Jacki Frey will present a program on creating a “Value Study Sketch Using Black or Payne’s Grey Watercolor for Sketching.”

Supplies to bring to the meeting are black or Payne’s Grey paint, a pencil, eraser, quarter sheets of watercolor paper or watercolor pad, and round brushes size 8 and 12.

Also, bring a favorite photo.  Jacki will provide some photos as well.

New Signature Members

Congratulations to the two new Signature members, Cathy Korinek and Donna Whitsitt.  To become a Signature member, certain criteria must be met.  Then, the applicants submit a selection of their work and their credentials before being “judged” by an outside juror.  Interested in applying?  The next opening will be in January 2018.  Questions can be directed to Tricia Wente.

Left to Right: Donna Whitsitt, Cathy Korinek

Welcome, New Members

Hello and welcome to Marie Kosakowski, Henry Leck, Diane Thayer, Debra Tocco, and Grant Wood.  Glad you could join us, and hope to see you soon!

BWS Spring Workshop

“Alcohol Inks and Water Soluble Crayons on Yupo”

March 25, Saturday, 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
First Christian Church, Bloomington

Come learn about the versatility and magic of alcohol inks on Yupo!  This workshop will inspire artists of all levels to loosen up and go with the flow. We will create abstract and non-objective works while learning the qualities of this vibrant medium. The day will start with making samples of different techniques.

We will take an intermission before lunch to introduce pearl-ex, a mica pigment that can be added to your watercolors, and water soluble wax pastels/crayons.

After lunch, you’ll apply the learned processes in your own way with suggestions and guidance.

Instructor:  Lynn Busch, who has a BFA from Berea College, is an Artist and Educator with Jacquard Products, and a manager and teacher at Preston Arts Center in Louisville.

ALL details can be found at, or contact Jeanne at


BWS has new Rack Cards, thanks to Carol Rhodes!  If you are participating in an exhibit or a craft show or are represented by a gallery, please consider taking some rack cards along with you.  Contact Jeanne at for a supply.

Sarah & Salmon by Phyllis Taylor

Congratulations to….

Phyllis Taylor, BWS’ Northwest Coast “affiliate,” was one of 19 artists, from a group of 80, juried into a show at the Cannon Beach Arts Association (Oregon) titled “Contemporary Portraiture.” Juror was Martha Lee, owner of Russo Lee Gallery, Portland.

Works explore what role portraits now play in society with today’s “selfie” culture. Taylor’s work, “Afternoon Catch,” is a portrait of friend Sarah holding a large salmon she’d caught–and looking pretty pleased about it. This was the first juried show Phyllis has entered since moving to Oregon.

Wild Women by Sara Steffey-McQueen

Sara Steffey-McQueen’s linoleum print, “Wild Women,” was juried into the 37th Annual National Print Exhibition at Artlink Contemporary Gallery.  The opening reception is March 31, 6-9 pm, at the gallery, 300 East Main Street in Ft. Wayne.

BWS Upland Painters

Reporting: Kristen Stamper
Upland Plein Air Painters Plans a Busy April.
BWS’ 1st Plein Air Exhibition will open during Gallery Walk, 5-8 p.m. on April 7, at the Bellevue Gallery in the Farmer House Museum at 529 N. College St.  Over 30 BWS artists are planning to participate. Please come out and share the fun of this exciting review of local scenes painted on location at numerous BWS sponsored paint outs. The show will be on display through May 2, Wednesdays through Sundays, 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.
In preparation for the Plein Air Exhibition, Kathy Barton and Donna Whitsitt are hosting a framing workshop. Ever the DIY divas, they will demonstrate framing techniques and share their knowledge on sources and professionally framing artwork yourself, including cost-saving approaches that can offer more flexibility than purchasing these services. Please contact to reserve your spot and receive full details.
Finally, with the return of spring weather we will be outside to paint, starting in April. Please join us for any of these events. Please contact for details.

  • Tuesday, March 7, 10 a.m.-12 noon, Framing workshop, downtown location TBD, Host: Kathy Barton & Donna Whitsitt
  • Tuesday, April 4, 9 a.m.-12 noon, Spring Mill State Park, Host: Rose Brenner
  • Wednesday, April 5, 10 a.m.-12 noon, Turn in paintings for Plein Air Show at Bellevue Gallery, 529 N. College St.
  • Friday, April 7, 5 p.m.-8 p.m., Opening reception for 1st Plein Air Show at Bellevue Gallery, 529 N. College St.
  • Wednesday, April 12, All Day,  Azalea Path & Arboretum in Hazleton, Indiana, Host: Kathy Barton
  • Tuesday, April 18, 9 a.m.-12 noon, TC Steele State Historic Site, Host: Anne-Karine Bley

Arts in the Parks

Betty Wagoner received a grant for the state “Arts in the Parks” program. The workshop sessions will take place March through August, so watch here for later opportunities, or contact Betty.

  • Saturday, March 25, 1-4 p.m.  TC Steele State Historic Site, in the Large Studio.

A brief review of watercolor pencil techniques and plein air techniques used by TC Steele as evidenced in his paintings.

  • Saturday, May 13, 1-4 p.m. – TC Steele State Historic Site, Watercolor plein air painting workshop.

Watercolor techniques and plein air basics will be covered and participants will paint around the grounds.

The Art of Chocolate

Thank you to all the BWS artists who participated in the Mardi Gras show and painted at the Keynote event.  We can be proud that sales of our art generated over $600 for LIFEDesigns!  The exhibit will remain at the Vault at Gallery Mortgage through March 27.

Please pick up your paintings between 11:00 – 2:00, at the Vault on March 28.

Penance, Mardi Gras Style by Jerry Harste

Best in Show, C’est fou, by Deborah Rush

Babette Ballinger holding a painting by Tricia Wente at Art of Chocolate


Eco-Heroes Contest
The City of Bloomington Environmental Commission announces the sixth annual Eco-Heroes Contest. While this art contest has always been for local K-12 students, this year the Environmental Commission is collaborating with the Commission on Aging to pilot an additional category for adults. Entries are due Friday, March 31 at 5:00 at the City’s Planning and Transportation Department in City Hall. For more information, contact Sarah Green, City of Bloomington Environmental Commission.

Orchids in Watercolor at the Indianapolis Museum of Art
Now through July 9, IMA offers a wonderful show of botanical watercolors.  This exhibition features “30 orchid watercolors collected by Josiah K. Lilly, son of the founder of Eli Lilly and Company and its president from 1898 until 1932.  Through these works, significant for both their scientific accuracy and aesthetic quality, guests will be able to explore botanical facts about orchids and learn more about the Lilly family’s interest in collecting and growing them.”

Frederick William Bolas (English, 1871–1951), Orchid: Cypripedium smithae, 1907, watercolor on Whatman’s water colour sketching board, Indianapolis Museum of Art, Gift of Mrs. J.K. Lilly, 63.81

Happy St. Patty’s Day!

Meeting Minutes for February 2017

Minutes of the Bloomington Watercolor Society Membership meeting

February 13, 2016, 6 pm     First Christian Church

6:05 pm: Call to Order

Welcome and Guest Introductions

Meeting guests were Barbara Coffman, Tom Tierney, and Billie Moore. Debra Tocco attended her first meeting as a new member. Welcome!

Hospitality thanks (Betty Wagoner/Mary Walker)

Special thanks to Mary Walker, Patty Uffman, Jeanne Dutton, Jo Weddle, Kristen Stamper, and Betty Wagoner, who contributed various dishes.

Minutes approval

No changes to the January minutes were submitted by the members. Motion to approve was submitted by Candi Bailey and seconded by Kathy Barton. There was unanimous approval.

Treasurer’s report (Patty Uffman)

BWS bank and fund balances were reported.

Old Business

Signature member update

New signature members are Cathy Korinek and Donna Whitsitt. Congratulations!

Spring 2017 Program/Activity Calendar distribution

Jo Weddle distributed an activities calendar extending through July 2017. Programs are currently posted on the website. Paintouts will be posted soon. The first Saturday paintout of the spring is April 29 at Steve Dawson’s farm. More information to come soon.

New Business:

Committee Reports

Nomination Committee (Charlotte Griffin)

Charlotte Griffin appealed for volunteers for the 2017/2018 year.

Activities (Jeanne Dutton)

Jeanne Dutton reported at least 100 attended the WE PAINT…Mardi Gras–the Art of Chocolate event at The Vault.   Best of Show was awarded to Deb Rush; the runner-up was Donna Whitsitt. BWS generated, through sales of paintings and greeting cards, approximately $500 for LIFEDesigns.

A spring workshop on alcohol inks and water-soluble crayons will be facilitated by Lynn Bush on March 25th. Registration is in progress. Jeanne Dutton distributed a handout with specific information. Details can also be found at

The City of Bloomington Environmental Commission announces the sixth annual Eco-Heroes Contest. While this art contest has always been for local K-12 students, this year the Environmental Commission is collaborating with the Commission on Aging to pilot an additional category for adults. Entries are due Friday, March 31 at 5:00 pm at the City’s Planning and Transportation Department in City Hall. For more information, contact Sarah Green, City of Bloomington Environmental Commission.

Upland Painters Activities (Kristen Stamper)

Plein Air Exhibition at Bellevue Gallery
The 1st Annual Plein Air Exhibition of Upland Plein Air Painters & Bloomington Watercolor Society will be at the Bellevue Gallery at the Farmer House Museum April 6 to May 2. The reception will be Friday April 7 from 5 to 8pm. Members have already signed up to participate and there is a waiting list to exhibit. The prospectus was distributed and posted online at For more information, contact

Brown County paintout and other activities
Kristen Stamper reported that several came to the painting retreat in Brown County, with five participants staying in a cabin. Upcoming activities were also mentioned. The current Upland schedule is at

Scholarship (Jo Weddle)

Sara Steffey-McQueen has distributed posters advertising the $300 scholarship to teachers in the two high schools. Proposals are due at the end of March.

Gallery Shows: (Tricia Wente and Anne-Karine Bley)

Bicentennial show pickup
Pickups for the Bicentennial show at the Monroe County History Museum was scheduled for February 21 from 2-4pm.

Signature Member show
A BWS Signature Member show is in the works for Meadowwood Retirement Center. More information is forthcoming.

Programs (Jo Weddle)

March program

Jacki Frey will present a demonstration on watercolor value study. A description will be distributed prior to the meeting.

Technology (Carol Rhodes)

Charlotte Griffin asked members present to submit artwork for the BWS Web gallery. Any resolution, format, and size will be accepted.

Monthly Program

Tricia Wente and Carol Rhodes delivered a presentation called “Master Disasters,” on how to fix mistakes and prevent mishaps.

Adjourned 8:30 pm
Submitted by Carol Rhodes, BWS Secretary.

Brushstrokes February 2017

Monthly Meeting

Monday, February 13, 2017

6:00 pm at First Christian Church

After a brief business meeting and introduction of our new juried Signature members, Tricia Wente and Carol Rhodes will present the evening program, “Disasters:  Best Practices in Correcting Errors in Watercolor.”

Improve your paintings, learn to make “adjustments” during the painting process. Everyone needs to learn a few tricks to manage this medium, and by experimenting you too will have a better grasp of how to deal with certain quirks of watercolor painting.

Bring one disaster painting of your own (we all have them) and any of the following materials you have on hand.  For example: sponge, a few brushes, small water container.  We will provide some tools to share.

The BWS Spring Calendar will be distributed and it’s a full one!

Welcome to New members

BWS welcome the following artists and we hope to get to see you soon:

Joanne Baum, Rose Brenner, Eric Brock, Patricia Coleman, Ellen Flach, Tereasa Laakman, and Grant Wood.

The Art of Chocolate Show

We Paint…Mardi Gras!

Opening Reception

Friday Gallery Walk, February 3, 5-8 pm

The Vault at Gallery Mortgage

Wear your beads and mask and have fun at the opening reception where the Best of Show will be announced with a prize of $100 and two tickets to the Week of Chocolate Keynote event at IU Memorial Union.  The Runner-up will receive two tickets, and four names of participating artists will be drawn to receive two tickets each, too.  (Value of the tickets is $75 each!)

Sales will be split 50/50 with the artist and LIFEDesigns.  Greeting cards featuring chocolate and Valentines will be sold at the reception for $5 each, with all proceeds going to LIFEDesigns.

And while you are downtown, scoot on over to the Monroe County History Center where a few BWS artists will be doing demos.  The Centennial show is up through the end of February and now is a good time to go see it again!

Emerging Artists Exhibit

BWS is proud to support and encourage young high school artists, and we did just that by sponsoring awards at the Emerging Artists exhibit, held in January at the Venue Fine Art and Gifts.  The results are in: below, you can see the three works that won the 2D painting category and the 3D Best in Show.

Child by Emily Yeargin
(Best in Show)

Boy by Olivia Robinson (Silver Best in Show)

Pine Trees in Winter by Jaiden Harris (Honorable Mention)

Imre by Barbara Granicz (Stained Glass (3D Best in Show))


BWS Scholarship Application Open for input

Thanks to Jo Weddle, chair of the BWS Scholarship Committee, for attending and promoting the scholarship.  Many thanks, also, to Andy Lehman for designing the BWS Scholarship poster. See the poster at the link below:

BWS Poster

Please encourage your young artists to apply.  Request details at

Member News

BWS Upland Plein Air Painters

On January 17, Upland held the winter/spring organizational meeting where we began to fill in the 2017 calendar. Through March, Upland will concentrate on a variety of inside activities which are in the planning phase now. If you are not an Upland participant and want to join in, contact

Plein Air Exhibition at Bellevue Gallery

The 1st Annual Plein Air Exhibition of the Bloomington Watercolor Society and Upland Plein Air Painters will be at the Bellevue Gallery at the Farmer House Museum, April 6 to May 2. The reception will be Friday, April 7 from 5 to 8 pm.  Members have already signed up to exhibit and, because of limited space, there is a waiting list. The prospectus was distributed and posted online at For more information, contact


All-Media Still Life Class

Don Geyra has scheduled an all media art class for two Wednesdays, February 15 and 22, 2-4 pm.  Price is $60 and will consist of a still life to be worked over the two sessions. All media are welcome. Pastel. Oil. Watercolor. Acrylic.  The class will be held in Bedford at the Lawrence County Art Association.

Contact Don Geyra 287-8748 or Phyllis Westfall 279-4734 to enroll. If you are unfamiliar with Don’s work, go here to

Color Theory Workshop

Robin Edmundson will be facilitating a 3-day Color Experience at MoonTree Studios in Plymouth, Indiana, April 21-23, 2017.  If you’ve been waiting for a chance to learn some color theory, and then have the time really run with it, this is your chance. There will be a half day class on basic color theory to jump start you, then you’ll have 2 1/2 days to explore color in your own direction. Robin is there to cheer you on, help with more color theory, brainstorm, bounce ideas off of, etc. We conclude each day with a “show and tell” to look at what others are doing with other media, share progress, ask questions, share frustrations, and brainstorm. You’ll be encouraged to experiment and explore things you haven’t tried before, and explorations will be flexible enough to allow for change in direction if desired. Our emphasis is on the color exploration, not on completing a set of products by the end of the experience. It’ll be a small-ish group between 6-8 folks in any area of visual art or fiber art. $320 for the three days [$290 if you’re a member of MoonTree Studios] (For example explorations and materials list, see their website – link below.)  Here’s the link to the class:!/Color-Exploration-in-2D-and-3D-Visual-Art-with-Robin-Edmundson/p/72672647/category=19838035 Robin will have MoonTree Studios catalogs at the February meeting so you can see all the great classes they offer.

Lawrence County Art Association

The LCAA, located in downtown Bedford at the Wiley Art Center, 1402 J Street, offers members an opportunity for a paint-in nearly every Thursday from 1-3 pm.  To discover more and become a member, link to

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Meeting Minutes January 2017

Minutes of the Bloomington Watercolor Society Membership meeting

January 9, 2016, 6 pm     First Christian Church

6:05 pm: Call to Order

Welcome and Guest Introductions

Guests were Debbie Tocco, Nancy Axsom, and Bob Newland. Marie Kosakowski attended her first meeting as a new member. Welcome!

Hospitality thanks (Betty Wagoner/Mary Walker)

Special thanks to Susie Graham, Bess Lee, Babette Ballinger, and Betty Wagoner, who contributed various dishes.

Minutes approval

No changes to the November minutes were submitted by the members. Motion to approve was submitted by Meri Reinhold and Betty Wagoner. Unanimous approval.

Treasurer’s report (Patty Uffman)

BWS bank and fund balances were reported. Cathy Korinek and Robin Edmunson. Unanimous approval.

Old Business:

Notecard set II has been reprinted and is available for sale.

New Business:

Committee Reports

Activities (Jeanne Dutton)

Support for Emerging High School Artists Show at the Venue

Jeanne Dutton suggested membership approval of $150 for 1-3 prizes. Kitty Garlock moved to approve and Cathy Korinek seconded. Unanimous approval. The event is set for the end of January.

Upland Painters Activities (Kristen Stamper)

Plein Air Exhibition at Bellevue Gallery

The 1st Annual Plein Air Exhibition of Upland Plein Air Painters & Bloomington Watercolor Society will be at the Bellevue Gallery at the Farmer House Museum April 6 to May 2. The reception will be Friday April 7 from 5 to 8pm. Members have already signed up to participate and there is a waiting list to exhibit. The prospectus was distributed and posted online at For more information, contact

Organizational meeting

On January 17 at 10am there will be an organizational meeting for Upland painters. The meeting will include a pitch-in lunch. If you are not on the Upland list and want to attend this meeting, contact

Scholarship (Jo Weddle)

Posters advertising the $300 scholarship are ready to be printed and will be distributed to teachers in the two high school by Sara Steffey-McQueen.

Publicity (Susie Graham)

The “Watercolor Winter” feature Christmas Day in the Herald-Times was lauded, and a copy of the printed edition was circulated.

Gallery Shows: (Tricia Wente and Anne-Karine Bley)

WE PAINT…the Bicentennial

The Reception held on Friday, Dec. 9th for WE PAINT…the Bicentennial, the 2017 membership show hosted at the Monroe County History Center, was well attended; about 100 people were there. It is the 27th show of BWS. It was noted that the History Center will be open on First Friday evening, the same as The Art of Chocolate show. Artists are encouraged to sign up to be painting for public viewing during that time. For more information, write

WE PAINT…The Mardi Gras–the Art of Chocolate Show/ Participation:

BWS will participate in the annual Life Designs’ Art of Chocolate event at The Vault. Paintings do not need to be of chocolate, but must be about Mardi Gras. Paintings are due 2/1. The opening is Gallery Walk Friday, February 3, 5 to 8 pm. Attendees will be encouraged to also visit the History Center exhibit. A second reception will be Friday, March 3, 5 to 8pm.  All refreshments at the opening will be provided. Tickets to the keynote event on February 10 at Indiana Memorial Union (valued at $75 each) will be distributed in pairs through a raffle to BWS participating artists. The Best of Show award will be $100 plus two tickets. 2nd place will receive two tickets.  The show prospectus was distributed at the meeting and is posted online at

Signature Member show

A BWS Signature Member show is in the works for Meadowood Retirement Center. More information forthcoming.

(For other show information also see Art of Chocolate Show, above)

Programs (Jo Weddle)

The February program will be “Master Disasters,” presented by Tricia Wente and Carol Rhodes. The topic will be how to fix mistakes in your paintings. A description will be forthcoming.

Technology (Carol Rhodes)

The new BWS website design went live in December. The next step will be for the Upland group to perfect its presence in its own section on the site.

Monthly Program:

Steve Dawson delivered an inspirational presentation on various perspective techniques, and also conveyed the methods and the value of practicing one-minute drawings.

Adjourn 8:25 pm

Submitted by Carol Rhodes, BWS Secretary.

Brushstrokes January 2016

January 2017

Monthly Meeting
Monday, January 9, 6:00 pm
First Christian Church, Bloomington
After a brief business meeting, where we can catch up on things after the holiday break, guest presenter Steve Dawson will provide us with the program, “Perspective Techniques and One-Minute Drawings.”
“How does an artist achieve realistic three-dimensional drawings from a flat 2D picture plane?  We will explore techniques in linear and visual perspective that will help bring depth to your work.  We will also briefly discuss creating a focal point, creating visual interest around your subject, and creating color harmony in your work.
Last, we will wrap up with some 1-minute drawing exercises to illustrate some of the key points.  SUPPLIES:  Bring a sketchbook or your favorite watercolor pad/paper, a pencil or pen and a small watercolor kit.”
Steve is a Bloomington, Indiana artist working in oil, watercolor and pastel.  With a primary focus on the landscape, he works to create paintings that capture a specific moment in time so that the viewer can feel the beauty of what he saw in the scene.  Steve’s award-winning work is represented by the Brown County Art Gallery.  He has taught classes and workshops to bring simple ideas into focus to spark creativity.
Steve is president of HFI (Harrell-Fish Incorporated) Mechanical & Building Solutions.  He enjoys all things outdoors and lives on his Sagamore Farm Estate with his family and their yellow lab, Linus.
Forty-five people enjoyed a beautiful evening at Meadowood on December 6.  The food, as always, was delicious, the décor outstanding, and the group in great spirits!  Many thanks to Connie Brorson for hosting BWS and to Jo Weddle for making all the arrangements with the chef.  Artists were invited to bring a hand painted greeting card.  Using a number system, people then picked their favorite to take home.  Here are the artists’ creations.
The door prizes included a Chinese watercolor set, a Strathmore 9×12 journal, and assorted items.   Congratulations to Kriste Lindberg who won the Grand Prize (which was really grand!), an original watercolor by visiting South African artist, Grant Wood.
Here’s a note from Kriste:
“The holiday dinner is always a wonderful event.  It is such a pleasure to see everyone and share in blessings of the season.  This year, I was pleasantly surprised to win a door prize, a Grant Wood original, the one he used as a demo in his workshop.  I have already had it framed and it is now hanging up in my home!  Thanks to all and I look forward to painting with you in the New Year…”

Seascape, the grand prize at the Holiday Party 2016

Seascape, the grand prize at the Holiday Party 2016


Nina Ost chats with a visitor at the opening reception.


Guest cellist, Claire Solomon, entertaining at the opening reception.

We Paint…the Bicentennial!
The Opening Reception took place Friday, December 9, at the Monroe County History Center with over 100 people in attendance!  It’s a beautiful show in an appropriate setting and will be up through February 18.  Many thanks to Anne-Karine Bley and Tricia Wente, co-chairs, and their helpers who put in lots of hours to make this show and reception such a great success!
Jerome Harste received a Merit Award for his painting “Jericho” at the Missouri Watercolor Society’s 2017 Membership Exhibition now being shown in Gallery 1900 located in downtown St. Louis.
Jerry also was honored as one of his paintings was used as the cover for an ebook.

"Jericho," watercolor on paper, Jerry Harste.

“Jericho,” watercolor on paper, Jerry Harste.


jerrys-hearts-as-ebook-coverBetty Wagoner has received an Arts in the Parks grant from the Indiana Arts Commission. The title is “Plein Air Painting with Watercolor Media.”   Betty will be teaching five plein air classes in watercolor pencil and watercolor painting at T.C. Steele State Historic Site and at Starve Hollow State Recreation Area. The classes begin in March and end in August.  Keep watch for more news about the classes!
BWS Upland Plein Air Painters
From Kristen Stamper:
Organization Meeting and Potluck Lunch
Tuesday, January 17, 10 am – 1 pm
Hosted by Jacki Frey
“BWS Upland Plein Air Painters will be scheduling painting events for nearly every week in 2017. Come to our organization meeting and lunch on Tuesday, January 17. This is a great time to get involved and help us plan where to go painting in 2017. The one requirement of membership is to host at least one painting event in the coming year. This means you get to decide where we will go to paint—it could be a public park, private land, your studio, or wherever you would like.”
For full details, send an email to
On Friday, January 6th, 2017, Flowing Colors Studio, a working arts studio located above Caveat Emptor Book Sellers, 112 North Walnut Street, Suite 600, will have the studio open to the public from 5 pm to 8 pm.  Flowing Color Studio artists are Don Geyra, Kathy Barton, Patricia C. Coleman, and Joanne Shank, members of BWS.  Some artists may demonstrate during the open studio.  Flowing Colors Studio offers an eclectic mix of media, from oils, watercolors and acrylic to botanical dye, book arts, tessellations and fiber arts.  Classes in bookmaking and contemplative creative arts for small groups scheduled for 2017.  Stop in and see what’s happening.  Visit Flowing Colors Studio online at http://flowingcolorsstudio.blo
Thanks to the H-T for featuring so many BWS artists in their special featuring winter scenes!
Tricia Wente‘s portrait commission was recently unveiled in Portland, Oregon. The painting is honoring three historic foresters: David Mason, Donald Bruce and Jim Girard, the founders of MB&G. The natural resources consulting firm is celebrating its 95th year in business. Wendy Wente is shown here with the painting.tricia-wente-portrait-of-founders-portland
Anne-Karine Bley joined Jeanne Dutton at College Mall on December 14, providing demonstration of watercolor painting by creating holiday cards.  Thank you to Gabe Colman of The Venue for arranging the opportunity.  Watch for further news about possible events at the mall in the future.  Sales of the cards support the BWS Scholarship!

Arts Fair on the Square
Don’t delay – apply NOW to join! The artist application deadline is March 17, 2017. For more information about Arts Fair on the Square and submission guidelines, please visit the website at Submit your application through ZAPP at (register for a free account and then search for Arts Fair on the Square Bloomington). Please contact us with any questions or concerns; our team is committed to supporting YOU and providing the best experience possible!
fair-on-the-square-2017ART of CHOCOLATE
February brings back the month of chocolate, and this year’s theme is Mardi Gras!  Because of the success of last year’s involvement, BWS has been invited to participate again in 2017.  For a copy of the prospectus, send a request to  Paintings are due February 1, so there’s plenty of time to create your work of art!  Any medium is accepted with Mardi Gras as the theme.  The BWS exhibit will be held at The Vault Gallery.  Opening Reception is Gallery Walk, Friday, February 3.
Ivy Tech is offering several opportunities to grow your watercolor and mixed media skills with BWS members.  Happily, an evening class is now being offered!  Carol Rhodes will be teaching Beginning Watercolor I and II on Tuesday evenings.
Nancy Metz is continuing her “Improvers’ Series” with “Exploring Art Elements” on Wednesday afternoons.
This editor is offering Beginning Watercolor III and IV on Thursday afternoons.
In Bedford, starting March 21, Nancy Metz is teaching “Watercolor Basics.”
March 18, Jeanne Dutton (that’s me!) leads a watercolor workshop at Burton Kimble Farms in Orleans.  “Watercolor Spring Flowers and Lunch on the Farm” offers an opportunity for non-artists to learn the quick basics, then paint two-three small works of art, and enjoy a light lunch in the cozy, charming country kitchen in the old farmhouse.
“Mixed Media Collage Exploration” and “Wabi Sabi Art” is taught at the Waldron by Linda Meyer-Wright.
Don’t delay – register today! – some classes start in two weeks!  Find the full descriptions and register online at


Your editor toasts in the new year with the best of wishes to all of you for a wonderfully happy 2017!

Brushstrokes is the (almost) monthly
newsletter of the
Bloomington (IN) Watercolor Society
Jeanne Ellen Dutton, Editor

LIKE us on Facebook at Bloomington Watercolor Society Community Group

Meeting Minutes November 2016

November 14, 2016, 6 pm     First Christian Church

6:15 pm: Call to Order

Hospitality thanks (Betty Wagoner/Mary Walker)
Special thanks to Sara Steffey McQueen, Char Dapena, Penny Lulich, Kitty Garlock, Mary Walker, Betty Wagoner, and Jo Weddle, who contributed various dishes.

Minutes approval
No changes to the October minutes were submitted by the members. Motion to approve was submitted by Meri Reinhold and Robin Edmundson. Unanimous approval.

Treasurer’s report (Patty Uffman)
BWS bank and fund balances were reported.

Old Business
Notecards are for sale, as always. (Patty Uffman)
Bylaws amendment:
Two bylaws were voted on: Articles II and XI. The 23 members present voted unanimously to approve them. Carol Rhodes will contact more members to achieve the 2/3 vote needed to pass.

Committee Reports
Activities (Jeanne Dutton)
Grant Wood Workshop report:
Workshop was held Saturday, November 5, 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m., First Christian Church. The event was successful. 15 people attended.
Art of Chocolate Show/ Participation:
Life Designs again invited BWS to participate in the annual Art of Chocolate event. This year’s theme will be Mardi Gras. Paintings do not need to be of chocolate, but must be about Mardi Gras. Paintings are due 1/31/ or 2/1/17; further clarification expected. The show will be at The Vault. All refreshments at the opening will be provided. Tickets to the keynote event on February 10 at Indiana Memorial Union (valued at $75 each) will be distributed in pairs through a raffle to BWS participating artists. The Best of Show award will be $100 plus two tickets. 2nd place will receive two tickets.  The show prospectus will be prepared and posted soon. More information on ticket availability and awards will be forthcoming.

Programs (Jo Weddle)
Holiday Party information:
Meadowood Retirement Community, 2455 Tamarack Trail, Bloomington, Indiana 47408.
A wine social begins at 6:00, dinner (sit down) at 6:30; The cost is $22 for members and $24 for guests.
Bring a ready-to-mail original piece of art in the form of a holiday card with matching envelope to become part of the card exchange. The back of the card should be signed and if you have a title please include it. There will be door prizes.
Reservations are required, and the deadline for reservations is Tuesday, November 29. Tickets may be purchased via PayPal link at the website, or you may send checks to:
Bloomington Watercolor Society
PO Box 5236
Bloomington, IN 47407-5236
Please send a note to if you choose to put your check in the mail. Checks must be received by November 29.
Cancellations must be made by November 29 in order to receive a refund.

Upland Painters Activities (Kristen Stamper)
Weekly paintouts will start again in February.
On January 17 at 10am there will be an organizational meeting for Upland painters. The meeting will include a pitch-in lunch. If you are not on the Upland list and want to attend this meeting, contact
There will be a show in April in the Belleview Gallery, at Farmer House on North College.

Publicity (Susie Graham)
Publicity for the December show is going to all area media. (Monroe and surrounding counties plus Columbus, Indianapolis and Louisville.

Gallery Shows: (Anne-Karine Bley)
WE PAINT…The Bicentennial – show dates are Dec. 9, 2016  through  Feb. 19, 2017 at the Monroe County History Center, 202 E. Sixth Street, Bloomington, IN  47408. ONE FRAMED WATERCOLOR PER ARTIST. December 5 is the drop-off date.  Reception is set to be  Friday, Dec. 9th, 5 to 7 p.m. The show Prospectus is available at Rules are more inclusive, and there are size restrictions. Contact Anne-Karine for more information.
(For other show information also see Art of Chocolate Show, above)

Technology (Carol Rhodes)
Website redesign is underway; plans are to have it ready by January

Nancy Davis-Metz – Grisaille: Adapting a traditional oil/acrylic technique for watercolor

Adjourn 7:15 pm
Submitted by Carol Rhodes, BWS Secretary.


BWS Logo 2016 jpeg
November Issue

Monday, November 14, 6:00 pm
First Christian Church, Bloomington, IN

After a short business meeting, 1st VP and Signature Member, Nancy Davis Metz, will present the following program:
“Grisaille: Adapting a Traditional Oil/Acrylic Technique to Watercolor”
Grisaille (pronounced griz-eye) is a painting technique that uses gray tones to establish a 3-dimensional shape. Artists used this technique as early as the 13th century, primarily in creating altarpieces. Oil painters sometime apply transparent glazes over a grisaille to introduce color.
We will adapt this traditional technique to watercolor to create two or more apple paintings. Here’s what you should bring:


Grisaille apple by Charlotte Griffin

Watercolor paper
#8 or #10 round brush
Hair dryer
Permanent Alizarin Crimson
Phthalo Blue
Winsor Yellow or Quinacridone Gold”

BWS Calendar for the remainder of 2016
Tuesday, November 15, 10 am – 1 pm, Upland Plein Air Painters (see below)
Thursday, November 24, HAPPY THANKSGIVING!
Monday, December 5, 2 pm – 4 pm, Drop off paintings for the membership show, “We Paint…the Bicentennial!”  Monroe County History Center
Tuesday, December 6, 6 pm, Holiday Party at Meadowood.  (See below)
Friday, December 9, Opening Reception, 7 – 9 pm, History Center

The annual BWS Holiday Party will take place Tuesday, December 6, at Meadowood.  It’s always a fun gathering with door prizes and a watercolor activity.  This year, it’s a Holiday Card Exchange.  Here’s how it works:  You paint a holiday card – any holiday you choose!  Be sure to sign it as the artist.  Bring it along with a matching envelope, of course.  Then, all those who bring a card get to choose one to take home.
The menu is Chicken Marsala, Elegant Chopped Salad, Broccoli with Lemon Zest, Rice Pilaf, and dessert.  Wine will be served.
Tickets are $22/members; $24/guests.
You can make your reservations at the November meeting from BWS treasurer, Patty Uffman, or any officer.  A PayPal button will be set up on and activated on Tuesday, November 15.
Watch your email for a message with all the details, coming soon!

Grant Wood Workshop
What a success! Fifteen people enjoyed learning new techniques and each completed at least three pieces.  Thanks to Jo Weddle for her help in setting up and cleaning up, and to Grant for putting together a great session in such a hurry.

Students engrossed in Grant's workshop lesson

Students engrossed in Grant’s workshop lesson


Sea spray painting by Char Dapena


Bob Florini painting boats at the workshop

BWS Upland Painters
From Claude Cookman
“Overcast skies, cool temperatures and election-day obligations did not deter a hearty group of regulars from attending the BWS Upland plein air session on Tuesday, November 8. The venue was Bloomington’s Miller Showers Park, between College Avenue and Walnut Street north of 17th Street.
Although most of the autumn foliage had fallen, there were still plenty of motifs from wild flowers to water lilies, bees and butterflies, trees of all varieties and a babbling brook. A hawk and three mallard ducks were sighted. Limestone walls around the park’s pools provided linear contrast with the organic forms and great opportunities to practice perspective.
Miller Showers Park, which performs the ecological function of purifying storm runoff before it flows into Cascades Creek and eventually into White River, also provides great visual opportunities for the artist. Instead of grand vistas, most motifs are on the intimate scale. Strongly recommended, if you have never worked there.”

Kitty Garlock at Showers Park

Kitty Garlock at Showers Park

From Kristen Stamper:
‘The final gathering of the plein air painters will take place November 15, 10 am – 1 pm, at Don Geyra’s studio.  After a holiday break, the Upland Plein Air Painters (UP) January organization meeting will be at 10 am on Tuesday, January 17 at Jacki Frey’s house.  All are welcome! This is a great time to join Upland and get involved. The only requirement of membership is that you host one of the weekly paint-out events in the next year. Joining will keep you up-to-date on all the paint-out details. At the meeting, we will work on our calendar for the winter and spring seasons of 2017. Then enjoy a pitch-in lunch social.
“UP will start up again with paint outs in February 2017. UP may host a few add-on sessions in the meantime, but these are not firmed up yet.  Watch the next issues of Brushstrokes for news or email UP at ”

From Signature Member, Sara Steffey McQueena
“Since retiring from teaching art for 30 years, I have found a new way to work with the Creative and bring together my love of the Spirit, Beauty, and the celebration of the divine feminine deeper into my life, and on canvas. I have been working with Flora Aube for a couple of years in her process “The Art of Allowing.” Her methods encourage intuitive “listening” and looking at the painting to ask what wants to be created, instead of following the “outer critic.”  This process has deepened my experience and my joy of painting. Instead of “teaching”, I will be facilitating you in your own discovery of a feminine portrait from within. We will work with your own sense of the divine and your symbols and intuition.
“In 2017 I will begin offering one on one classes sharing the process of allowing a painting to awaken our “within sight” and help guide you and midwife your own experiences with the Divine Feminine and her many expressions.  No prior experience is necessary, only an open heart and a desire to express the face of the “unknown SHE”.  You may contact me for more information. This class is for women at this time.”

community-arts-awardsCongratulations to our friends at the Lawrence County Art Association on their award!
The event takes place Friday, November 18, 5:30 – 7:30 pm at the Ivy Tech John Waldron Arts Center, 122 S. Walnut Street here in Bloomington.
5:30 – 6:30 pm – Workshops and Gallery Exhibits
6:30 – 7:30 pm – Awards Ceremony and Sweeney Todd, an excerpt performed by Ivy Tech Student Productions
Miah Michaelsen, emcee
The 2016 Community Arts Awards winners, juried by an independent community group, are:
Ted Jones – Winner, Arts Advocate
Rhino’s Youth Center – Winner, Arts in Education
Monroe Convention Center Bloomington Indiana – Winner, Arts in Business
Lee Williams – Winner, Special Citation
Lawrence County Art Association/The Wiley Art Center – Winner, Regional Arts Service Award
Enjoy an entertaining night out with the arts as you peruse the art galleries and enjoy art workshops, offered in 15-minute intervals to allow guests to experience more than one art form.  And excerpt from Sweeney Todd will be performed by the Ivy Tech Student Productions.  Refreshments provide, and a beer and wine bar available.

Have a wonderfully grateful THANKSGIVING and just
gobble till ya wobble!

Brushstrokes is the (almost) monthly
newsletter of the
Bloomington (IN) Watercolor Society
Jeanne Ellen Dutton, Editor

Find us on Facebook at Bloomington Watercolor Society Community Group

Meeting Minutes

October 10, 2016, 6 pm     First Christian Church
6:15 pm: Call to Order

New members welcome: Bob Florini

Visitor welcome: Jerry Pagac

Hospitality thanks (Betty Wagoner/Mary Walker) – Thanks to all those who contributed the excellent dishes.
Patty Uffman, Carla Hedges, Joanne Shank, Claude Cookman, Mary Walker

Minutes approval – No changes to the September minutes were submitted by the members. Motion to approve was submitted by Meri Reinhold and Jerry Harste. Unanimous approval.

Treasurer’s report (Patty Uffman): BWS bank and fund balances were reported. Patti also stated that at the September meeting, $80.60 was raised for the Scholarship Fund from the sale of donated supplies.

Old Business

Notecards are for sale, as always.

New Business:

Rosters: spreadsheets of current members were distributed to the 39 members present.

Officer Replacement: A motion was made by Cassidy Young and Candi Bailey to replace Secretary Cassidy Young with Carol Rhodes. The motion was passed by unanimous vote.

Byaws Review: Charlotte reported that it is time for a periodic bylaws review; in response to her call for amendments, there were several suggestions. The deadline for suggestions has now passed and the board has reviewed and approved the suggestions. Carol Rhodes is chairing the bylaws committee, with Jerry Harste and Bev Ohnick-Holly as committee members. Carol will first send amended bylaws to the committee and then, at least two weeks in advance of the November meeting, forward to the entire membership. A bylaws vote will be held in the meeting. Votes may be cast in person, by mail, telephone, or electronic medium. If a quorum is not met in the meeting, others will be subsequently contacted until the 2/3 membership approval has been procured.

Committee Reports:

There were 8 BWS members at the TC Steele Art Out Saturday, October 8.

BWS awardees in the Watercolor Society of Indiana juried exhibition at the Indianapolis Museum of Art are Jacki Frey, Joanne Shank, Robin Edmonds, and Donna Whitsitt.  The show opens Sunday, October 9, at 2 pm in the Brett Waller Gallery.  The awards ceremony will be in DeBoest Hall.  Note that the Brett Waller Gallery is in the free zone; in order to view all other IMA exhibits you must pay the entry fee if you are not a member.  IMA hours are Tuesday– Saturday, 11am—5pm, extended hours to 9pm on Thursday; Sunday, noon to 5pm; closed Monday.  The exhibit will be open until December 3.

Anne-Karine Blye reported on Peden Farm event 9/29 to 9/30: Anne-Karine Bley was coordinator, and several BWS members volunteered to play with the children and/or paint at the Farm.

Upland Painters:

Kristen Stamper reported three new Upland Painters members since the September meeting. About a dozen members of the BWS Upland Plein Air Painters gathered on Tuesday, October 4, at the Bybee Limestone Company in Ellettsville. Kristen reminded the membership that a show is in the works for April, 2017, at the Bellevue Gallery. All media are welcome. 30 slots are available and a signup sheet has gone around. Those interested should contact Kristen at


Susie Graham reported that the Indiana Daily Student featured an article about BWS regarding the organization and last month’s meeting, in which an IDS reporter, Katelyn, attended. Please send any information on this to Candi Bailey, who is serving as Historian for BWS. Candi offered her phone number at the meeting but will not be published. Contact Info can be obtained from the handout or by emailing

Gallery Shows:

WE PAINT…The Bicentennial – show dates are Dec. 9, 2016 through February 19, 2017 at the Monroe County History Center, 202 E. Sixth Street, Bloomington, IN  47408. ONE FRAMED WATERCOLOR PER ARTIST. December 5 is the drop-off date.  Reception is set to be Friday, Dec. 9th, 5 to 7 p.m. The show Prospectus was distributed at the meeting and is available at Rules are more inclusive, and there are size restrictions. Contact Anne-Karine for more information.

Adjourn 7:15 pm

Program: painting demonstration by visiting South African artist, Grant Wood.

Submitted by Carol Rhodes, BWS Secretary.


Monday, October 10, 6:00 p.m.
After a short and important business meeting, we will be treated to a watercolor demonstration by visiting South African artist, Grant Wood.  He lives on the coast and his seascapes are wonderful.  No need to bring your paint supplies; we’ll be enjoying just watching him work!


Boating Yard Repairs, watercolor on paper, by Grant Wood



Anne-Karine and Kitty entertaining the children with the dot card project


Tricia, plein air painting at Peden Farm


Donna and Jo teaching young artists!


Tricia’s painting from Peden Farm

Many thanks to Anne-Karine Bley, coordinator, and all the BWS members who volunteered to play with the children and/or paint at the Farm!  It was a fun time for everyone.  And our appreciation to the Peden family for allowing us to be part of this incredible event!

Claouds over May Pasture, 14 x 11, watercolor on paper, Robin Edmundson

Claouds over May Pasture, 14 x 11, watercolor on paper, Robin Edmundson

Robin Edmundson’s painting, Clouds over May Pasture, 14×10″ watercolor on paper, was juried into the Watercolor Society of Indiana’s current show.  Congratulations to an artist who’s been doing watercolor for only a few months!
Congratulations also to Jacki Frey, BWS Signature Member, who won a merit award for the painting “Sausalito,” her entry into the New Harmony, Hoosier Salon membership show.
Sara Steffey McQueen, BWS Signature member, is now represented at the Hoosier Artist Gallery.  The gallery is located at  45 S Jefferson Street in Nashville, Indiana.


George Bybee leads a tour of the limestone company.

A report from Claude Cookman
Babbling water, myriad trees, autumn breezes and … oceans of limestone. What more could a landscape painter want?
About a dozen members of the BWS Upland Plein Air Painters gathered on Tuesday, October 4, at the Bybee Limestone Company in Ellettsville, for what may be the highlight of the fall painting season.
A few of us were eager to get started painting but, by the time CEO George Bybee finished his tour, we were glad we held off. He educated us about limestone and shared fascinating stories about his family business, now in the third generation.
The tour started with an overhead look at the huge shop where Bybee Limestone conducts its cutting operations. It has stopped operating a quarry and now does only custom cutting and sculpting. Bybee said his employees are currently working on more than 45 projects for clients worldwide.
We continued to the back lot where we saw mountains of huge limestone blocks, each weighing many tons. They were drying out before the first freeze so the cutters will have material to work on during the winter. We also got a glimpse of two carved Corinthian columns atop a bluff, where Bybee’s brothers are buried.
After the tour, we painted from a wealth of motifs including natural and carved limestone objects with early autumn foliage, baby blue skies and Jack’s Defeat Creek as backdrops.
Most of us who live in this region understand that limestone is integral to our economy and culture, indeed, to the very homes and buildings we inhabit. But few of us had such a vivid picture of the industry before today.

At the Bybee Limestone Company

At the Bybee Limestone Company

Don Geyra painting at Bybee.

Don Geyra painting at Bybee.

Gallery Walk is Friday, October 7, 5 – 8 p.m. all around beautiful downtown Bloomington! Be sure to stop in at the Venue, 114 South Grant, and greet our guest artist, Grant Wood.  His watercolor exhibit opens that night.
BWS Upland Painters
Kitty Garlock is the fall coordinator for the plein air group.  If you wish to join in, please contact  All BWS members are welcome to drop in; however, you should email for final details which are announced on Sunday prior to the paint out.
The weekly events will be suspended from mid-November through mid-January, at which time a planning meeting will occur.
Remaining fall schedule:
Saturday, October 8  “T.C. Steele’s Bloomington” is an Art Out, a bicentennial event.  Full details can be found at
October 11, Moody Farm, hosted by Sande Nitti
October 18, Donna’s woods & lake, hosted by Donna Whitsitt
October 25, Brown County Park Stables, hosted by Babette Ballinger and Anne-Karine Bley
November 1, T.C. Steele State Historic Site, hosted by Anne-Karine Bley
* Friday, November 11, Figure session with model, hosted by Claude Cookman (time to be announced)
November 15, Don’s studio/in & out, hosted by Don Geyra
(All paint outs begin at 10 a.m. unless otherwise noted.  Email
Watercolor Society of Indiana
The WSI annual juried show opens Sunday, October 9, in the DeBoest Hall at the Indianapolis Museum of Art.  An awards ceremony takes place at 2:00 p.m., then the group moves to the Brett Waller Gallery, across from the gift shop, to see the exhibit.
The Brett Waller Gallery is in the “free zone.” To view all other IMA exhibits you must pay the entry fee, unless you are a member.  IMA hours are Tuesday through Saturday, 11a.m. to 5 p.m. with extended hours to 9:00 on Thursday; Sunday, noon to 5 p.m.  The museum is closed Mondays.
The WSI show is on exhibit until December 3.



watercolor Fall Sun

Fall Sun, Sara Steffey McQueen, BWS


Brushstrokes is the (almost) monthly
newsletter of the
Bloomington (IN) Watercolor Society

Jeanne Ellen Dutton, Editor

Find us on Facebook at Bloomington Watercolor Society Community Group