August Newsletter 2023

Joe Lee in Clown Costume

Member Meeting: Monday, August 14, 6 – 8 p.m.

Business Meeting:

BWS’ August Meeting will be held at First Christian Church beginning at 6 p.m. Enter through the Washington Street door; the door code will be sent by email. The meeting will not be on Zoom.


 Joe Lee said this about the August program: “I will be posing in my “Jolais” costume and makeup. I will demonstrate the makeup application, and talk about the significance, symbolism, and history of clowning using illustrations I have put together over the years.”

Following Joe’s presentation members will be invited to do his portrait, applying all they have learned about drawing portraits from last month’s BWS Meeting (see the entry “Five on the Floor! Five artists demonstrate portrait methods, field questions at the July BWS meeting” in this Newsletter).

Members can use any art materials they wish (charcoal, pencil, watercolor, gauche, etc.). So Remember: Bring supplies and enjoy a portrait session sponsored by BWS and featuring Bloomington’s favorite clown and political cartoonist!!

Inside BWS

We Paint…Out of the Box

Join us at The Waldron Arts Center on August for a final reception from 5-8 p.m. We Paint…Out of The Box has attracted a lot of traffic and gained a few new BWS members.

If you wish to see the exhibit before August 4th be aware that the hours have changed since we hung the show.

We have new pickup dates. You may pick up your work during these days and times:

  • Wednesday, August 9, from 5:45 to 7:45 pm
  • Friday August 11, from noon to 3 pm


Waldron’s NEW Summer hours: Wednesday and Thursday 12-5 pm; Friday 12-8 pm. Saturday/Sunday, by appointment only. To make an appointment, contact

BWS Membership Show: “We Paint…Things We Love”

“Bottoms Up!!” by JCHarste

Show chair, Laura Brown, encourages members to work on paintings to place in the member show which is titled “WE PAINT…Things We Love”.  The show will be from September 23 through October 28 at the Viridian Moon Gallery.  The dates to remember are the following:

  • September 13, provide images (pictures taken of work before putting glass in front of the painting) for use in publicity and for the online gallery.
  • September 15, deliver framed painting to Viridian Moon between 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m.
  • September 23, opening reception 3:00 – 5:00 p.m.
  • October 28, closing reception 3:00 – 5:00 p.m.
  • Members should read details for the show in the show prospectus.


Sat Aug 12th 11:00am – 3:00pm

Owen Valley Winery, 401 Timber Ridge Road, Spencer, IN 47460.

It’s nearly Harvest time at Owen Valley Winery and the vibrant green leaves and plump grapes are filling up the vines. This beautiful country setting is ripe for a paint out.  Bring your brushes and your vintner’s spirit to the Paint Out on August 12th. The gate will be open at 10:45 (so you may come in and set up for an 11:00 a.m. start). The winery officially opens for business at 12:00 noon, but arrangements can be made for wine to be served when you set up. Please reach out to April @ or Zoe @ by Friday 8/11 5:00 pm with any early requests. Otherwise, when you want to stretch your legs, wander into the winery for a tasting, lunch and a slice of their famous house-made cheesecake at noon. This is a 3-generation family-run winery, where the vino is produced and bottled with a heart for craftsmanship.  A member of Indiana Grown, Owen Valley is on the Indiana Uplands wine trail with Butler, Oliver, Brown County, French Lick, Huber, Winzerwald, Best Vineyards and Turtle Run wineries. PLEASE NOTE: Due to ATC and Health Department regulations, no outside food or alcohol is permitted. You’re welcome to bring your water bottles and coffee cups.

Owen Valley Winery, 491 Timber Ridge Road, Paint Out August 12th. Check out more on current events at the winery @

If you are interested in carpooling check with Charlotte Griffin who has volunteered to coordinate such efforts.

Directions: (Using GPS directions is not recommended, better to follow the directions below as you drive)

Coming from 46 West out of Ellettsville.

46 West. Turn left on Hwy 43 at the light just before McCormick’s Creek State Park. Proceed 2.5 miles, Turn Right on Freeman Road  Go .8 miles Turn Left on Timber Ridge Road. Proceed on Timber Ridge Road 2 miles. Owen Valley Winery will be on the Right.

Coming from the South side of Bloomington via 3rd Street (48 West passing by the airport)

Proceed West on 48/43 passing the airport, and toward Whitehall about 4.2 miles. 48 splits off at Whitehall. Stay toward the right on 43.  

Continue through Whitehall on 43 for 7.8 miles and the beautiful country drive. Turn left on Freeman Road  Go .8 miles turn left on Timber Ridge Road. 

Proceed on Timber Ridge Road 2 miles. Owen Valley Winery will be on the Right. 

BWS Members Collaborate with the
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention

In mid-July a half dozen BWS members volunteered to “Paint Rocks” in support of the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP).  The rocks that were painted can be seen by participating in the AFSP’s 2023 Bloomington Out of the Darkness Walk held on Sunday, October 22, 2023.


Some of the rocks painted by BWS Members. Photo compliments of Charlotte Griffin.

Eskenazi Museum of Art Live!

On July 15, the Eskenazi Museum of Art invited BWS members to come to the museum and paint as part of its “Art Live” program which the museum described as a “convergence of music, art, and community.” Several BWS members participated including Claude Cookman, Joanne Shank, and Leslie Asher. Below is a photo of Leslie Asher in the midst of painting on the second level of the atrium in the museum. When asked about the experience she said, “Painting at the Eskenazi Museum was really fun. I would definitely do it again.”

Five on the Floor!

Five artists demonstrate
portrait methods, field questions 
at the July BWS meeting

It all started with Penny Lulich. She suggested a session titled “Four on the Floor” to BWS program chair Joanne Weddle. Penny’s idea was that four BWS members would paint portraits, while members kibbitzed and asked questions. Somehow, a fifth artist got added, and the whole enterprise shifted into higher gear. Five artists — Penny, Meri Reinhold, Deborah Rush, Jane Matranga, and Claude Cookman — demonstrated their methods, materials, and skills in the portraiture genre at the July 10 Bloomington Watercolor Society meeting at the First Christian Church. Despite working in the same genre, they produced extremely varied results, not merely because of the different content but because of their unique approach and handling of the materials.

Below are photos of the artists in action, their finished works, and their reflections on portraiture. Digital reproductions are never as good as seeing real work. Therefore, the five artists have agreed to bring their actual paintings/drawings to the BWS August meeting so you can see their final portraits in a mini exhibition. 

Penny Lulich • Anna at the Creek • Watercolor 

There are many ways you can paint a portrait, and I painted this one rather quickly and without a color photo to help me. I painted this because it inspired me with the beauty of the innocence of a young child exploring a creek for the first time, and I let values and shapes guide me.  

Skin tones. The most asked question at my table, was, how do you make the color for the skin tones. I use Winsor & Newton “light red”, and go from there, adding other colors when needed such as burnt sienna, opera pink, cad red, and manganese blue hue. 

Understatement. Someone said, “I can’t wait to see how you handle the rock that the child is sitting on.”  I didn’t handle it very much, because I didn’t want the focus to be the rock, but rather the child. I hope it looks satisfactory.

Future. I felt like we had a good evening, and it was fun for everyone. I hope we do this again in other genres.

Penny Lulich takes a round brush to the portrait of her granddaughter, Anna, playing in a creek.

Meri Reinhold • St John Friend • Watercolor 

Motivation. I am fascinated by the human form and love to draw it. The human face has so many incredible variations. It always captures my interest. As a member of the Bloomington Portrait Group, I was able to enjoy endless variety in features, from young people to elders and everyone in between; some in ethnic costume, some with instruments, even one young man with a snake wrapped around his neck. 

Advice. As I teach drawing, I hear comments such as “I can’t do hands or teeth” or variations of that. But I can tell you that drawing is drawing is drawing…. It’s ALL the same and what you learn is perspective and the relationship of shapes and contours to each other.

Meri Reinhold works on her portrait as a BWS member looks on.

Deborah Rush • Anne • Watercolor

I’ve been drawing people since I was a child. A lot of times that’s the only thing you have to draw. If you want to draw, there are usually people around. 

Objective. Other than a likeness, it’s capturing a spirit. It doesn’t have to look exactly like the person, but it has to have their character. 

Method: I usually start with an oval and the line for the eyes and also down the middle of the face. And then I start drawing the eyes. They’re very, very important. And then I carry on from there, because everything is connected: do the eyes, come down the nose, do the mouth. And then refine. But it’s a very rough drawing. 

You almost have to work in layers. I start with a thin layer of the darkest color — to get started, to get past that white-paper thing. 

Anne. Part of it was her pose, part her beautiful coloring: the red hair and the pale skin. It’s like: you see something and it strikes you; it’s something you want to capture. Also, I had done a portrait of her at a Portrait Group session, and I didn’t like it. So, I wanted to do something better. I’m still not satisfied. I think I could work on it for another four hours, but I know I won’t.

Questions. Most of the questions were about the colors I was using for the skin tones. That seems to be a big mystery for people. And everybody uses something different. … I use new gamboge and opera rose, which is a pink. And when you mix them together in any strength, it looks like methylate, for people who are old enough to remember what that is. So, it’s a hideous color. But when you water it down and put it on paper, it’s a nice, sparkly skin tone. It’s absolutely appropriate, I think. It doesn’t get muddy.

Advice. The whole thing can be daunting. But if you start doing small studies of eyes, a nose, mouth. And don’t worry about how they all go together. But get familiar enough with those features that you know what the shapes are — any intricacies — then it’s much easier to put them together in a face. 

Under the watchful eye of Barbara Coffman, Deborah Rush picks out a tube of color for her painting of Anne.

Jane Matranga • Elsa Schiaparelli • B&W charcoal 

Drawing and painting portraits is perhaps my favorite form of art making besides designing clothes.  I’ve drawn “figures” and “faces” since I was a toddler!

Objective. Early on, my reason for doing portraits was to capture a likeness and make sure the facial feature proportions were accurate. That is still important but, now I want to infuse the portrait with character, the subject’s and some of my own. I hope to accomplish that by being more loose with paint application and by using some unexpected, bold colors.

Model. I chose to draw Elsa Schiaparelli because she is my fashion idol. The image I used was a black and white photograph from the 1920’s so I used black and white charcoal on grey paper.

It was fun to create a portrait as people watched. It reminded me of doing portraits on the boardwalk in Atlantic City one summer. 

Questions. Most people asked me questions about my painting of my parents on the velvet top I had on display.

Claude Cookman • Toni Morrison • Charcoal

Motivation. I’ve been trying to learn to draw since 1994. For me drawing is about seeing in a concentrated, purposeful way. In his book “Why We Draw,” Frederick Franck expressed it best: “I have learned that what I have not drawn, I have never really seen …” The human face is complex. We can always discover new facets. 

Method. I’ve been drawing portraits seriously since the Bloomington Portrait Group launched in January 2017. After several frustrating years, I discovered a method published by Andrew Loomis in 1943. It lets you establish the structure of the head plus the proportion and arrangement of the features from any angle. I work in many different mediums but for the BWS session, I chose charcoal. I started by covering the paper with powdered charcoal, which got rid of all that intimidating white. It also let me draw negatively by erasing with cotton swabs, a chamois skin, and a kneaded eraser. I did the block-in with vine charcoal. It’s extremely malleable; you can erase and redraw endlessly. When I got the structure and tonal values down solid, I moved to compressed charcoal for dark values and charcoal pencils for fine details. I used a white charcoal pencil for a few small highlights on her face. Pardon my enthusiasm, but I also like charcoal because it’s great fun. Creating gradients, softening edges, or blending tones is like finger painting in grade school. I have more than 8 hours in this drawing, and am still not satisfied. I stood during the entire time, at BWS and also in my studio. This kept my arm off the table, allowing for gestural strokes, and let me step back from the drawing frequently to evaluate proportion, tones, transitions, etc.

Motif. I chose to draw Toni Morrison, the Nobel laureate in literature and one of my favorite authors. The reference photo captured her face, but I gave her a sad expression. At a time when politicians attempt to deny America’s history of slavery and the systemic racism that prolongs that era and when police officers still summarily execute unarmed young black men with impunity, I tried to imagine the sad wisdom that Ms Morrison expressed in “Beloved” and other novels, then convey it by her expression and dramatic tonal contrast.  

With a vine charcoal stick, Claude Cookman blocks in his drawing of author Toni Morrison.

Outside BWS

“On MY Journey” by Zoe Dean
Cancer Support Community

Mon Jul 10th – Fri Aug 25th

Cancer Support Community Building, 1719 W 3rd St, Bloomington, IN 47403.


Zoe Dean is the featured artist for July/August at the Cancer Support Community. Her show is titled “On My Journey.” Gallery hours are Tuesday toThursday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. but visitors must make an appointment to avoid conflicts with other activities at the center. Make appointments by contacting or call 812-233-3286.

Call for Artists: The Venue

Grand opening and reception: September 3, 2023.

Dave at the Venue invites artists to submit work for The Venue’s Juried Art Show, a part of The Art & Soul of Bloomington.  APPLY NOW to participate. The prospectus can be found on the Venue’s website:

The Venue is pleased to answer all of your questions by your calling 812-322-1661, emailing

Reminder:  Call for entries for the Friends of T.C. Steele Member Art Show.

T.C.Steele, “Selma in the Garden” (Internet photo)

Show dates:  August 25-September 23, 2023
Registration deadline: August 10, 2023
Closing reception: September 23, 2-4 pm.  Features a guided tour of the Brown County Art Gallery with an emphasis on the history of the Brown County. Art Colony and an online tour of the T.C. Steele Trail.

Prizes awarded in all categories:
1) Professional
2) Amateur/Emerging Artist
3) Youth (18 and younger
4) Best-in-Show: $1000

All art media accepted, including photography.

Youth are encouraged to enter.  (Parents, grandparents and art teachers/tutors, please encourage youth artists to enter their artwork.). Frames for youth artwork will be loaned for the duration of the show. We will frame the work at time of delivery of artwork.

The show is on exhibit during the Brown County Art Colony weekend that features paint-outs at T.C. Steele State Historic Site and Nashville.

Not a member?  Join the Friends at time of registration.

Learn more at:

For more information contact Betty Wagoner.

Hancock County Art Gallery

Hancock Country Arts along will be hosting a Regional Portrait Society of American Exhibition on August 11th and 12th. In addition to exhibition there will be demonstration by artists creating portraits. Guests also are invited to take part in the annual Greenfield Chocolate Walk festivities.

The Exhibit opens August 5th at 11 a.m. and closes August 26th at 2 p.m. Hancock Country Arts Gallery, 20 West North Street, Greenfield, IN.

Watercolor Society of Indiana

WSI invites members and friends to attend the 41st Annual WSI Juried Exhibit at Newfields/ Indianapolis Museum of Art. The show runs from August 4 to September 30, 2023. On August 6th at 2 p.m. there will be an opening reception and an awards ceremony in the DeBoest Lecture Hall & Bret Waller Gallery at the museum.

WSI is also hosting a 3-day workshop (October 4 to 6) with Michael Holter at Second Presbyterian Church, 7700 N. Meridian Street. The topic of the workshop is “Watercolor Impressionism: Landscape/Cityscape.” For more information and costs go to WSI’s website.

Impressionistic landscape by Michael Holter

Friday, August 4 & Saturday, August 5
West Baden Springs Hotel • Garden & Veranda

Local artists will be painting in the West Baden Springs Hotel garden and on the hotel veranda. The paintings will be displayed and available for purchase Saturday, August 5th, in the West Baden Springs Hotel lobby.

Artists for Climate Awareness

Have you ever noticed trees with knitted sweaters around the Courthouse in Bloomington? Artists for Climate Awareness will be a “tree hugger” this year with its own sweater! Artists for Climate Awareness are raising money toward the “Wrapped in Love 2023″ tree sweater project for Middle Way House. Sara Steffey McQueen and her women’s group have already planned a knitted/crocheted design. The tree Sara has reserved is near the corner of Kirkwood and Walnut, across from Uptown Cafe. (A highly trafficked location! ). Deadline for donations is September 8.

Viridian Moon Gallery

The Viridian Moon Gallery will be hosting an Upland Plein Air Exhibit starting August 9th with an opening reception on August 12.. Here is the link to the event:

Membership News

Joanna Samorow-Merzer. “George and Viola Taliaferro,” a painting by Joanna Samorow-Merzer, was accepted into the KWS Aqueous USA National Juried Exhibition. The exhibition is scheduled between July 27th through September 16th at the Preston Arts Center, 2660 S. Green Street, Henderson, Kentucky 42420.

“George and Viola Taliaferro,” by Joanna Samorow-Merzer

Timothy Lewis. Nothing new to show – working on 4 commission paintings right now. I do have a couple of items of note:

  • The Watercolor Society of Indiana’s Annual Juried Exhibition will open on August 5th in the Waller Gallery at the Indianapolis Museum of Art at Newfields. The show will have 45 of the best watercolors in Indiana on display through the end of September. 
  • My watercolor, “Old Hamilton County Jail”, was included in the Nickel Plate Arts’ Noblesville Nostalgia show in Noblesville from July 6th through Julyt 29th.

“Old Hamilton County Jail” is a 16” x 12” watercolor using QoR paints on 300# Arches cold-pressed w/c paper

Patty Uffman. I asked Patty Uffman if she would mind my publishing her limerick (a ode to Carol Rhodes as an outgoing president) in the Newsletter as so members who were not at the July meeting might enjoy it. She agreed, so here it is: To Carol from All Of Us.


She has inspired us year after year.
We respect her as both a leader and peer.
Founding member of BWS…
Who’s this person?  Take a guess!
Carol Rhodes is the one we honor here!
With every office she has dutifully held
From Prez on down, she’s always excelled.
Talented, yet humble…
Catching us if we stumble…
With Carol on board, we’ve all been propelled.
Carol has always stepped up to the plate,
Arriving early for set-up – she’s never late.
Need something done?
Carol Rhodes is the one!
She has the knack to make us look great!
Wherever she’s present she offers a smile.
She’s just a nice lady to talk with a while.
She’s done more than most
And knows how to host,
And is quite accomplished as a true technophile!
Carol’s a gift, we all must conclude.
Her dedication we all have viewed.
She has served us
But now, no more fuss.
Carol’s a model – just not in the nude!

  • Patty Uffman  – On Behalf of Bloomington Watercolor Society  – June, 2023.

Tricia Wente.  Here are a few photos from a July event held here in Oregon.   Every year there is a Lavender Festival and 150 artists are encouraged to paint up to 5 works during a period of 3 1/2 weeks at the lavender farms throughout the Willamette Valley. The paintings must be within certain sizes, and painted plein air.   It is always a fun time since usually we have great weather.  It culminates with a two day art exhibit for the public to enjoy at the local Newberg Arts Center.    Of course, I sampled the wine at the Durant Winery which is my favorite site to paint.

Robin Edmundson has an exhibition at the Vault at Gallery Mortgage from August 3-Sept 29.
You are invited to attend the opening reception on Friday, August 4 from 5-8pm.  121 E 6th St. #1, Bloomington, Indiana

Robin Edmundson, ‘Evening, Wabash River’, watercolor, 10×14 inches.

Kathy Truelove Barton.

Gazebo at Farmhouse Cafe and Gardens 
Painting by Kathy Truelove Barton
2022 Watercolor on paper with Acrylic white highlight on the gazebo.  This painting was done with three layers of Daniel Smith watercolors. 

 Kathy’s painting was exhibited at the Will Vawter Show, hosted by Hancock County Arts, at Twenty North Gallery.  The show came down in July.  Three other Bloomington artists also exhibited; Betty Wagoner, Irina Shishova (owner of Viridian Moon Gallery, and Katya Alexeeva. 

Laura Brown. These are a few examples of the paintings I’ve done for the July World Water Color Month hosted by @doodlewashed on Instagram .   The first is called “Diversion” (the road sign); the second, “Flavor” (the boulion cubes).   Each piece is approximately 5.5 by 8.5 inches. 

July World of Watercolor paintings by Laura Brown

Joanne Shank. Here is the poster and description of the show I’m having at the Venue during August.

The blurb for the show reads: Joanne Shank is fascinated by the energy of movement and how that can be expressed in her artwork.

She enjoys sketching musicians while they are performing.  The music inspires the lines as she tries to capture the essence and energy of the moment. The exhibit will have a number of large drawings of musicians playing a variety of instruments.

Joanne is also inspired by the energy in spontaneity that she captures in small finger paintings. She has made large acrylic paintings in an effort to duplicate this movement and energy.  Being a dancer as well as painter, Joanne finds satisfaction in trying to express movement in a large 2D format.

Joanne works in several different styles.  She will have her watercolors on display at the Bloomington Open Studios Artists Exhibit at the Backspace Gallery, with an opening reception the same evening, August 4th.  See her work at both places!

Joanne adds a personal note: On July 15th, I participated in the event at the Eskinasi and drew musicians in two bands that played. The musicians loved the drawings, so I gave them away.  Wore my BWS badge proudly!  Appreciated the opportunity.  Thanks


August 1 – August 25. Zoe Dean’s Exhibition, Cancer Support Community Center.

August 3 – September 29. Robin Edmundson Exhibit, The Vault.

August 4 – August 5. West Baden Garden & Hotel Vernada Paintout.

August 4. Reception, “We Paint…Out of the Box,” Waldron, 5-8 p.m.

August 4 – 27. Joanne Shank’s show at the Venue. Opening Reception: August 5.

August 4 – September 28. WSI’s 41st Annual Juried Exhibition, Indianapolis Museum of Art.

August 5 – August 25. “Portraits.” Hancock County Art Gallery, Greenfield.

August 12. BWS Paintout: Owen Valley Winery, Spencer.

August 14. BWS August Meeting, 6-8 p.m., First Christian Church.

August 25 – September 23. T. C. Steele Member Art Show.

September 23 – October 28. BWS Membership Show, Viridian Moon Gallery.

September 3. Grand opening and reception, Art and Soul of Bloomington, The Venue.

October 4 – October 6. WSI’s 3-Day Workshop with Michael Holter, First Presbyterian Church, Indianapolis.

October 22. “Out of Darkness Walk,” American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP)

July Brushstrokes 2023

In June, and in conjunction with our yearly change of officers, BWS celebrated Carol Rhodes’ long-time commitment to the organization by giving her a Jane Matranga silk hand-painted and sewn tote bag full of well-wishes from individual members. Pictured above are Carol Rhodes, Patty Uffman, Jeanne Dutton, and Linda Branstettler. Photos compliments of Nancy Metz.

BWS Monthly Meeting: July 10th, 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.

Business Meeting:

BWS’ July Meeting will be held at First Christian Church beginning at 6 p.m. Enter through the Washington Street door; the door code will be sent by email. The meeting will not be on Zoom.

Program: “Five on the Floor”

Watch five BWS artists create portraits.

Penny Lulich • Ethan • Watercolor

We are fascinated by faces. Child psychologists tell us that after only a few hours newborn infants can distinguish their mothers’ faces. For millennia artists have portrayed the human face in every medium from charcoal to chalk, silverpoint, ink, graphite, pastel, watercolor, and oil, as well as three-dimensional representations in wood, clay, stone, and metals. Humans are compelled to create portraits.

Meri Reinhold • Massai Jeweler • Watercolor

All forms of artistic expression are equally valid, but portraiture is more exacting than other genres. In landscape, it is not essential to get every tree exactly in place. With still lifes and florals, there is latitude in size, contour, and value. In a portrait, however, if a feature is a few millimeters out of place, if an angle is askew, or a proportion slightly off, viewers will sense something amiss.

Deborah Rush • Claire • Watercolor

At July’s BWS meeting you will have the opportunity to see five BWS artists paint and draw portraits from reference photos of their choice. They are: Penny Lulich, Meri Reinhold, Deborah Rush, Jane Matranga, and Claude Cookman. Each will give a brief description of her/his process, then go to work. Members are encouraged to circulate, watch them in action, and ask questions. During the program, there will be a mini exhibition of portraits by the five participating artists. A handout on portraiture will also be available.

Jane Matranga • Donna Carlton • Watercolor

Claude Cookman • Wendell Willkie bust in IMUnion • Charcoal

If you need motivation to kick start your own portrait making, visit these URLs:

An audio slideshow of work by the Bloomington Portrait Group, which shares many members in common with BWS.

The finals of the British Portrait Artist of the Year Competition. Watch six exceptional portraitists, including a watercolorist. British actor, Sir Ian McKellen, is painted in different styles with different materials. Worth the time.

Inside BWS

BWS Membership Show

“WE PAINT…Things We Love!”
September 20 – October 28, 2023

BWS Show Chair, Laura Brown, announced that this year’s theme is “We Paint…Things We Love!

For Mary Cassatt it was “The Goodnight Hug.” For some, that may be a family heirloom. For others, the house where they grew up. For gardeners, these amazing spring flowers. For portrait painters, your beautiful grandkids! And the list goes on…. Whatever you love and whatever makes you happy, paint it!

This year’s show will be at the Viridian Moon Gallery (1600 W Bloomfield Rd, Suite B). Gallery hours are Wednesday to Saturday, 10:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. The Opening Reception will be on Saturday, September 23, from 3 to 5 p.m. The Closing Reception will be on October 28, from 3 to 5 p.m.

See the Prospectus on BWS’ website. Now is the time to begin work on your contribution. Let’s make this the best Membership Show yet!

We Paint…Historic Bloomington!

“Uncle Bruce & Aunt Vearl’s House” by Jane Matranga. The house at 607 E. 12th Street belonged to Jane Matranga’s great uncle and aunt, Bruce and Vearl Callahan, and their children, Conrad (Connie) and Carolyn. The house was built in 1920. “My family drove down to Bloomington from Franklin many times for family gatherings and especially to visit before and after IU football or basketball games. The house is five blocks from Memorial Stadium and Assembly Hall. “Bruce and Vearl welcomed my sisters and me when each of us attended IU in the 1950’s, 1960’s and 1970’s.”

Closing Reception: Gallery Walk Friday – July 7 – 5:00 to 7:00 p.m.

Monroe County History Center

Catch your last glimpse of the Historic Bloomington exhibit before it becomes, well, Historic! Then pop around the corner to the Waldron to enjoy “We Paint…Out of the Box!”

We Paint…Out of the Box!

BWS (with the support of the Sande Nitti Education Fund) offered a workshop on Friday, June 9 by Anne Farley Gains entitled “Exploration in 3-D Watercolor”. The 3-D art produced by Jerry Harste, Leslie Gamboa Asher, and Linda Mann, (shown above) are a part of the Out of the Box Waldron show.

June 22 – August 5

The Bloomington Watercolor Society includes talented watercolorists who are also accomplished in other mediums.  This exhibit includes work by BWS members who go “out of the box” and create art in myriad mediums or produce works that use watercolor in unconventional ways.

See our works at The Waldron Arts Center Education Gallery!

 Receptions are during First Friday Gallery Walk times: 5-8 pm on July 7 & August 4.

Note: Kate Galvin, Artistic director at the Waldron Arts Center, advises us that there is a small modification to public gallery hours for July and August, as this is the slow part of the year in Bloomington.  Beginning on July 1, the galleries will be open to the public at the following times: 

Wed and Thurs 12pm-5pm

Friday 12pm-8pm

Sat and Sun by appointment only

Galleries will also be open during all performances. For folks wishing to visit the galleries over the weekend, the Waldron crew will be very happy to accommodate them; people will just need to email in advance to make arrangements. This information will be updated on their websites and on Google beginning on Saturday and they will also post signage on the doors. 

Gallery Walk will be next Friday July 7 as per usual, and we hope to have a great turnout for that! Please encourage everyone to come out!

Garden Club’s Garden Walk

This year’s Garden Walk on June 10 and 11 saw ten BWS and Plein Air painters displaying their talents.  The gardens were in full bloom and, for the most part, the rain stayed away.  Below are some pictures of the gardens and the paintings that were created.

July is officially World Watercolor Month!

Begun by Charlie O’Shields of Doodlewash in 2016, this month celebrates all things watercolor!  The challenge is to paint a little something everyday – 31 days, 31 paintings.  Find inspirational prompts and ideas at

We got the Rocks!  You got the Creativity!
A Suicide Prevention Effort

Thursday – July 13 – 1:00 p.m.

BWS has been invited to join Project STAY and Kiwanis on a project to paint rocks as part of a National Suicide Prevention.  Kiwanis is purchasing the supplies, including acrylic paints, Posca paint pens, and brushes, all for your creative use!  Much thanks, too, to Preston Arts Center for making supplies affordable.

Later that week, after the paint dries and before they’re varnished, a tag will be added that gives credit to BWS and Kiwanis. 

Thursday, July 13 we’ll meet at the home of Michelle Martin Colman, SafeTalk trainer.  She’ll serve iced tea and coffee and treats while we do the painting.

Want to join in for a couple hours of fun and chatter?  We can do a lot with 6-8 artists. Please let Jeanne know with an email to  You’ll be glad you did!


  • Betty Wagoner — The Friends of T.C. Steele announces a new project, a virtual or driving trail, with maps, that explore the life and work of T.C. Steele, one of Indiana’s greatest impressionist painters.   For more information go directly to “The Trail”:
  • Nancy Metz – The Eskenazi Museum of Art has an exhibition of “Landscape and Abstraction in Watercolor, 1780-1980” from September 5 through December 10.
  • Sarah Ward, BWS Scholarship Committee Chair, announces that the BWS scholarship has been awarded to Danza Batson who is a recent graduate from the Academy of Science and Entrepreneurship and will be attending Indiana University to major in Fine Arts.  The scholarship committee will try to get Danza to come to our meeting to show some of his work.

BWS Paintouts

  • Paint the Park — Saturday, July 15th, 9 am to 1 pm., Sycamore Shelter at Lower Cascades Park, Bloomington, IN 47404. Hosted by Carol Rhodes. Announcement will be sent to members. for more information, contact
  • Paint a Vineyard Scene in August–Owen Valley Winery, 401 Timber Ridge Road, Spencer, IN 47460, USA. Owen Valley Winery sits on a high ridge in a beautiful country setting featuring the vineyards, a cafe, a front porch, out buildings – all the things that make for a fine day of painting. The winery opens at 12:00, but hosts April Bledsoe and Zoe Dean will be on hand to open the gates and greet our plein air painters at 11:00. The cafe offers lunch, wine tasting, and a place to cool off in the August heat. Carpooling for members is available – watch “Brushstrokes” and your email for details. Email with questions. For more information about the winery, go to

Outside BWS

An Invitation: Art Alliance of Greater Bloomington

Henry Luck, President of AAGB, sent BWS members this invitation: Upland Plein Air and AAGB are co-sponsoring a FREE art demo, pitch in and music evening with Rick Wilson !!!  

Thursday night, July 6. 6:00 -8:00 pm at the Flex Space at the Arts Alliance Center.  Rick Wilson is known nationally and is highly respected as a landscape oil painter. He has a current exhibit at the Flex Space.  We’ve asked him if he would be willing to share his approach to painting. So he will do a 90 minute demonstration, showing his approach to the art of painting . (We won’t be painting.) I think this will be a valuable session for painters of all mediums.  He is also a guitar player. So after the demo, he will play a few tunes while we enjoy each others company and share in a pitch in (hors d’oeuvres/desserts). AAGB will provide the wine !

This should be a really fun opportunity to relax and socialize as a visual arts community in Bloomington.

Upland and AAGB are sharing the cost for the evening, so it will be free to all.  Please help us spread the word !!!!! 

Call for Artists: The Venue

Dave at the Venue invites artists to submit work for The Venue’s Juried Art Show, a part of The Art & Soul of Bloomington. APPLY NOW to participate. The prospectus can be found on the Venue’s website:

The Venue is pleased to answer all of your questions by your calling 812-322-1661, emailing

Call for Entries: Friends of T.C. Steele Member Show

Artists with active membership in the Friends of T.C. Steele are invited to enter the show. Non-members are welcome to the show after the completion of the membership application.

The show is open during the Brown County Art Colony Weekend, September 8-10!  That means more visitors to see the show.

Categories of Artists:
1) Professional Artist
2) Amateur/Emerging Artist (New this year)
3) Youth (18 and younger)

Win up to $1000!
Parents, grandparents, art teachers and tutors, please encourage your
young artists to enter the show.  They could win a prize for their
school art program and a gift certificate for themselves!

Registration deadline:  August 10
Deliver artwork.  August 19 – 20, 2023, 12-4pm
Show Opening. August 25, 2023
Closing Reception.  September, 23 2023. 2-4pm
Pick-up of Artworks: September 23 after reception & September 12-4pm

For more information and registration:

Betty Wagoner: Find her be emailing

Call for Abstract Art: Southside Art League

The Southside Art League offers an opportunity for abstract artists to enter a juried competition. The only catch is that the deadline is coming up!

Hoosier Salon

The Hoosier Salon’s current show is “Timeless Treasures.” This will we followed with its annual “Good Ole Summertime Exhibition” from July 15 to September 3. The Hoosier Salon is open Thursday and Sunday from 1 to 4 p.m. and Friday and Saturday from 12 to 4 p.m.

Watercolor Society of Indiana

If you have not yet seen the WSI Annual Membership Exhibit, you have got to see this show! There are 75 beautiful pieces of original art.

Open until July 22 at McFarland Hall Gallery at Second Presbyterian Church, 7700 N. Meridian St., Indianapolis. 

Membership News

Lynne Gilliatt wants to invite you to Jane Haley and her fiber art show at the Vault Gallery from now until the end of July.

Robin Edmundson. I have a show coming up in early in August.   Here is the postcard announcement.

Tim Lewis. I have a new watercolor that I finished in June: “Rapid Transit” (15″ x 11″ transparent watercolor).

My watercolor, “Sunshine Came Softly” (15″ x 22″ transparent watercolor) was accepted into the Watercolor Society of Indiana Annual Juried Show which will hang in the Waller Gallery at the Indianapolis Museum of Art from August 4th through September 30th.

Two of my watercolors, “Entropy” (15” x 22” transparent watercolor) and “Caw Caw Perspective” were juried into the Hancock County Arts’ Annual Will Vawter Show and “Entropy” was awarded “Best Of Show”. This show will be at the 20 North Gallery in Greenfield through July 15th.

Leslie Asher wrote to share a picture she did while traveling in France this summer.

Susan Savastuk and local photographer Don Waters have teamed up for a Gallery-Walk event.

“Juxtaposition: A photographer and a Painter” will be on display at The Engraving and Stamp Center July through August. 

Susan has been using some of Don’s landscape photos as references for her paintings. They joined up to display them together.

Sharon Parsons. I started this painting in a workshop  by Renee Brouwer. Her new tips on composition gave me the start, but it was my composition and my painting . 

Jacki Frey. Here are 3 paintings I completed while vacationing in Maine.  We spent several days around Portland, Rockland,  and Port Clyde where  Edward Hopper and Andrew Wyeth painted. 

Jacki also shared some of her Maine photos for us both to inspire and to enjoy!!

Andy Roberts. I painted at this year’s Garden Walk on Saturday June 10th at the Slaven Garden in Spicewood. While the garden had a very elaborate landscaping (huge stones surrounding the home with a waterfall and stream), I concentrated on some of the flowers planted amongst the rocks. I completed four 5×7 note cards which are attached. I plan to have prints made from these as well as four more that I have completed on various paint-outs this summer. 

Barbara Coffman. I attended Ann Grimes’ 3-D workshop. To add an extra dimension of “3-D-ness” to my piece, I let the leaves dry and then used a small brush and clear water to paint a line down the central stem. Then I creased the leaf along that line before gluing it down. I wish I had finalized all my pieces and my layout before gluing my flowers. I would have cut out the petals separately and curled up the edges. 

Laura Brown. A type of painting I love to do is what I see out my window when I am a passenger in a car.    I always looked out the window when I was a kid and always thought there was so much beauty in simple highway scenes.   Shapes, atmosphere and color all intermingle to make an interesting and fun painting.  I’m calling this one “Power Lines.”


Note: For up to date information always check BWS’ Online Calendar!!

Things available to do now:

-Participate in World Watercolor Month by producing a painting a day throughout the month of July.
-Submit an abstract painting, Southside Art League
-Stop by to view Lynn Gilliatt and Jane Haley’s Fiber Art Show at the Vault
-Plan trips to see WSI’s Membership Show at Second Presbyterian Church, Indianapolis (ends July 22) and/or The Hoosier Salon’s “Timeless Treasures” Show (ends July 14)
-Stop by the Education Gallery at the Waldron to see our “We Paint…Out of the Box” Exhibition (ends August 5th; Closing Reception, August 4)
-Volunteer to paint rocks as part of suicide prevention (6-8 artists needed by July 13)
-Submit a painting to the Venue Juried Art Show part of the Art & Soul of Bloomington

July 6 — Rick Wison, Art Alliance of Greater Bloomington, 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.

July 7 — Closing Reception of “We Paint…Historic Bloomington,” Monroe County History Museum

July 7 — Opening Reception, “We Paint…Out of the Box,” Waldron, 5 to 8 p.m.

July 7 — Opening Reception, Susan Savastuk & Don Walter’s Exhibition, Engraving & Stamp Ctr.

July 10 — BWS Meeting, First Christian Church, 6-8 p.m.

July 15 — Paint the Park, Sycamore Shelter, Lower Cascade, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

August 4 — Opening Reception, Robin Edmundson’s Exhibition at Monroe County Cancer Center

August 4 — Opening of WSI’s Annual Juried Show, Indianapolis Museum of Art (ends September 30)

August 10 — Registration Deadline, T.C. Steel Membership Show

September 5 — Eskenazi Museum of Art, Landscape & Abstraction Exhibit

September 23 — Opening Reception, “We Paint….Things We Love,” BWS Membership Show

March Brushstrokes 2023

Candice Bailey sent a note saying, “We just returned from Florida” along with this painting, entitled, “Five Palms”

BWS Business Meeting and Program — March 13

BWS’ March Meeting will be held in the Great Hall at First Christian Church beginning at 6 p.m. Enter through the Washington Street door; the door code will be send by email. The meeting will not be on Zoom.

Program: Painting a Still Life

Bring your paints and celebrate St. Patrick’s Day! After a short business meeting, we’ll share our time and talents as we paint a still life “set up” featuring flowers, shamrocks, and other things Irish. And, hopefully, enjoy Jo’s famous homemade shamrock sugar cookies.

A page from Jeanne Dutton’s Sketchbook

Some words of inspiration!!

My still-life painting has more to do with light and shadow than with the objects themselves ”
— William C. Wright

“I love painting still life because there’s a feeling of musical, flowing experience. The drawing doesn’t matter as much – what you’re really after is a feeling of clarity and beauty.”
— Jacob Collins

“Memories are like still life painted by ten different student artists: some will be blue-based; others red; some will be as stark as Picasso and others as rich as Rembrandt; some will be foreshortened and others distant . Recollections are in the eye of the beholder; no two held up side by side will ever quite match.”
— Jodi Picoult

Remember to bring painting supplies!!

Inside BWS

We Paint….Monet and More!

BWS’s show We Paint…Monet and More is currently at the Vault at Gallery Mortgage. It is scheduled to run through March 27. The show benefits Bloomington’s Teachers Warehouse.  

The winter benefit show for Teachers Warehouse opened with its first reception during Gallery Walk on February 3 and was well attended with over 50 people enjoying the exhibit.  Needless to say, there were many favorable comments from visitors and fellow artists and, again, it’s an exhibit of which BWS can be proud.  Congratulations to Barbara Epperson on the sale of her painting.  

Twenty-two artists entered paintings in varying adaptations of the impressionist style, a school of art fathered by Claude Monet.  Those paintings were considered by three judges, taking into account technique, presentation, and relevance to the theme of the show.   The winners are Jo Weddle, Silver Second, for her painting “Loving Lilies,” and Rose Brenner won Best of Show for her work, “Fish Pond.”  

It takes a full team of folks to make an exhibit happen, and many thanks are due to many people…just too numerous to mention!  But Gabe Colman gets a special round of applause for rounding up the judges, interacting with Teachers Warehouse, inspiring Rotary North to sponsor the YouTube video, and being emcee at the reception.  His daughter, Stella Rose, age 4, was also a big help with the drawings for the door prizes which were won by:  Sharon Parsons, a Monet tote bag from Newfields;  Kathy Barton, a Monet coloring book; and Jo Weddle, a 2023 calendar featuring many of Monet’s famous paintings.

Take a virtual tour of “We Paint…Monet and More!” at

Or wander through the BWS SmugMug Gallery at

Second Reception: “WE PAINT..Monet and More!”

Please Join Us!!

An Exhibit & Event to Benefit Teachers Warehouse
Friday, March 3, Gallery Walk 5:00 – 8:00 p.m.

The exhibit may be viewed now through March 27 at The Vault at Gallery Mortgage, 121 E 6th Street, Bloomington. Gallery Hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday to Friday. Please call ahead at (812) 334-9700.

Available for Purchase:  Fine Art!  Prints!

Unique hand painted and crafted original greeting cards are $10 each with 100% of the proceeds going to Teachers Warehouse. Proceeds from paintings are shared 50/50 with Teachers Warehouse and the artist. For further information contact Jeanne Ellen Dutton,

Andy Roberts, “Water Lillies”

  A Request From BWS’ Historian

Linda Branstetter, BWS Historian, wrote to say “I would be happy to receive flyers, postings, notices of member shows, and other materials that document the work of our watercolor society. These items will be collected and placed in BWS’ History Binders.   Mail materials of this sort to my address.  I do not have a printer.”

Outside BWS

Viridian Moon Art Gallery

Rose Brenner, Susan Savastuk, and Henry Leck have teamed together to present an art show called “The Beauty of Nature” from March, 1 to March 25 with the opening reception on Saturday, March 4th, from 3 to 5 pm.

Additionally, the Viridian Moon Art Gallery is fully funding an effort to help pay the tuition of 16 students at the Art Academy in Kyiv, Ukraine by selling 11×14 prints of their work– for $35 each. Attached are some examples of their art pieces, which Irina Shishova has printed and prepared with mats.

Irina says:

“Dear Bloomington friends! We are so excited to let you know about an opportunity to help these amazingly talented art students from Kyiv, Ukraine complete their education under the most challenging circumstances. Please come check out their prints on sale at our community art gallery starting Saturday, February 18th, to show your support! 100% of the print sale’s proceeds will benefit the Art Academy’s students.

Thank you very much!”

See the academy’s website at

Viridian Moon’s website with hours and location are at http//

BWS artists support the Cancer Support Community

Thanks to a conversation between staff of the Cancer Support Community for South Central Indiana and BWS member Jeanne Dutton, any BWS artist has the opportunity to present a two-month solo exhibition at CSC offices at the corner of Landmark Avenue and West 3rd Street. Artists donate 20 percent of their proceeds to CSC.

The program started in September of last year. So far BWS artists Meri Reinhold, Laura Brown, and Rose Brenner have participated. Participating artists have so far generated sales that have enabled them to donate $397 to CSC.

CSC provides support groups for cancer patients, family, and caregivers; wellness programs such as yoga, chi kung, nutrition, and art therapy; education; and social opportunities, as well as access to extensive information resources. Exhibition space is open to any BWS member. Call Stephanie Shelton at CSC at 574-606-7687 to inquire about openings in the exhibition schedule. 

The Cancer Support Center will feature the work of Sara Steffey McQueen in March and April. Two posters are attached. While they look alike, one is a bio and the other a description of the show.

Sara wrote to say, “The works in this show are being made into an Intuitive Inquiry Oracle Deck.” The third images is an example of what one of the cards in the Inquiry Oracle Deck looks like.

Sara concluded her note saying, “I hope to see some of my BWS, Upland and Portrait friends at the Reception.”

Opening reception March 10, 4 p.m. to 7 p.m.

Calling BWS Artists: An Invitation

The Cancer Support Center is needing a BWS artist (or small cadre of BWS artists) to exhibit their work for September/October and November/December. If interested please contact Stephanie Shelton at Stephanie extends her thanks for allowing CSC to host our artists and says that if anyone has any feedback about the CSC/BWS arrangements, comments are welcome.


IVY Tech to Host Avon Waters Workshop

Join artist Avon Waters in learning how to work with pastels in a new way, applying velvety rich color using soft pastels along with various liquid blending mediums. This special method, called “wet pastel” is applied in a repeated “construction and deconstruction” process, which allows the painting to guide YOU to its conclusion.

The Avon Waters workshop includes two days of instruction (March 24-25) in pastel techniques along with encouragement to help climate and conservation efforts. Enrollment fees will go to three nonprofit organizations. Featured will be a short discussion about what we can do to help the environment and a brief presentation by a representative of Sycamore Land Trust, who will talk about the organization and its efforts.

See more details at Painting Nature in Wet Pastel by Avon Waters: Two-Day Workshop – Artists for Climate Awareness


When: March 24, 9am to 4pm and March 25, 9am to 3pm

Where: Ivy Tech Bloomington (in-person)

Cost: $140

The workshop is appropriate for both beginners and improvers. In this workshop you can explore new pastel techniques or refine those you already use, while learning how you and your art can help conservation efforts. If you are new to pastels and want to explore them, don’t worry about the investment. Inexpensive soft pastels from various craft stores and popular online stores will work well. 

 Indiana Watercolor Society.

Between now and April 28 members may enter the Annual Membership Exhibit which is scheduled to be held at the Second Presbyterian Church in Indianapolis and the Annual Juried Exhibit which will be shown at Newfields in the Indianapolis Museum of Art from May 13th to July 21st.

Both exhibits are on display for more weeks than last year and both venues are working with WSI to help increase exposure and sales!

Follow these links to see deadlines, details, and apply online:

Membership Exhibit Online Registration 

Juried Exhibit Online Registration

Arts of the Earth Day

On Saturday, April 22nd, T. C. Steele State Historic Site will hold its fifth Arts of the Earth Day. Cate Whetsel, the Steele Historic Site Program Developer, asks that If anyone from BWS would like to come out to the site to paint or otherwise work outdoors on the 22nd, they would love to have them!

The site will waive regular day admission for everyone visiting outdoors that day. Building tours (10:15 a.m., 1:15 p.m., and 3:15 p.m.) will still cost site admission ($10/adult; $8/senior 60+, $5/youth ages 3-17). Artists who wish to work outdoors will work between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. on site the day of the program.  Cate says, “We hope to have artists of all mediums! Arts of the Earth is a program to welcome spring and the return of warm weather, and to offer our visitors an inspiring day outdoors. Although we cannot guarantee it, it’s likely the daffodils will be in bloom!

Artist wishes to participate in Arts of the Earth Day should email Cate ( with their name and times during which they will paint (ex. Name: Cate Whetzel, painting from 12-3 p.m.). Cate says she will create a guest list of participating artists for check-in at the Visitor Center. As a thank you for visiting and sharing their art making, artists will be have complimentary coffee, water, and soda available to them.

Additionally, the staff at the Steele Historic Site will be offering the Teddy Bears’ Picnic for kids and families from 1 to 2 p.m. on Arts of the Earth Day. The cost is $4/child with a limit of 20 children. Cookies and lemonade will be served in the garden, accompanied by a reading of the Teddy Bears’ Picnic. Pre-registration is required, as ticket sales for the picnic will end on April 19. Tickets can be purchased over the phone, in person, or online.

Local Artist Showcase

From 2012-2016, Bloom Magazine sponsored The Local Artist Showcase, an event featuring artists from Monroe, Brown, Green, Lawrence and Owen counties. This year The Local Artist Showcase will by held on April 23 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Monroe Convention Center. All artists and galleries are welcome. There is no jurying. Booth fees are $120. Space is limited. Deadline for artist registration is March 10th. Reserve your booth by February 28th to get a discount and receive preferred placement.

Artists for Climate Awareness Gallery Show

As of this writing, six members of BWS who are also members of Artists for Climate Awareness will be displaying their artwork in the Education Room at John Waldron Arts Center, 122 S. Walnut St., Bloomington, IN 47404 from March 3 – April 7, 2023. The show is in conjunction with a show upstairs named “Climate Shock”, in which Kriste Lindberg will also be showing her work.

The show in the Education Room is called “Elements: An Exhibition by Eight Artists on Climate Awareness.” It features Bess Lee, Joe Lee, Jo Weddle, Carol Rhodes, Meri Reinhold, and Sara Steffey McQueen. Two other artists (Craig Barton and Anita Names) are also in the show but are not members of BWS.

Opening Reception: Friday, March 3rd, 5-8 pm (First Friday)

Attached: Joe Lee, “Save the Animals, Save Yourselves.”

Painting Deserts in Watercolor: Workshop Report

Photo by Kathleen Truelove Barton (In-person Workshop Attendees)

On Saturday, February 25, several Bloomington Watercolor Society members and others attended a daylong workshop hosted by Artists for Climate Awareness, at Ivy Tech’s Bloomington campus and online. The workshop, “Painting Deserts in Watercolor,” featured an art project and an environmental education component. Nancy Davis Metz led the demonstration and art portion, and the educational component was led by Carol Rhodes. After a rocky technological start, the participants painted a desert sky and simple landscape using granulating paints and then painted an adobe building in the desert.

Emeriti House Art Show

Members and their partners of the Emeriti House retirees and Indiana University Retiree Association are invited to submit artwork to the 20th Annual Art Exhibit at the Emeriti House on IU’s campus. Artwork must be submitted by April 24. The opening reception will be on Friday, April 28, from 5 to 7 p.m..

Membership News

Timothy Lewis

Several items of note:

  • I received a Distinction Of Merit for my watercolor, “Crab Bounty”, at the Brown County Art Guild’s Annual Patron Show which ended February 18th.
  • My watercolor, “Obed River”, was accepted into the 2023 Annual Juried Art Exhibition to be held at the Hamilton County Artists’ Association Gallery, 195 S. 5th Street, Noblesville, IN from March 1 through March, 31. Only 45 out of 327 entries were accepted.
  • I have two watercolors I completed recently:   
  • “Isle Of Palms 2022” is a 16” x 12” watercolor inspired by a photo taken on vacation at Isle of Palms, SC in 2022.
  • “Sunlight Came Softly” is a 15” x 22” watercolor inspired by a bouquet sitting on our dining room table in direct sunlight.

Phyllis Taylor

I have three works accepted into the juried art show “Figure & Face” at the Cannon Beach Art Gallery in Cannon Beach, OR.  This show runs from February 17 – March 26, 2023. (

The group I belong to in Oregan just had the artists reception last Friday. It was fun to meet artists from all over the state. A nice mental boost during these gray winter days.

I have two watercolors and a Prismacolor sketch accepted in the show.  See attached.

Tricia Heiser Wente

Tricia Heiser Wente sent her good wishes and invited everyone to her new show in Salem, OR.

Carolyn Rodgers Richards

The only relevant news is that I will have some of my paintings in our cooperative Hoosier Artist Gallery’s booth at the Local Artists Showcase on Sunday, April 23rd at the Convention Center. Below is an image of one of my painting for the Local Artists Showcase. It is called, “Summer Bouquet” and was done in acrylic and acrylic compatible cold wax. 

Christine Peterson

I’m a fairly new member of BWS.  I received the BWS email regarding the venue at Cancer Support Community, and today they signed the contract with me to have my exhibit there for the months of May and June!  The show will be called, “The Spice of Life.” I will have cards and prints available of the 30 to 40 paintings I will be hanging.  Attached are samples of my work and a statement about me and the show.

“For the past fifteen years or so, Chris Peterson has enjoyed studying many techniques for painting inwatercolors, acrylics, encaustic, and most recently oils. Every year she has attended a workshop or two with different artists in many locations. These experiences have resulted in this exhibit of extremely diverse works including portraits, abstracts, still life, and a few landscapes. She continues to learn and paint, and will probably never settle on one style. “Spice of Life” offers variety in mood, subject and atmosphere.”

Kathleen Truelove Barton

MarySue Schwab

Bill Schwab

MarySue Schwab, Bill Schwab and myself, Kathy Truelove Barton will be participating in a show that will hang for the month of April in Viridian Moon Gallery here in Monroe County.  This exhibition featuring work in various media. Paintings  capture the “spirit of place” with Central and Southern Indianan being the focus.  It is a unique collection of work representing places we have traveled and recorded in paint. Painting together does not mean seeing in the same way, and we think this show is a wonderful view into the eye of the artist. The show will be at the Gallery from March 29th through April 22nd.

Lynne Gilliat

I’m happy to report that I won first prize in the “Let It Snow” Show at the Viridian Moon Gallery. My painting was done in pastel on sandpaper and was entitled, “Prayer Flags in the Snow.”

Jerome Harste

I have been playing, trying new techniques and styles. The painting I submitted to our Historical Bloomington show is shown below (Painting 1) and was entitled “Building America.” I wanted to honor Bloomington’s limestone industry and its impact on architecture throughout the nation. Painting 2 is an attempt to redo that first painting in more whimsical style using patterns upon patterns. Painting 3 is my attempt to take a small section of Painting 2 to create an abstract which, of course, I also ended up embellishing.

Kitty Garlock

In January a friend of mine who lives in Australia contracted me to paint a picture for her mother-in-law’s 60th birthday present.  She sent me a couple photos of their home to choose from and I fell in love with this one.  I told her I had never done anything bigger than 7.5 x 9.5 and wondered if that was ok…they thought they would rather have a larger one.  So this is my foray into the largest piece I have ever done…10.5 x 13.5!  Finished mid-February and should be arriving in Australia any day now!  My friend said…”Oh she is going to cry when she sees this!”  Making someone cry may not sound right but it sure made me feel good!!

Now I am doing another one contracted by a friend and I have decided to make it the same size!!

Susan Savastuk

Three items:

*Team Show with Rose Brenner and Henry Leck at Viridian Moon Gallery. Opening reception Saturday March 4, 2023. 3-5PM

* Preparing for a July show at Gallery B in Bloomingfoods West. It will be a series of portraits in pointillism  with marker.

*Showing in the John Waldron Art Center Spotlight Gallery March – April. Opening night reception for Gallery Walk will be March 3rd from 5-8 PM.

Rose Brenner

Rose Brenner took best of show award in the Patron category at the Brown County Art Guild in Nashville, Indiana on February 17th! 

Jacki Frey

We are in San Miguel de Allende, here’s my night scene.

Nancy Metz

My painting of Molnar’s sculpture, “The Light of the World,” that stands over the south door of the Monroe County Courthouse has been juried in to the 2023 Kentucky Watercolor Society AquaVenture Show.  The show hangs from March 17 to April 27 at the Lyric Theater, 300 E. Third St., Lexington, KY.

Charlotte Griffin

Charlotte sends greetings from Vero Beach, Florida.


Now — Support Ukrainian art students’ by purchasing reprints at Viridian Moon Gallery.

March 1 to 25 — “Beauty of Nature” Show, Viridian Moon Gallery, Bloomington.

March 1 to 31 — Annual Juried Exhibition, Hamilton County Artists’ Association, Noblesville.

March 3 — Second Reception, “We Paint…Monet and More,” The Vault, Bloomington, 5 to 8 p.m.

March 3 — Opening Reception for Sara Savastuk, Spotlight Gallery, Waldron, 5 to 8 p.m.

March 4 — Reception, Susan Savastuk, Rose Brenner, & Henry Leck, Viridian, 3 to 5 p.m.

March 10 — Deadline for registering for a booth at the Local Arts Showcase.

March 10 — Opening Reception, Sara Steffey McQueen, Cancer Resource Center, 4 to 7 p.m.

March 13 — March BWS Meeting, First Christian Church, Bloomington, 6 p.m.

March 24 and 25 — Avon Walters Workshop, IVY Tech, Bloomington.

March 27 — Last day to see “We Paint…Monet and More” Exhibition, Vault, Bloomington.

Month of April — MarySue Schwab, Bill Schwab, & Kathleen Truelove Barton Exhibition, Viridian Moon Gallery, Bloomington.

April 22 — Art of Earth Day, T. C. Steele Historic Site.

April 22 — Teddy Bear’s Picnic, T. C. Steele Historic Site.

April 23 — Local Artist Showcase, Monroe Convention Center, Bloomington.

April 24 — Last day to submit artwork to the 20th Annual Art Show at the Emeriti House, Bloomington.

April 28 — Last day to enter WSI’s Membership and Annual Juried Exhibitions, Indianapolis.

April 28 — Reception, 20th Annual Emeriti House and IURA Art Exhibit, 5 to 7 p.m.

Months of May and June — “Spice of Life” Exhibition, Cancer Support Center, Bloomington.

January 2023 Brushstrokes

January 9th: BWS Membership Meeting

Inside BWS

Monet and Friends

On December 7th members of BWS took a trip to Newfields to see the LUME exhibit “Monet & Friends.” Kathy Barton’s photos document the adventure.

BWS’s Holiday Party

On December 12th BWS had its annual holiday party at Meadowood. Participants were invited to bring a painting inspired by Monet for the annual holiday exchange. Nancy Metz documented the event in pictures.

BWS’ Winter Benefit Show: We Paint Monet and More!!

Jeanne Dutton announced that again this winter, BWS will host an exhibit to benefit Teachers Warehouse.  Last year, we were incredibly successful and raised over $1000.  Because of TW’s purchasing arrangments and buying power, that $1000 translated into more the $10,000.  In short, we did GREAT!

This year, our theme moves from the post-impressionist Van Gogh to the Impressionist artists.  Founded by Claude Monet, others who followed this movement were Degas, Delacroix, Cassatt, Matisse, just to name a famous few.

Our exhibit – with YOUR impressions of landscapes, portraits, and still lifes – will run from February 3 through March 31.  Please send images and all the info for the SmugMug gallery to by January 20.. Attached is the prospectus.  It is also posted online at

Remember, this show is open to all 2D mediums, so get out those pastels, oils, acrylics, inks, any medium you choose. And to inspire you, here are some links to enjoy and a sample from one of your fellow artists.  (Thank you, Deborah Rush!)

Happy painting!


Monet bio –

Monet –

Giverny –

Cassatt –

Degas –

Impressionism –

Renoir –

Debora Rush: Monet’s Griffy Lake

BWS’ Scholarship Winner Makes the News

Opening of article from Herald-Times submitted by Nancy Metz

Sandi Nitti Education Fund

Sandi Nitti donated her collection of art books to BWS. BWS has used the money from sales of these books to set up rhe Sandi Nitti Scholarship Fund. The Fund is awarded to members who need assistance in attending watercolor events of interest to them which they could not otherwise afford. 

Kathy Truelove Barton reports that to date BWS has generated $320.00 from sales of Sandi Nitti’s books and to remind the membership that the book sales continues. More than 50 books are still available. Techniques in pastel, watercolor and ink as well as some books with beautiful pictures of paintings for inspiration and browsing. Contact Kathy Truelove Barton to schedule an appointment to select  a book or two, or three. Hardback books are $10.00 and soft cover books are$ 5.00.

Outside BWS

Upland Plein Air will host their Winter Membership Show entitled “Things We Love” at the Bloomington Arts Alliance from January 13th through February 12th.

The Watercolor Society of Indiana celebrates the artists of Indiana in its watercolor show in Fort Wayne from January 7th through February 25th.

The Viridian Moon Art Gallery in Bloomington will host an All Media Winter Art Show entitled, “Let It Snow!” from January 7th through February 25th.

Membership News

Jacki Frye. This is my snow scene for the Veridian Moon art show in January. Also, it is the scene I painted for a few Christmas notes that I mailed out.  This farm actually exist. It’s on the winding road as you go back to Yellowood  State Park from Highway 46.  Title: moon rising.

Susan Savastuck. I will have some pieces in the Virdian Moon Gallery Show in January, Meanwhile I continue to display at the art Alliance Center in the Collage Mall. Will have some pieces in the Viridian Moon Gallery Snow Show in January. This painting is called “Winter Crisp,” painted on a 12″x 12″ piece of gesso board. Finished right before I came down with Covid.

Laura Brown. Here are some winter themed paintings I’ve been working on.  They are all submitted for the “Let It Snow!!” exhibit at Viridian Moon in January. 

Rose Brenner. Attached is a flyer for my show at the Cancer Support Community Center.Everyone Is invited to Rose’s opening reception on January 13th.

Nancy Metz send in pictures from BWS’s Trip to Newfields to see the Monet and

friends exhibit.

Mary Sue & Bill Schwab will have artwork in the Patron Show at theBrown County Art Guild. MarySue’s student entered the show with a beautiful pastel of a horse. As a horse lover, Ms. Deboy drew and painted her horse, “It’s the first time I used pastels” she said! 

MarySue has been accepted in the light Space and Time online Botanical art show from entries around the world. 

Light Space & Time Online Art Gallery – Home

In addition, Bill and MarySue will have art work in the “Let it snow” art show at Viridian Moon. 

Irina Shishova. January is a busy month at Viridian Moon Art Gallery and I would like to share a few things with our artistic community: 

1) “Let it snow!” all-media show starts on January 7th;

2) Three local photographers have joined us. The reception is on Saturday, January 7th, 3-5 pm;

3) Meri Reinhold, Betty Wagoner, and Candi Bailey are showing their work in our reorganized “Watercolor Room”.

Attached is a flyer for the photography show and a thumbnail look any the paintings in the “Let It Snow” Show.

And for those who are interested here are websites for various events currently goes on at the Viridian Moon Gallery:


January 7 — Opening Reception for the three photographers that are showing at the Viridian Moon Gallery.

January 7 to February 25 — WSI’s “Artists of Indiana” Show, Fort Wayne.

January 7 to February 25 — “Let It Snow” Show at Viridian Moon Gallery, Bloomington.

January 9 — BWS January Membership Meeting, McCalla Elementary School.

January 13 — Opening Reception for Rose Brenner’s Show, Cancer Community Support Center.

January 13 to February 12 — Upland Plein Air Show, Bloomington Arts Alliance.

January 20 — Send images for BWS Winter Benefit Show to the SmugMug gallery to

February 2 to March 31 — BWS Winter Benefit Show for Teachers Warehouse.

BWS November Newsletter

Paint Bloomington! Artist, Deborah Rush “Portrait of Annalise”

November 14 — Membership Meeting

The Bloomington Watercolor Society will hold its monthly meeting at 6 p.m. Monday, November 14, at the First Christian Church, 205 E. Kirkwood Ave. Enter through the Washington Street door; the door code will be sent by email. Members are welcome to share the number with guests, and a phone number will be posted on the door as backup. For those choosing to attend via Zoom, the meeting room and password stay the same month to month. However, for security reasons, Zoom meeting details are not published on the Web. Instructions will be sent by email and members are welcome to share them with guests.

After a brief business meeting, BWS member, Penny Lulich will present the program.

“Finding Joy and Confidence with Watercolors: What I’ve Been Learning Along the Way.” 

Paintings: Haystack Rock, Sand Dunes, Depot Bay, Oregon Coast

“I’ll be painting a scene from a photo I captured of Big Sur on the coast of California, while sharing some of my watercolor story, and the watercolor adventures I’ve had over the past seven years.  I’ll chat about how I found joy and confidence after a very rocky beginning, and even during a time of lonely painting under the “stay at home” Covid conditions.   I’ll share my favorites; paints and palettes, inspirational watercolor artists, books, and videos, and tools that have helped me along the way.

I don’t know how much of the painting I’ll finish during the BWS program at the November meeting, but my hope is to inspire by sharing my story with you.

Below you will find my drawing of the Big Sur scene, and the photo I took.  I’ll list the paints, brushes, and paper I use.  Bring your own along with you or paint from home if you like.  

Paper:  140 lb coldpress

Brushes:  Escoda Prado #20 (for covering large areas quickly), Princeton Aqua Elite # 12, Princeton Aqua Elite # 8   (Mostly, I like round brushes)

Paint and palette:  I mostly use Daniel Smith paints, but occasionally I use M. Graham or Windsor Newton.  Bring the paints you use and enjoy.  

Palette:  All the usual suspects;  yellow ochre, burnt Sienna, cobalt blue, new gamboge, lemon yellow, ultramarine blue, Indigo, sap green, green gold, cobalt violet (or any purple color that you like), Alizarin Crimson, cad orange, cobalt turquoise,  shadow violet, shadow green, cascade green.  Any other color combinations that you like to use, that include both warm and cool tones.  

Inside BWS

October Was Some Month!! BWS Has Lots of People to Thank!

We ended September on a bang! On September 29 and 30, BWS supported the Peden Farm Children’s Farm Festival by assisting young children in creating thumbprint animals. The Children’s Festival was a large event, with hundreds of elementary and pre-school children in attendance. BWS volunteers worked full or half-day shifts in groups of three or four. Sarah Ward coordinated the effort. And then came October…..

  • Paint Bloomington-Babette Ballenger

On October 8, The Arts Alliance of Greater Bloomington, Upland Plein Air, Bloomington Watercolor Society, Artists for Climate Awareness, and Bloomington Portrait Group teamed up to provide a free all-day event.  Patty Uffman reported that although the day was chilly those who attended enjoyed the day and the excitement it fostered. The sessions for both adults and children were well attended.  Babette Ballinger thanks BWS members for their support in donations of supplies and volunteering their time. 

  • Paint Historic Bloomington Show– Jeanne Dutton

This BWS Membership Show can be seen through November 23 at the Vault at Gallery Mortgage.  The first reception was on October 7. Somewhere between 50 to 60 people attended.  There is an on-line version of the show available via Smugmug.  A second reception will be held on November 4.  Members are reminded that works from the show will be shown again next year at the Monroe County History Center. 

Special visitors to the Opening Reception were the daughters of George and Viola Taliaferro, featured in the painting shown here.  Linda Harvey on the left and Renee Taliaferro on the right posing with artist Joanna Samorow-Merzer.

  • BWS Saturday Paint Out-Betty Wagoner

BWS had its final Saturday paint out on October 15 along with a pot luck at Peden Farm.  Patty Uffman and Betty Wagoner provided two flavors of chili (Red-beef and White-chicken) while participants bought side dishes. Here is Betty’s report:

“It was a beautiful day although a bit nippy.  We enjoyed the fields, farm barns and a variety of animals and birds. The Pedens were gracious hosts.  For our lunch, they set up tables and
chairs in one of the barns and Mrs. Peden provided vases of cut flowers from her garden.
We enjoyed red chilli from Patty Uffman and white chilly from Betty Wagoner. Those attending: Babette Ballinger, Linda Branstetter, Jackie Frey, Kitty Garlock, Pennly Lulich, Andy Roberts, Patty Uffman, Betty

Second Reception: “We Paint…Historic Bloomington!”

Mark your calendar! The 2nd reception for the BWS Annual Membership Show takes place during the Gallery Walk, Friday, November 4, from 5:00 – 8:00 p.m. at The Vault at Gallery Mortgage (121 E. 6th Street).  It’s a great show featuring 26 watercolor paintings by Bloomington Watercolor Society members. You don’t want to miss this beautiful – and educational – exhibit, created in collaboration with the Monroe County History Center.

While you’re there, please be sure to vote for your favorite piece of art.  The People’s Choice award of $50 will be announced on November 28.  

LUME field Trip: Monet and Friends

Wednesday, December 7th, 2022

9:30 a.m. – 3:00 (ish)

Newfields – the Indianapolis Museum of Art  

Bloomington Watercolor Society members are invited to jump on the bus and take a road trip to see this fabulous display at Newfields!  Discounted ticket price is only $25 per person.  Reservations begin November 1.  Members, watch your email for all the details.  Questions?  Send an email to

“The moment you step out of the elevator into Floor 4 of the IMA Galleries, you are transported to 19th century Paris, when the face of European art changed forever. Your journey comes to life with a rich, dynamic display of light, color, and sound. Impressionist paintings, dance around you on an enormous scale, revealing the vivid detail and bold brushstrokes of some of the most famous artists of all time including Monet, Pissarro, Renoir, Cézanne, and more—all set to a musical score that includes Europe’s most renowned composers.“

A Monet-Inspired Christmas Party at Meadowood!

Mark Your Calendar!!! Monday, December 12, 6 p.m.

This year our BWS Christmas Party will be at Meadowood. The event will feature a buffet dinner. While not mandatory, participants are invited to bring ‘a Monet-inspired painting’ (5″x7″ – Greeting Card Sized) for a “Bring One; Take One” Exchange. Your attendance is important, whether you engage in the “Bring One; Take One Exchange or not. Signing up to attend will begin at our November meeting and continue through December 1. Dinner choices and costs will be sent to you once these details have been finalized, but probably will be about the same as in other years.

A Historic Note

Linda Bransletter, BWS Historian, reports that in September of 2010, after the business meeting, Nancy Metz and her team took on a project of selling BWS greeting cards for $12 a packet to help raise funds for the BWS Scholarship Fund.   Member were encouraged to buy and sell the card packets for distribution as Christmas, birthday, and hostess gifts.

BWS Name Badges

Andy Roberts is willing to order a BWS Name Badge for anyone who wants one. The badges are made of durable plastic with a magnetic backing (size 2.5″ x 2.5″). Attached is a mock-up. Andy sees wearing BWS name badges as a public relations effort; good advertising for for BWS when a member is volunteering or just out painting plein air. Andy estimates the cost of each badge to be between $8 and $9. If interested, contact Andy for ordering and for making payment.

Outside BWS

Viridian Moon Art Gallery has made a call for entries to its all media art show: “Let It Snow!” which will run from January 7 to February 25. Art work can be submitted online from now to December 28. Gallery hours are Wednesday to Saturday 10:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. For more information go to the Viridian Moon website ( Questions:

The Indiana Watercolor Society is having a plein air paint out for it members and guests at Heritage Farms Alpacas & Events, 4175 North 1200 West, Flora, IN 46929 on Monday, November 21, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm.

The Swope Art Museum ‘s 78th Annual Wabash Valley Show opens with a reception from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. on November 4. On November 12 the Museum will hold a fund raiser entitled The Big Deal. One hundred and fifty works of art will be up for sale at $99 dollars each. Tickets for the event cost 25 dollars.

Member News

Joe Lee. If you haven’t seen it, do get a copy of the latest Bloom Magazine. Our own Joe Lee is the featured artist. Our sincere congratulations!!!

And for your information: Joe will be selling his clocks at the Bloomington City Holiday Market on Saturday, November 26 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. (Showers Common, 401 N. Morton Street).

Kathy Truelove Barton has a solo show of her watercolor paintings at Gallery B in BloomingFoods Near West from October through December. BloomingFoods is open from 7:30 a.m. to 10 p.m. daily (316 W. 6th Street). A reception will be held November 4, from 5 to 8 p.m. Everyone is welcome.

Kathy wrote to add this update:

“My web site is now secure and the address is as follows. Https://kathysartllc.Square.Site. All the works in the show are on the site but the colors are much richer in real life. 

My grandson is getting married the week of the November reception so my administrative assistant will be covering for me that night. She is a middle-aged woman who has been working with me for four years and is quite capable.

Thank you all for your interest in my works and progress as a painter.”

Laura Brown.  “I have some news.  I am going to have a show up at Cancer Support Community Center on the corner of Landmark and West Third Street. The opening is November 11th.   I have attached the details in the flyer for the show and my gallery bio.    For clarification on the RSVP, if anyone is wondering, all it means is to please email Stephanie so they are aware and on the lookout for gallery visitors as they have a small staff and want to make sure all gallery visitors have staff that can assist them with questions or purchasing.

Jerome Harste. In addition to attending Claude Cookman’s Portrait Class (which has been absolutely wonderful!) at the Art Alliance of Bloomington Center in the Mall, I attended a three day workshop with Liam Stewart, a Scottish artist, in Indianapolis. One of the most interesting things I learned was how to lay down a two-toned wash using plain water to save the white for focal areas. His technique involves catching the wash after the sheen has gone and lightly brushing the painting using a dry hake brush to make sure the gradation between hues is seamless. Works wonderfully.

Andy Roberts sent in two pictures. The first is entitled ‘Apollo Spring’ painted at the West Baden Paint-Out sponsored by Indiana Heritage Arts. The second is from the BWS Paint-Out at Peden Farm. This one is called, quite appropriately, “Peden Farm Barn”. 

.MarySue & Bill Schwab. Bill was accepted in the Richmond Art Museum art show which runs November through December.  We both also have paintings hanging at the Brown County Art Gallery, in the Brown County State Park’s show


Now – Entries wanted for the “Let It Snow” Show at the Viridian Moon Gallery.

Now – Let Andy Roberts know if you want him to order you a BWS name tag.

Now – See Mary Sue and Bill Schwab’s art work at the Richmond and Brown County Art Museums.

Now through December — See Kathy Barton’s Show at BloomingFoods.

November 4 – Reception, BWS Membership Show, at the Vault.

November 11 through December – See Laura Brown’s Show at the Cancer Support Center.

November 14 – BWS November Meeting, 6 p.m. with Penny Lulich presenting.

November 21 – WSI Paint Out at Heritage Farms & Events.

December 7 – LUME Field Trip to IMA to see Monet & Friends.

December 12 – BWS Christmas Party at Meadowood.

September Brushstrokes

Every artist was first an amateur.
― Ralph Waldo Emerson

It is not what you look at, it is what you see.
― Henry David Thoreau

“Raspberry Bush” by Patricia Uffman

September’s Program: “Show & Tell”

After a short business meeting, Kitty Garlock will moderate the September program. Members are asked to bring paintings that have have completed over the summer and share them with the membership.

In addition, members are invited to bring favorite “art-related” books for members to see.  These could be novels about painters/painting, informational books about painting, etc.  Be sure to put your name on the outside of the books you bring. There will be time for you to look through the materials others bring so you can copy down titles of ones you may wish to purchase on your own.

This will be an in-person/Zoom meeting to be held at First Christian Church at 6 p.m., Monday, September 12. Please enter through the Washington Street door. Zoom information will be send out to the membership just prior to the meeting.

Inside BWS

“Painter of the Dunes: A Life of Frank Dudley”

Our August program featured Rachel Berenson Perry talking about her new book, Painter of the Dunes: A Life of Frank Dudley. Dudley devoted most of his artistic career to painting what is now the Indiana Dunes National Park, a passion that led to his environmental activism to save the Dunes from industrial development. In this picture Rachel interacts with Barbara Coffman and Andy Roberts.

Historic Bloomington Paint Out

1928 Elm Heights House by Deborah Rush

On August 6th BWS sponsored at paint out at the Monroe County History Center. Jeanne Dutton reported that “in spite of the dire warnings of thunderstorms and rain, it turned out to be a lovely day to sit outside sketching, painting, and visiting.  Eight artists attended and thank you to Betty Wagoner for co-hosting.  Seeing the preliminary sketches and paintings, everything points to this show, “We Paint…Historic Bloomington!” being a very special one!

Thank you, also, to the Monroe County History Center for inviting us to headquarter there for the paint out.  We enjoyed hearing Daniel Schlegel, director of MCHC, share some interesting stories about the Elephant Hitching Post, the new exhibit “Order Up!  Restaurants of Monroe County”, and other curiosities on hand.”

Salt Lick Caldron. Photo taken by Andy Roberts.

West Baden Paint Out

On August 12 and 13 the Indiana Heritage Arts sponsored a paint-out at the West Baden Hotel. Indiana artists painted on the hotel grounds.  On the last day, their artworks were displayed under the hotel’s dome. BWS painters at the paint out were:  Katya Alexeeva, Kathy Barton,
Kitty Garlock, Andy Roberts, Henry Lack and Betty Wagoner.  Several participants (Andy Roberts, Katya Alexeeva, and Betty Wagoner) sold paintings to the French Lick Resort for their shop.

Betty Wagoner at West Baden
Kathleen Truelove Barton at West Baden Paint Out

Quick Reminder

Traditionally, Jo Weddle has graciously sent greeting cards to those BWS members who are experiencing ill health or the loss of a family member.  If you know or hear of someone in our group who could use a little cheering up, please send a note to

A Historical Note

Linda Branstetter, BWS Historian, wrote to say, “As I was looking through the history binders I saw where BWS closed out their 2011 paint out schedule with a picnic lunch and painting session at Musgrave Orchard.   At that time Musgrave was open and sold fresh cider, apples of all kinds, pumpkins, squash, popcorn, and caramel apples.   Not sure they will be open this fall. Nonetheless, it ia a pretty drive on old SR 37.   I imagine it was fun to paint the orchard decked out in all its fall colors.”

BWS Activity Calendar: Keeping Yourself in the Know

Now, information about all BWS events is easy to find in the BWS activities calendar. The calendar offers several views, a search field for quick access, and lots of attractive images. If there is a BWS sponsored event or activity that is not in the calendar, you can submit one for moderation. You can even subscribe to get notifications about new events.  To see the calendar, go to or simply find it in the menu on our website at

Key activities for the month of September follow.

September Paint Out: T.C. Steele Historic Site

Saturday, Sept. 10: Great Outdoor Paint Out at the T.C. Steele State Historic Site. The paint-out this year is concurrent with a celebration of the birthday of T. C. Steele. There will be a birthday party with cake and lectures. Artists will enjoy painting at a beautiful site while celebrating Steele’s birthday and, of course, cake. The paint-out fee will increase to $15 which will include the celebration if paid in August. In September the fee increases by $5. To register go to

BWS Membership Show: Prospectus and Schedule

“We Paint … Historic Bloomington” is the theme of the 2022 BWS Member Show. It will hang at the Vault at Gallery Mortgage, 121 E. Sixth St., from Oct. 7 to Nov. 27. A second showing will take place at the Monroe County History Center in Summer 2023.

To keep the show fresh, only new work or work not previously displayed in the Bloomington area is eligible. Members may submit one framed artwork. For size restrictions and framing requirements, consult the Show Prospectus

Of course, with the rich history of this county, the city limits is not — well, the limit! Quarries. One-room schoolhouses. Farms. So much to choose from.

We are fortunate to be collaborating with the Monroe County History Center, which has over 40,000 images in their files and has graciously waived fees for copies of photos requested by BWS members. To access the photos, go to Contact Hilary Fleck at for assistance.

Here are the important Show dates to mark in your calendar:

Sept. 15: Submit scanned or photographed artwork for the Online Gallery to Jeanne Dutton at Please send in jpg format.

Oct. 4: Deliver paintings to The Vault at Gallery Mortgage, 121 E. Sixth St., between 10 a.m. and noon.

Oct. 7: Opening Reception for Gallery Walk 5 to 8 p.m.

Nov. 4: Second Reception for Gallery Walk 5 to 8 p.m.

Nov. 28: Pick up paintings at The Vault ay Gallery Mortgage 10 a.m. to noon.

Peden Farm Children’s Festival

Peden Farm Children’s Festival is on again this year! On Thursday and Friday, September 29 and 30, from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., BWS members will conduct art activities for local school children in conjunction with the Peden Farm Children’s Festival. We’re expecting 1,250 young children to pass by our table. Volunteers are needed on both days, morning and afternoon shifts. Contact Sarah Ward by phone or email.

BWS – October’s Paint Out

Saturday,  October 15,  there will be a Final BWS paint-out and Potluck at Peden Farm from 10a.m. to 1 p.m.  Betty Wagoner says, “We will paint and share a meal in the barn/visitor center.  There is water, a restroom and electrical outlets.” Look for more information later in September.

BWS – Cancer Support Center Gallery Show

On Friday, September 9, 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., at the Cancer Support Community Building, 1719 W 3rd Street, there will be a reception for Meri Rienhold’s exhibition, Places to Go; People to See. Meri’s show features paintings that capture her travels and the people she met along the way. Her show will be up through the months of September and October.

This gallery partnership is between BWS and the Cancer Support Community. Every two months a new artist will display a solo show of works. The public is invited to the opening reception. Works can be seen at the gallery during business hours: Tuesdays, Wednesdays Thursdays from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m..

Paint Bloomington!!

WHAT:  First Annual Bloomington Paint Out
WHEN:  Saturday, October 8, 2022. RAIN OR SHINE
WHERE:  Woodlawn Pavilion in Bryan Park (Next to the swimming pool).

HOSTED BY: Arts Alliance of Greater Bloomington. Bloomington Watercolor Society, Upland Plein Air Painters are teaming up to bring this fun event to Bloomington!  

NO REGISTRATION FEE:   Free No advance registration required.
Artists must check-in between 9.30 a.m. and 11 a.m. at the Pavilion the day of the event.  All artists will have canvasses or multi-media paper stamped before beginning their work. Supplies will be available for classes at the Pavilion and some supplies are available for painting on the Bryant Park grounds.  

HOW:  Artists will be able to paint anywhere in Bloomington. The event is open to professional and emerging artists of all ages and skill levels to create original artwork of any subject in any medium.  All stamped/tagged works must be completed that day by 3 pm to be eligible for judging. 

Completed works need to be brought to the Woodlawn Pavilion by 3:00 p. m. marked with the artist’s name and email address or telephone number on the back. Please do not sign artwork until after judging. Wet Oil paintings should be in a frame for safe handling. Artists are encouraged to bring their own easel for display.
AWARDS: ALL stamped works completed that day will be eligible for judging. Awards will be for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place artists in following categories: Professional artists, Emerging Artists, Teens (12-17), and Youth )7-11)

Email for additional information. 

Outside BWS

More Fall Events You Won’t Want to Miss

The 98th Hoosier Salon Juried Exhibition is at the Indiana State Museum, 650 West Washington Street, and runs through October 23. Stephan Edwards and Jerome Harste have paintings in this show. Both won awards.

The Indiana Artist Club Member Show is exhibiting September 3 through September 29 at one of Indiana’s Historic Homes, 1201 Central Avenue, Indianapolis. The reception and opening is September 2 at 5:30 p.m. Awards will be made at 7:00 p.m. Jacki Frey is exhibiting a watercolor in the show.

The Watercolor Society of Indiana’s Annual Juried Exhibit is currently showing at Newfields Indinanapolis Musuem of Art through September 24. This Exhibition is free and open to the public. 

The Brown County Art Gallery Foundation is gearing up for the annual Collector’s Showcase called “Snowfall”, featuring glorious snow scenes by early Brown County Artists. The exhibit opens October 1 and runs through November 13.

As part of the Showcase activities, artists are invited to participate in the second Brown County State Park Paint Out on October 28 and 29. Last years event was a first for the park and they are going to allow it again. All Indiana artists are invited to register. The Foundation will pay park admission for registered artists.

The Anderson Museum of Art’s Figures of Speech Exhibition opens with a reception on September 8 from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. AMOA’s A Starry Night Exhibition opens September 17. The AMOA is located at 32 West 10th Street in Anderson.

Carmel on Canvas is a Plein Air event held in Carmel from September 17 to 19. Meet at 9 a.m. at the Indiana Design Center in Carmel, 200 S Angeline Road. For more information search on the Internet.

The Haan Museum of Indiana Art in Lafayette invites artists to paint on its grounds and in its sculpture garden on September 14 starting at 9 a.m. The Haan Museum is located at 920 E. State Street.

The SWOPE Art Museum, between now and September 19 is accepting work for its 78th Annual Wabash Valley Show. The 78th Annual Wabash Show will run November 4 to January 8.

Member News

Sara Steffy McQueen’s Intuitive Inspirations

Sara Steffy McQueen wrote to say that she would “love to invite you to view my exhibit, of 35 acrylics entitled, Intuitive Inspirations, showing through September at the Vault on 6th Street.”  The Vault is open daily. In addition, the Vault will be open Friday evening, September 2,  from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. 

Katya Alexeeva’s The Magic of Water

Katya Alexeeva wrote to invite BWS to her first personal art exhibition entitled The Magic of Water, at the Viridian Moon Art Galley, 1600 W. Bloomfield Road. The gallery is open 10:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays.

Rose Brenner: Not Everyone Has a Signature Wine Label!!

“Here is an article about one of my paintings winning a wine bottle label contest for Mallow Run Winery.  I’ll be signing the wine bottles at this famous theatre in Franklin, Indiana on September 10, from 9 p.m. to 11 p.m.” Folks, this is our chance to get a signed bottle of wine to impress our friends!!

Joanne Weddle Gets Interviewed by Morgenstern’s Mitch Teplitsky

Last month, artisan curator Jen Abrams, co-owner Sam Eads, and I (Mitch Teplitsky) dropped by the Bloomington Watercolor Society’s monthly meeting at First Christian Church to table some art books. That’s where I spotted Joanne Weddle, BWS’s Program Chair — and Jen’s former third-grade teacher!

(Mitch Teplitsky) This is quite a reunion! Have you been a teacher all your life? (Joanne) I had 38 years in our school district. When I retired in 2005, I was the Director of Reading Services. 

How did you get involved with the Watercolor Society? I’m an art museum person. I’ve always gravitated to watercolors. When I retired, I decided to take up watercolors. There’s a warmth and softness about them I just love!

Jen tells me you are a regular customer at Morgenstern’s? I can’t stay out of there — I love it! I have grandchildren and great-grandchildren. I’m in that children’s section all the time!

What was the last book you bought there? I bought two copies of Corduroy in the children’s section. And another little book, with cloth animals in the pages. I love that store!

Do you remember the original Morgenstern’s? Yes, I remember when it was over in Eastland. I remember going there one time and seeing a picture book Scott Russell Sanders had just written, the story of the family who came down on a raft from the Ohio River. And when they came to where Louisville is now, they stopped and built their cabin.

Why was that particular book so memorable, do you think? I was thrilled when I saw that book because my mother was born and raised in Bethlehem, right on the Ohio river. It’s a town this big (holds her hands a couple of inches apart), ten miles south of Madison. That’s where I’ve gone my whole life.

I love that story. And we’re big fans of Scott Sanders. When I was at Morgenstern’s the other day, I saw that Scott has written another book!

Yes, Small Marvels, and it’s really good. We did an author talk with him recently. I didn’t buy it, but I’m going to! Promise? 

I’m going to hold you to that, it’s in the newsletter!  (Laugh) Well, I love teaching, and I love Indiana history. 

You were telling me earlier about First Book  — Yes, I work with a national organization called First Book, that gets books into the homes of low-income children. We raise funds and award grants to schools and programs. We’ve been able to provide more than 80,000 books to the children in Monroe County. 

That’s wonderful! How can people find out more?  We have a Facebook page, Team First Book – Monroe County. (Note: To access you need to log on as this site is not public.)

May I ask what you’re reading right now? Well, I just got through ordering a book online.

I presume from Morgenstern’s? Oh, I didn’t this time — I ordered a book from Amazon.

Oh no….(feigning horror) (laugh) I know, I know … But I come to Morgenstern’s to buy books all the time! I buy a lot of books, a lot of children’s books.

We know you do — and so appreciate your support! Well, Is there anything else you’d like to add? 
I am SO glad Morgenstern’s is here. We needed it badly!

Cookman Curates AIDS Exhibition

Long-time BWS member Claude Cookman is lead curator of an exhibition entitled, Wild Horse Running: The Courageous Journey of Tom Fox. Comprising 60 photographs, it tells the story of Bloomington native and IU alumnus Tom Fox, a gay man who contracted AIDS in the late 1980s, when there was no adequate medical response. Fox, who worked in advertising at the Atlanta Journal & Constitution, invited photojournalist Michael A. Schwarz and medical writer Steve Sternberg to document his illness and death. 

“I am a PWA (Person With AIDS), diagnosed on Oct. 2, 1987,” Fox wrote to Sternberg. “I am certainly no activist, only a person living with a serious illness, trying to make the most of life. I represent a growing number of people who unfortunately are not able to share their thoughts and experiences, but if I could help one person open his mind to this problem, I would feel like I made a difference.”

An inspiring instance of the human condition, the exhibition relates how Fox faced his illness and death with humor, courage, and a love for life. A photograph of him on his death bed, surrounded by his grief-stricken parents and brothers, became an iconic image of the AIDS epidemic. Notwithstanding its impact, the more interesting photographs show Fox interacting with family and friends, clowning for laughs, playing with his dogs — typical human behaviors everyone can identify with.

The exhibition, jointly sponsored by IU’s Kinsey Institute and the IU Cook Center for Public Arts and Humanities, hangs in the Grand Hall of Maxwell Hall on the IU Bloomington campus through September 23. A reception and program, scheduled from 5 to 7 p.m. on September 23, will feature Schwarz and Sternberg telling how their interaction with Fox affected their own lives. Cookman will moderate the program. He also wrote an essay for the exhibition catalog. Free copies will be available.

More at this URL:

A Kaposi sarcoma lesion is evident on Tom Fox’s bicep as he undergoes a medical examination. Photograph by Michael A. Schwarz. 

Susan Savastuk Wins Ribbons & Has a Show

Susan’s show at the Engraving and Stamp Center, 218 North Madison Street (in between Boom-a Rang Salon and Hopscotch Coffee, will be part of the September First Friday Gallery Walk. The opening reception of her show is Friday, September 2, 2022 from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. 

In other news, Susan is happy to report that her paintings received 1st and 2nd Place Awards at the Lawrence County Art Association Mid-Summer Show.

Susan participated in the recent  Bloomington Garden Walk at the home of Jan and Jack Bulla Baker.

Phyllis Taylor Continues to Shine

Phyllis Taylor (one of our off-site members) won first place with her portrait, entitled Sleepy, in the Watercolor Division of the Trails End Art Association (TEAA) 71st Annual Judged Show held in Gearhart, Oregon on August 2022. TEAA was thrilled with the array of talent displayed by the 54 artists accepted this year. The show was judged by Marilyn and Joe Clayton of Bronze Coast Gallery, Cannon Beach, OR.

Andy Roberts Shares His West Baden Paintings

Majestic Heights by Andy Roberts
Billards & Bowling Pavilion by Andy Roberts

BWS September Calendar

Now to Sept. 17 Katya Alexeeva Exhibition, Viridian Moon Gallery, Bloomington

Now to Sept. 19 SWOPE Art Museum is accepting work for its 78th Annual Wabash Show, Terra Haute

Now to Sept. 23 Wild Horse Running: The Courage of Tom Fox Exhibition, Maxwell Hall, IU Campus

Now to Sept. 24 WSI Annual Juried Show, Indiana Museum of Art at Newfields

Now to Oct. 23 98th Hoosier Salon Exhibition, Indiana State Museum, Indianapolis

Sept. 2 Susan Savastuk Exhibition at Engraving and Stamps, 218 North Madison Street, Bloomington

Sept. 2 Sara Steffy McQueen Exhibition at the Vault Gallery, Bloomington.

Sept. 2 Meri Reinhart Exhibition at Cancer Support Center, 1719 West 3rd, Bloomington

Sept. 3 Indiana Artist Club Exhibition, 1205 Central Avenue, Indianapolis

Sept 8 Paint Bloomington, Bryan Park, Bloomington

Sept. 8 AMOA’s Figure of Speech Exhibition, Anderson

Sept. 9 Reception for Meri Reinhart at Cancer Support Center, Bloomington

Sept. 10 Rose Brenner Opening Reception at Mellow Run Winery, Franklin

Sept. 10 Great Outdoor Paintout at the T.C. Steele Historic Site

Sept. 12 BWS October Meeting, Show & Tell, 6 p.m. at First Christian Church, Bloomington

Sept. 14 Haan Museum of Indiana Art Paint Out, Lafayette

Sept. 15 Submit scanned or photographed artwork for the BWS Membership Show Online Gallery to Jeanne Dutton at Please send in jpg format

Sept. 17 AMOA opening of A Starry Night Exhibit, Anderson

Sept. 17-19 Carmel on Canvas, Indiana Design Center, Carmel

Oct. 4 Deliver BWS Membership Show paintings to The Vault at Gallery Mortgage, 121 E. Sixth St., between 10 a.m. and noon

Oct. 7 BWS Membership Show Opening Reception during Gallery Walk, 5 to 8 p.m

Nov. 4 Second BWS Membership Show Reception during Gallery Walk, 5 to 8 p.m.

Nov. 28 Pick up BWS Membership Show paintings at The Vault at Gallery Mortgage, 10 a.m. to noon

June Brushstroke 2022

Paintings from Irina Shishova”s solo show “Dancing Shapes” at Viridian Moon Art Gallery. There will be a reception on June 25th from 3 to 5 p.m. Here is the link to the event:`

Our June Get-Together
June 13, 6 p.m.

Zoom and/or in-church Presentation. If you are vaccinated you can attend in person at the First Christian Church’s Great Hall, 205 E. Kirkwood Avenue. Free parking is available in the IU Poplars Garage, opposite the Runcible Spoon on Sixth Street. Pay parking is available on the street and in the Fourth Street Garage across from the former Waldron Building. To attend via Zoom, look for a link in an email from Joanna Samorow-Merzer or from Carol Rhodes.


First off: The installation of new officers by Joanna Samorow-Merzer. No Business Meeting is planned.

Following installation, Cassidy Young will introduce the 2022 BWS Scholarship Winner Jesse Kogge over Zoom. The presentation will be broadcast both in the church and to home viewers. This meeting’s presentation will be an opportunity for our members to virtually meet Jesse and to hear all about him, his art, his goals, and his future plans.

For in-person activities, bring your summer-inspired painting such as flowers, people at play, a summer event or vacation location, along with a small refreshment offering to share. Before and after the formal meeting we will be able to casually talk in the church about how our art and inspiration may have developed during the absence of face-to-face meetings.

Inside BWS

Election Results

by Joanna Samorow-Merzer
BWS President, 2021-2022

On May 9th, the BWS election took place.  With the majority of votes in favor, the quorum was met and the proposed slate of officers was accepted.  The work of the new Executive Board will begin as of July 1st, 2022, and will last through June 30th, 2023.  Here are the newly elected Executive Officers:

President:  Carol Rhodes
1st VP:  Katya Alexeeva
2nd VP:  Andy Roberts
Secretary:  Charlotte Griffin
Treasurer:  Barbara Coffman

Congratulations to the new Executive Board!

Dues Are Due!!

FRIENDLY REMINDER: Annual dues should be paid by the end of June. As things stand, our current BWS year ends in June, and our new year runs from July 1, 2022, through June 30, 2023.  Please check our website for the cost of different levels of membership and information regarding payment options. You may also contact Carol Rhodes, Treasurer, or Patty Uffman, 2nd Vice President, for more information. (After July 1 contact Barbara Coffman, Treasurer, or Andy Roberts, 2nd Vice President.)

BWS Membership Show!

by Jeanne Dutton

Greetings, fellow artists! It’s going to be a fun summer as we prepare for our 2022 Membership Show in October and November.

The theme this time around is “We Paint…Historic Bloomington!”  Events and activities are scheduled and there’s something for EVERYONE!

Most of you will remember the “We Paint…Cemeteries!” project and exhibit a few years back.  That was a collaborative project with the Monroe County Historic Center.  So is this one! We’re still working out the finer details, but save these dates and we’ll see you then

1. Garden Walk June 11-12Two of the homes on the walk are historic homes.

2. Docent Tour of the Monroe County Historic Center (MCHC) – FREE EVENT. Wednesday, June 15, 11:00 a.m. MCHC is providing a docent tour with Andrea Hadsell, MCHC Education Manager.  Learn about our county’s history and famous Bloomingtonians, take photos of exhibits, and enjoy the morning! Maximum participation is 20 artists. Registration starts now!  To save your space, email to me at

3. Architectural Drawing Class — Saturday, July 23, 10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m., Education Room, MCHC. Steve Dawson, well known artist and BWS friend, will instruct the class and provide a book for you to take home. STAY TUNED for REGISTRATION INSTRUCTIONS and FEE INFORMATION. (It won’t be a big fee, I promise!) Maximum participation is 20 students. After the class, and weather permitting, Steve will invite students to join him outside on the lawn to practice their skills.  (Thank you, Steve!)

4.  Downtown Paint Out — Saturday, August 6, 9:00 – 1:00 p.m., MCHC Education Room. MCHC will be the headquarters for the paint out for cooling off, use of rest rooms, and painting indoors, if desired. So many wonderful old buildings, including MCHC, churches, the courthouse, Princess Theatre, etc. How about the soon-to-be-shortened Johnson Creamery smokestack?!  Paint plein air or bring your photos and paint inside.  

5.  Opening Reception for We Paint…Historic Bloomington! — Friday Gallery Walk, October 7, 5:00 – 8:00, The Vault at Gallery Mortgage.

6.  Second Reception — Friday Gallery Walk, November 4, 5:00 – 8:00. The Vault at Gallery Mortgage.

7.  A SECOND EXHIBIT — Summer 2023. As a special opportunity for BWS, MCHC will host an exhibit of our paintings.  More details to come on this event as we get closer.

Bloomington Garden Walk

by Charlotte Griffin

BWS has been invited to participate with the Bloomington Garden Club in the Bloomington Garden Walk by having artists painting in each of 6 locations.   The dates and times are listed below:

Saturday, June 11, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Sunday, June 12, 12 noon to 4 p.m.


BWS considers this a Plein Air paint out.  However, BWS creates a signup sheet and the artist who signs up commits to be at the garden, rain or shine, for the time slot.  The artist should bring their gear (including an umbrella possibly) and set up in the garden so that they do not hinder the walking traffic (there can be over 800 people walking the gardens over the two days).  

There are 5 gardens plus the Hilltop Garden and Nature Center community/university garden.  There will be a flower arrangement display at Hilltop Garden for those who would like to paint Still Life.  

If you would like to participate, contact me with the garden location (address) and time that you would like to paint; I will get back to you as to whether the slot is yours. (See next article, Using the Garden Walk to Get a Jump on Our Membership Show for garden descriptions.)

Here’s an Idea: Using the Garden Walk
to Get a Jump on Our Membership Show

by Betty Wagoner

The BWS Fall Member Show is going to be “We Paint… Historic Bloomington” and here is an opportunity.  Two of the houses on the Garden Walk qualify as “Historic” because they are in Bloomington proper and were built before 1940.  

If you would like to sign up to be the artist in one of these gardens and perhaps capture part of the house in your picture of the garden, here is your chance.

Attached are descriptions of the various gardens that will be painted.  Slots are available at #3 and #4 and at Hilltop, but contact Charlotte Griffin for current information.

503 S Eagleston, built 1928.

905 S Madison St., built 1925.

1. Doug McKinney & Peter Burkholder 2501 Cedarwood Circle. 

This garden features 10 varieties of redbuds, 22 varieties of perennial hibiscus, many irises and an uncountable number of daylilies. There is something always in bloom throughout the growing season. 

2. Jack Baker & Barbara Bulla-Baker — 905 S. Madison St .

Right onto The Stands Dr. Left on Rogers Rd., which turns into Winslow, to Rogers St. Right on Rogers. Right on W Dodds St. Right on Madison. Garden is on the left. 

This garden is a continuing work of sinuous informal beds, formal boxwood partitioned beds, and “secret garden” seating areas. Self-curated, the garden expresses the owners’ love of texture, color and scent. 

3. Victoria and Bill Witte 1300 E. Maxwell Ln. 

Right on Dodds, cross S. Walnut St. Left on Henderson. Right on E Maxwell. Garden on corner of Maxwell and Highland. 

The addition of an owner-designed deer fence allowed for the renovation of an older gardens and the opportunity for new gardens around the house and patio. The flowering shrubs provide a habitat for butterflies, bees and birds.

4. Maurice Garnier — 925 E. University.

North on Highland. Left on University. Garden is on the right. 

Here is an outstanding example of a naturalistic, all season, meadow-style garden. The garden is a tapestry of native plants and spring bulbs, designed for continuous bloom and long-term, low-cost maintenance.

5. Richard and Conna Oran 503 S. Eagleson (formerly Jordan) .

East on University. Left on Eagleson. Garden is at the corner of Eagleson and Hunter. 

This garden was re-designed to accommodate the loss of large trees. All the area in this small city lot has been filled with an interesting array of shrubs and assorted perennials (many native), as well as vegetables and herbs.

6. Hilltop Garden and Nature Center 2367 E. 10tSt.

North on Eagleson. Right on 10th to Hilltop Garden on the left, just before the 45/46 Bypass. 

The flower show theme, Flags and Flowers, presents delightful flower arrangements coordinated with national flags. Also at Hilltop, tour IU’s unique Shakespeare Garden containing only plants mentioned in his writings, plus the refreshing Shade Gardens. 

A Follow-Up Report:
Wiley House Museum Paint Out

by Betty Wagoner

Sandwiched between storms and rain, six BWS members attended a
paint-out at the Wylie House Museum in Bloomington.  We painted in the
Museum, on the Museum grounds, and in the Education Center (the barn).
We were greeted warmly by the Museum staff and student trainees.  All
enjoyed coffee, donuts, and cookies while painting at this pleasant and
beautiful site.  Painters include:  Barbara Coffman, Kathy Barton,
Andy Roberts, Marcie LeMasters, Jennifer Wyrick and Betty Wagoner.
Marcie and Jennifer are new BWS members.

A Little History
by Linda Bransletter, BWS Historian

I found BWS had a paint out at Bunham Woods Nursery in August 2006.  The Herald Times wrote an article titled ” Making Art Outside”.  This showed a photo of BWS artist Carol Rhodes painting at the nursery.  Also Paul Sharp had completed a sketch to help him remember the shapes and shadows as the day progressed.  Elizabeth Carey was another painter at the BWS paint out. Her painting focused on the butterflies and insects among the flowers.

Beyond BWS

The Watercolor Society of Indiana’s Juried Exhibit is scheduled to run from August 5 to September 24 at the Indianapolis Museum of Art. Final selection of work is pending but several BWS members have entered paintings for inclusion in this show.

The Watercolor Society of Indiana is also hosting a four-day workshop with Ken Call on “Portraits” to be held from July 5 – 8 at the Second Presbyterian Church, 7700 Meridian St., Indianapolis.

The Hoosier Art Salon’s 98th Annual Exhibition and Awards will by held at the Indiana State Museum from August 26 to October 26. Apply online from May 2 to June 10 at

The Brown County Art Guild is putting on a fundraiser called “Art in the Garden” on July 25, 5 – 8 p.m.,in Nashville. Tickets for their annual raffle are also on sale.

Hancock County Arts 2022 Will Vawter Juried Art Show will be held from June 4 to July 16.

The Wabash Valley Artists Society juried show will be at The Arts Federation in Lafayette, September 2 – 30. See the organizations website for a prospectus and further information.  The Wabash Valley Artists Society also has several upcoming paint-outs of interest:

June 4, 9 a.m. – 1 p.m., Wyatt LeGrand Plein Art Workshop, 102 S 10th Street, Lafayette.

June 18, 9 a.m. – 1 p.m., The Farm at Prophetstown, 5545 Swisher Rd., West Lafayette.

July 2, 9 a.m. – 1 p.m., Delphi Canal Days, 1030 N. Washington St., Delphi, Ind.

July 14, 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. , Jerie Art Home for Bastille Day, 3635 Goodall Court, West Lafayette.

July 30, 9 a.m. – 1 p.m., Yea Creek Orchard — Sunflower Festival, 5618 S. 200 E, Lafayette.

Guido Frick Workshop

by Guido Frick

Upland Plein Air and the Arts Alliance of Greater Bloomington are offering a Guido Frick plein air workshop, “Adding Power and Emotion to Your Painting,” June 3 – 5. The class size is 6 to 10, and the experience is geared for intermediate and advanced painters. The cost is $550. For additional information and to reserve your place, contact Babette Ballengers. Visit to learn more about the instructor.

Viridian Moon Gallery plans to launch a fundraising campaign in support of this Ukrainian non-profit organization: Artists have designated a percentage of their sales during this time period to go to the organization.

Indiana Heritage Arts will sponsor the West Baden Paint Out on August 12 and 13 at West Baden Springs Hotel. Artists can paint the beautiful West Baden Springs Hotel and gardens and then sell their art in the hotel lobby on Saturday afternoon. There is no registration fee, but interested artists should call the Brown County Art Gallery at 812-988-4609.

Membership News

Andy Roberts. Here are two watercolor paintings I started last fall during Upland Paint Outs that I recently finished in my studio. The first one is a pen and ink with watercolor of a gate and stone fence at the Marshall Township Park’s “Avoca Fish Hatchery” in Lawrence County. The second one is the Tulip Trestle viewed from the observation deck.

Jerome Harste. I’ve been teaching a Zoom class on how teachers might use art to support students in becoming critically literate. We have been studying several artists including Jacob Lawrence and William R. Johnson. Adopting their techniques and following these artists’ lead, I have decided to do a series of painting on Education. Here is my first attempt called, “Teaching Critical Race Theory.” The elaborated title, which I am somehow going to affix to the painting, is: “In 2022 Texas banned the teaching of Critical Race Theory, an educational movement inviting all teachers and all students to explore the systematic causes of racism in our society for purposes of doing something to stop it. Many are questioning the constitutionality of such a law.

Teaching Critical Race Theory by Jerome Harste

MarySue Schwab. We are painting in Arizona. This is a watercolor from Walnut Canyon, Arizona.

Bill worked on this drawing of Walnut Canyon for a painting. The rim is 7,000 ft. And there are 240 steps to decend into the canyon where there are cliff dwellings. Quite a hike up!

Susan Savastuk. I currently have art work at The Dimension Mill on Madison and Rogers. I also won a second place award for my 2022 Echo Hero Art submission, entitled ”Compostables”.  I did a painting demonstration of my Covid Mask Pointillism process for the  Bloomington 50+ Expo held at Switch Yard Park.

Bess Lee. I have been influenced by a group of artists who call themselves, “Artist for Climate Awareness.” They go be to thinking about all the animals that I really love. Here are two of my most recent paintings. My plan is to continue to paint imagines that pertain to this theme.


June 3-5 — Upland Plein Air Workshop with Guido Frick.

June 4 — Wyatt LeGrand Plein Art Workshop, Lafayette.

June 4-July 16 — Hancock Valley’s Will Vader Art Show.

June 10 — Last day to enter a painting in the Hoosier Salon’s Juried 2022 Exhibit.

June 11-12 — The Bloomington Garden Walk

June 13 — Monthly BWS Meeting, 6 p.m.

June 15 — Docent Tour, Monroe County Historical Center, 11 a.m.

June 18, — Wabash Valley Paint Out, The Farm at Prophetstown, West Lafayette.

July 2 — Wabash Valley Paint Out, Canal Days, Delphi.

July 5-8 — WSI’s 4-day Workshop with Ken Call, Indianapolis.

July 14 — Wabash Valley Paint Out, Bastille Day, West Lafayette.

July 23 — Architectural Drawing Class, Monroe County Historical Center, 10:30 a.m.

July 25 — Brown County Art Guild Fundraiser, Nashville.

July 30 — Wabash Valley Paint Out, Sunflower Festival, Lafayette.

August 5-September 24 — WSI’s Juried School, Indianapolis Museum of Art.

August 6 — BWS’s Downtown Paint Out, meet at the Monroe County Historical Center.

August 12-13 — Indiana Heritage Arts Paint Out at West Baden.

August 26-October 6 — Hoosier Salon Juried Show, Indiana History Museum, Indianapolis.

September 2 — Wabash Valley Art Show, Lafayette.

BWS Newsletter — April 2022

April 11 – Meeting 6 to 7 p.m.

The April 11th meeting will be in person and online. If you are vaccinated and wearing a mask, you can attend in-person at the First Christian Church’s Great Hall, 205 E. Kirkwood. If attending the meeting in person, dress in layers as windows will be open to facilitate ventilation.

Free parking is available in thr IU Poplars Garage, across from the Runcible Spoon. Pay parking is available on the street and in the Fourth Street Garage, across from the former Waldron building.

To attend the meeting via Zoom, look for the link in an email from Joanna Samorow-Merzer or from Carol Rhodes



For a change of pace, let’s do a painting in one sitting, without a detailed plan, and
have some fun. We will capture the simplicity and beauty of flowers by using your
watercolor brushes in a new way. And learn how to paint a loose watery
foreground. What you learn can be used for a framed piece of art, or smaller
pieces such as greeting cards.


One piece of 140# HOT PRESS watercolor paper, such as a quarter sheet of Arches
or your favorite brand, or a page from a watercolor tablet, whatever you have.

Masonite board (or other waterproof board)
Masking Tape
Assorted WC brushes in lots of different sizes and shapes (round, pointed, blunt,
filbert, flat, etc.) Any kind of synthetic, blend or sable will work.
Transparent watercolors, and opaque gouache
Palette with plenty of mixing areas
Water container
Paper towels
No.2 or HB pencil, and kneaded eraser
Masking fluid, old brushes for applying, and pickup for removing
Old Windex pump bottle, or adjustable nozzle sprayer, that makes DROPLETS of
ater and not a mist

Inside BWS

A Request From Our President

In early March, Gabe Colman gave me a tour of the Teachers Warehouse located in a former Monroe County school.  The Teachers Warehouse provides free school supplies for local teachers and their students.  There are chairs, bookcases, shelves, backpacks, books, papers, notebooks, pens, pencils, knitting supplies, and so much more.  Please check your homes and see what you have there that you could donate to the Teachers Warehouse. Every item matters. You can go to the website of theTeachers Warehouse for examples of what you can donate.

Joanna Samorow-Merzer

Ad Hoc Nominating Committee

The 2022-23 Nominating Committee is made up of Sarah Ward as the Chair and Zain Mackey and Meri Reinhold as committee members.  The committee is eager to hear from anyone who would like to serve in the vacant slots for officers and chairs. Still needed — Someone to run for President and these committees chairs: Activities, Paint-Out, and Publicity. Contact Sarah Ward or any member of the Nominating Committee (see the Membership Roster for email addresses and telephone numbers).


Chair: Betty Wagoner reports the following:

  • The May 21 paint out will be at the Wiley House.
  • The June 11 and 12 paint out will be part of the Bloomington Garden Club Garden Walk. There will be a signup distributed to let members signup for a 2 or 4-hour slot to be an “Artist in the Garden” at one of 5-6 gardens that will be on display.
  • The July 16 paint out will be at Hilltop Garden and Nature Center.
  • The October 8 paint-out will be a Peden Farm.

Historical Note

Linda Branstetter, BWS Historican, sent in this historical note: In April of 2012, BWS had an art supply drive for Henryville Schools that were affected by the March 2nd tornado.

Outside BWS

Upland Plein Air 2022 Member Exhibition

Painting by Kitty Garlock

The Upland Plein Air 2022 Member Exhibition will hang at Viridian Moon Gallery April 1 – May 15. The opening reception will be 3 to 5 p.m. Saturday, April 2.

Votes will be taken for peoples choice awards so come and submit a vote for your favorite painting

T.C. Steele Historic Site

Cate Whetzel, Program Developers for the Indiana State Museum and Historic Sites wrote to say: “Hello everyone! Please contact me if you would like to paint at the site for Arts of the Earth Day. Just a correction—the event is next MONTH, Sat. April 23, between 12-4pm.” (Cate can be contacted by email via the Indiana State Museum site on the Internet.)

Watercolor Society of Indiana

The Annual Watercolor Society of Indiana Membership Exhibit will be held at the
Second Presbyterian Church, 7700 N. Meridian St., Indianapolis from May 14 to July 8.
Deadline to register April 29th. $16 Entry. The Membership Exhibit Opening Reception
and Luncheon will be held on Saturday, May 14, 2022. 12:00 pm – 3:00 pm. $20 per person.

The 40th Annual WSI Juried Exhibit will be held at Newfields/Indianapolis Museum of Art, 4000 N. Michigan Rd., from August 5, 2022 – September 24, 2022. Deadline to enter is May 6th. Artist Ken Call, AWS, NWS, TWSA MS is this year’s juror. $35 for one entry. $45 for two entries.

Hoosier Art Salon

The Hoosier Art Salon in New Harmony announces its Spring Workshops:
John Michael Carter3-Day Portrait (April 25-27)
Mary Beth Karaus — 3-Day Still Life (April 25-27)
Douglas David2-Day Clouds and Skies (April 25-26) ;
Douglas David 3-Day Lilacs, Peonies, and Hydrangeas (April 27-29

Workshops in New Harmony are not just about learning, they are about your experience with other artists! The April workshops are just three weeks away. Join the other artists who have already signed up.

Bloomington Portrait Group Moves Outside to Switchyard Park for Summer Schedule

The Bloomington Portrait Group will meet at the Switchyard Park Shelter from April 14 through October 27. Sessions are from 1 to 3 p.m., every other Thursday. The $30 model fee is divided among participating artists. The summer line-up includes some teenagers, the directors of Monroe County’s Habitat for Humanity and CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocate), and Sylvia McNair, Metropolitan Opera star, two-time Grammy winner, and IU Jacobs School of Music emerita professor.
If you would like to be included in the announcement list, email BWS member Claude Cookman, who also directs the BPG.

Joanna Samorow-Merzer • James Stewart • Pastel
From last September’s BPG exhibition at Viridian Moon Gallery.

Member News

NEW MEMBER:  Our newest member, Marcie LeMasters, is ready to embark on a new phase of her creative journey.  Marcie has been in Bloomington since 1970 while she was earning a fine arts major in photography from I.U. and much more recently enrolled in an online watercolor class during the pandemic.  She says it piqued her interest and was a fabulous investment of $27.00!  She has been a personal trainer and yoga instructor, is now semi-retired but still works as bookkeeper for A-1 Window Cleaning Services which her late husband started.  Please join me in welcoming Marcie to Bloomington Watercolor Society!

“The Promise of Spring” by Tim Lewis

Tim Lewis. I recently donated one of my original watercolors to WSI for their Colorvision 2022 Silent Auction. The proceeds for this auction will go towards watercolor classes for kids aged 5-12 at The Christamore House as well as demonstrations and classes in communiuties throughout Indiana. Donated paintings will hang at Sak’s Third Floor Gallery at Sak’s Fifth Avenue here in Indianapolis during the auction. More information about this activity is available at

Jacki Frey. Juniper Art Gallery and Gifts in Spencer is hanging their new spring  show. I have 4 paintings in the gallery space for spring. Please check out their website at  or stop by, 46 E. Market Street, downtown Spencer. 

Sandy Hall received best of Show in the Friends of TC Steele members exhibit,  held in March at the Brown County Gallery,  Nashville IN. Kudos to Betty Wagoner who organized this wonderful show.

Some of the feathers to be painted in Sandy’s watercolor class this April.

Sandy teaches a watercolor class once a  month at the Hancock Co Arts Gallery,  20 N State in Greenfield,  IN. April’s topic is painting a feather. 

“Granddaughter” by Sandy Hall (Acrylics on Yupo)

This one is a study of my granddaughter using fluid acrylics and marker on yupo. I love to paint images that tell a story. 

P. S. Forgot to include information about our Will Vawter Juried show.  Due in May for June 4 entry day.Visit website for Hancock County ArtHere’s the brochure

MarySue Schwab. I recently won second place in the TC Steele Members show. My Painting is called, “Yellow Glen” and is oil on linen board. I have also been accepted in the129th Women’s Art Club Show in Cincinnati. The painting is a watercolor of pears on a tree called, “Study in Green.”

Susan Savastuk. My Boomingfoods Gallery B show closed on March 28th.  I sold 30% of pieces and received 3 commissions during the 3 month show. $100 raised for Middle Way House.


I had 2 pieces in the Friends of T.C. Steele show at Brown County Art Gallery in Nashville. 
One piece sold. Show closed March  27th.


I entered the City of Bloomington Environmental Commissions’ Eco-Heroes Art Contest. This years theme is “Fighting Fragmentation”.  The awards ceremony will be April 23rd @ 10:00 AM at Cascades Park.  Email Ben Sharaf at for more information.

I also submitted one piece to the Upland Plein Air Show at Viridian Moon Gallery, runs from April 1-May 15th.

Finally, I also have a number of paintings hanging at the Art Alliance Center at College Mall.

Tricia Went. A triple portrait commission in acrylics has been consuming my studio time for the past 4- 5 months. Also, I have been showing watercolors and acrylics in several local juried shows, one recently in California, and two in the Elsinore Gallery in Salem, OR.  This summer, I plan to be painting plein aire in the Willamette Valley Lavender Festival, which culminates with a two day July show in the Chehalem Art Center in Newberg.      

I finally feel back in the groove after the move from Indiana, but I will always miss my BWS art family. 

Weekly, now that covid is behind us, I am painting in McMinnville with several artists working in watercolor, critiquing and mostly socializing!   

Kathy Barton wrote to say that her husband, Craig D. Barton, has received “Artist in Residence” status at Glacier National Park and at Crater National Park. She also has invited BWS members to come and see Craig’s photographic series, “Wide Awake and Dreaming” Show at the Monroe Convention Center, Ralph Rogers Room, Monday-Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

18″x25″ Photographs in Craig D. Barton’s Show

Nina Ost. These two pictures are done by transferring photo to paper and then masking the area of lightest value and applying rose, yellow, gold and blue paint with a mouth atomizer. After the first coat is dry, you mask next lightest value and blow paint . Repeat for a few more applications until only the darkest area is not masked. When dry, peal and reveal. I’m still working on concentrating paint to control color. It isn’t cheating to do brush touch ups. I can forward specific instructions if anyone likes.  The surprise at the end is fun!

Inspirational Tips & Techniques

Brenda Ueland in her book, “If You Want to Write: A Book About Independence and Spirit“:

“When Van Gough was a young man in his early twenties, he was in London studying to be a clergyman. He had no thought of being an artist at all. He sat in his cheap little room writing a letter to his younger brother in Holland, whom he loved very much. He looked out his window at a watery twilight, a thin lamppost, a star, and he said in his letter something like this: “It is so beautiful I must show you how it looks.” And then on his his cheap ruled note paper, he made the most beautiful, tender, little drawing of it. When I read this letter of Van Gogh’s it comforted me very much and seemed to throw a clear light on the whole road to art. Before, I thought that to produce a work of painting or literature, you scowled and thought long and ponderously and weighted everything solemnly and learned everything that all artists had ever done aforetime, and what their influences and schools were, and you were careful about “design” and “balance” and getting “interesting planes” into your painting, and avoided, with the most astringent severity, showing the faintest “academical” tendency, and were strictly modern. And so on and so on. But the moment I read Van Gogh’s letter I knew what art was, and the creative impulse. It is a feeling of love and enthusiasm for something, and in a direct, simple, passionate and true way, and you try to show this beauty in things to others, by drawing it. And Van Gogh’s little drawing on the cheap note paper was a work of art because he loved the sky and the frail lamppost against it so seriously that he made the drawing with the most exquisite conscientiousness and care.”


April 1 – May 15 — Upland Plain Air Show, Viridian Moon Gallery

April 14 — Bloomington Portrait Group, Switchyard Park Shelter, 1-3 p.m.

April 23 — Art of Earth Day, T.C. Steele Historic Site, 12-4 p.m.

April 25 – 29 — Hoosier Art Along Spring Workshops

April 29 — Last day to register for Annual WSI Membership Exhibition

May 6 — Last day to register for Annual WSI Juried Exhibition

February Newsletter 2022

Jacki Frey — “Neighborhood Snow Fall”

February Program
February 14 via Zoom, 6 p.m.
Painting Easy Trees in Watercolor
by Carol Rhodes

There are as many ways to paint trees as there are artists who paint them. In a hands-on demonstration over Zoom, Carol Rhodes will show you some quick tree-painting techniques. After viewing a couple of short videos, she will show you how to make foliage with a brush using a dabbing method and a stabbing method on both wet and dry paper, and then demonstrate the use of two types of sponges. She will talk about the nature of various tree types, the colors you might use for wood and foliage, and how to make spontaneous branches with brush strokes. 

Supplies to bring:

Paints and Brushes:

  • a variety of greens, blues, and violets
  • Burnt Sienna
  • Indigo
  • Cobalt Blue
  • Cadmium Yellow or Cadmium-free yellow
  • NOTE: Cheap paints are fine. Sponges will absorb lots, so you may not want to waste your expensive tubes.
  • #10 round or larger
  • a mop brush
  • a smaller brush with a pointed tip


Sea sponge
Cellulose sponge (O-Cello or Kroger brand. They are the kind that dry hard.)

Watercolor paper, practice-grade
Large plate or mixing surface
Water container
Paper towels
Plastic or tub for underneath your work surface. Sponging gets messy!
Rubber gloves optional

A Note from BWS President
Joanna Samorow-Merzer

“I’d like to announce that the Nominating Committee has been appointed.  Please meet our three-person Nominating Committee:

Sarah Ward – Chair
Zain Mackey – Member
Meri Reinhold – Member

I want to thank Sarah, Zain and Meri for their willingness to serve in this capacity.  The Nominating Committee will select a slate of officers for the next administrative year 2022-2023.

Some of the Officers & Chairs will continue, but we have these available vacant positions for the next year starting in July 2022 – ending in June 2023:

Executive Board

  1. President
  2. 1st Vice President
  3. Secretary


  • Activities
  • Paint-Out – the term on this position is from January 2023 through December 2023.
  • Publicity
  • Refreshment
  • Scholarship
  • Show – please note that the Show Chair is needed for the annual fall show (Jeanne Dutton manages the Winter Benefit show)..

Those of you who are interested in serving as Officers on the Executive Board or Chairs on the Committees, please contact the Chair of the Nominating Committee, Sarah Ward.  Sarah’s contact info is in the membership roster.”

Inside BWS

Joe Lee’s Entry for Van Gogh Show — “Van Joe” with Detachable Plastic Ear

“WE PAINT…Van Gogh’s World!”
February 4 – March 28, 2022
An Exhibit Benefitting Teachers Warehouse!

The Bloomington Watercolor Society winter show is proud to support Teachers Warehouse, an outstanding organization which touches all our lives in one way or another.  Founded by the Rotary Club of Bloomington, Teachers Warehouse serves over 2000 teachers from across five counties by providing free books, classroom supplies, and furniture.

Original paintings are on exhibit at the Vault at Gallery Mortgage, 121 E 6th Street, Bloomington, Indiana.  Wall art, artist prints and original hand-painted greeting cards will be available at the reception desk.   Cash, check, or credit card accepted.  To purchase paintings from the exhibit, please contact  Note that 50% of wall art and prints benefits Teachers Warehouse, and 100% of greeting card sales.

Opening Reception:  Gallery Walk Friday, February 4, 5:00 – 8:00 p.m.  Mask required.
Second Reception:  Gallery Walk Friday, March 4, 5:00 – 8:00 p.m.  Mask required.

Gallery exhibit hours are 9:00 – 5:00, Monday through Friday, February 4 – March 28, 2022.

Beginning February 5, the online exhibit of “We Paint…Van Gogh’s World” can be viewed at 

Showing at
The Vault at Gallery Mortgage
121 E 6th Street, Bloomington, IN 47408
VIRTUAL OPENING RECEPTION and AWARDS: Gallery Walk Friday, February 4

Gallery Hours: 9am – 5pm Monday – Friday;
9am – 8pm Gallery Walk Friday, February 4
9am – 8pm Gallery Walk Friday, March 4

Door Prizes: As a reward for entering, Preston Arts Center in Louisville has donated:
Van Gogh Watercolor Pad Value $20.75
A set of 25 Van Gogh brand postcards  $15.55
A Van Gogh watercolor pocket box with 12 pans and SMRP $67.55
A Plein Air Pochade box, value $156.

A Historical Tidbit

Linda Bransletter, BWS Historian, reported that she found an article in the Herald Times dated June 3rd, 2012 on Connie Bronson who passed in November.  Connie designed a mural at Renwick Village called “String Ensemble”.   Her watercolor was transferred to vinyl measuring 18 1/2 ft. square and was visible from Sare Road on the side of the Renwick multi-story buildings.   The mural was to be changed periodically so it may not be there now.   But the article talked about Connie taking up painting at 65 and winning numerous awards.   Her paintings, the Times reported “made people smile.”


We would like to welcome Pamela Cotton to our growing organization that now has 90 members!  Pamela was nice enough to write a brief introduction, recently sent to our membership chair, Patty Uffman.

Hello.  I am Pamela Cotton and have recently moved to Bloomington.  My professional training and practice has been as a clinical psychologist.  I currently teach and write about psychological resilience.  I have begun to experiment with water color and Haiku to express some of the ideas.  I am a beginner in terms of painting and drawing, and I want to bring beginner’s mind to this art form.  I look forward to meeting all of you and learning together.  Thank you for welcoming me.

Outside BWS

Friends of T.C. Steele, Member Art Show

The Friends of T.C. Steele Show is open to all members of Friends of TC Steele.  Non-members may enter the show by joining the Friends at the show registration.

Show Details.

Win up to $1000.
Show Dates: March 5 – 27, 2022.
Location: Brown County Art Gallery, Nashville, IN.
Registration deadline: February 21, 2022.
Delivery Date: February 26 and 27, 2022, 12 -3 p.m.

Do you have a child or grandchild who would like to exhibit their art
in a show?  Added this year is a youth category for anyone 18 and

2022 New Harmony First Brush of Spring Art Sale


Attention Artists! Great news for this year’s traditional Art Sale!  We are reducing the commission rate for this event!

Everyone knows that New Harmony visitors love to patronize the arts.  Simply put, they want more art at our sale!  To meet that demand, we have dropped our commission rate to increase artist participation. Artists will retain 90% of the purchase price at our traditional Art Sale in the Ribeyre Center (Gym). We want artists to sell more work and give buyers an array of art choices. BOOTH SPACE IS LIMITED 

Hoosier Salon will handle the event promotion and you will handle the sales. You can also help promote by posting on your website, Facebook and Instagram accounts. The Ribeyre Center is located at the corner of Main and Tavern Streets, under the clock tower.

Our traditional Ribeyre Center Art Sale will occur Saturday, April 23 from 9 am–12 p.m. Our Saturday only Art Sale in the main gym will be operated by you or a representative for you. The booth space available is approximately 9’ X 9’ for a $100 fee if received before March 1 and a $125 fee if received after March 1. You must provide the display and easels; tables are provided. This operates on an honor system. Artists are expected to provide the Hoosier Salon with the 10% commission of total sales before May 23, 2022. Hoosier Salon, PO Box 338, New Harmony, IN 47631.

Bring your painting(s) between 8 and 9 a.m.  Sale begins at 9 a.m. and continues until 12 p.m.  All paintings and displays must be removed following the sale. There is no limit on the number of paintings if you stay within the allotted space, but you must provide your own easels or display. Panel rental for your booth space can be reserved by contacting Linda Volz at

AquaVenture 2022 — Call for Artists

The Kentucky Watercolor Society is excited to announce information regarding the AquaVenture 2022 exhibition and to encourage members and non-members to submit entries for the show. This exhibition will be held as an in-person exhibit at the Lyric Theatre, 300 E. Third St. in Lexington from March 7- April 15, 2022. We want everyone to enjoy the art in a safe manner and ask that all who come to view the show wear a mask when visiting the gallery.

Entry Deadline- Friday, February 4, 2022
Notification- Monday, February 14, 2022
Delivery- Thursday, February 24, 2022
Opening Reception- Friday, March 11, 2022 5-8 PM
Show Open To Public- March 7- April 15, 2022
Pick up work- Saturday, April 16, 2022

4th Arts of Earth Day — April 23
T.C. Steele State Historic Site

On Sat. April 23rd, T.C. Steele State Historic Site will hold its fourth Arts of the Earth Day. Because it is the same day as the Wildflower Foray the event is now being advertised as free outdoor grounds for everyone. 

T.C. Steele welcomes artists to register and paint outdoors on site from 12p.m. to 4p.m. Cate Whetzel asks artists to email her ( with their name and estimated timeframe at the site (ex. first and last name, painting from 12-3pm). Cate will create a guest list of participating artists. In appreciation T.C. Steele offers registered artists a visit to the Large Studio and complimentary bottled water, coffee or tea in the Visitor Center.

Cate hopes to have artists of all mediums! Arts of the Earth is a program to welcome spring and the return of warm weather, and to offer our visitors an inspiring day outdoors. Although we cannot guarantee it, it’s likely the daffodils will be in bloom!

Cate also reported that T.C. Steele is adding a Teddy Bears’ Picnic for kids from 1-2 p.m. in the hopes of drawing kids and families. Admission for the Teddy Bears’ Picnic is $4/kid. No charge for an accompanying adult.

Please Note: The Teddy Bears’ Picnic will require a wristband. Visiting the Large Studio or House on a scheduled tour at 10:15, 1:15 or 3:15 will require full site admission  (Admission is free for Registered Artists but for others: $10/adult; $8/senior; $5/child).  The House and Studio will NOT be open for self-guided visits, but Cate said she would be happy to take a registered artists-only group into the Studio in the afternoon.

Art Illiana Gallery: Call for Artists

Show Title: Phenomenon (Open to all North American Artists)
Opening: Friday April 2, 2022 
Closing: Friday June 3, 2022 
Arts Illiana Gallery, 23 N. 6th Street, Terre Haute, IN 47807 

Call for Entry January 7, 2022
Deadline: March 18, 2022

Opening: April 1, 2022
Closing: June 3, 2022

Guest Curator: Donna Meyer

Member News

Candace Bailey wrote to say, “This toaster was a white elephant Christmas present to a family member. We tried it out last night. It actually works and the image on the toast is fairly accurate.”

Photo by Candace Bailey

Kriste Lindberg.  “This watercolor and ink painting is inspired, in part, by Van Gogh as well as a recent trip I made to the Indianapolis Zoo for the holiday festivities.  It was quite surprising to see live flamingos amongst the chilly holiday lights!”

Painting by Kristi Lindberg

Zain Mackey. “Had a day of thinking about science fiction and hauled out the cling wrap. Here is the watercolor result, called ‘Birth of a Planet.'” 

Zain Mackey — “Birth of a Planet”

Susan Savastuk

“I have a show up at Bloomingfoods West on 6th St. in their Gallery B. There will be an open reception on February 4th from 5-8 during the gallery walk. The show runs until March 27, 2022.

 I will be participating in the BWS Van Gogh show at the Vault. My painting is entitled, ‘Artist Studio’ It is an oil on canvas board, 6″x6”.  The studio belongs to my neighbor Vida Stanfield.

Susan Savastuk — “Art Studio”

I am involved in a commissioned project to paint on book covers for an art collector in Richmond IN. The smooth surface of the white book cover is very responsive to oil paint. Title: ‘Time Standing Still’,  11’x 8” oil on smooth surfaced book cover.”

Susan Savastuk — “Time Standing Still”

Sara Steffey. “I’ll be in a small group exhibit for the month of February at By Hand Gallery in Bloomington (inside Fountain Square Mall). The Exhibit title is ‘Stories of the Ancestors‘, and the opening reception is February 4th, 5—8 p.m. The painting I’ll exhibit is titled ‘My Ancestral Wall,’ and is done on canvas in acrylic.

Also, I’m bringing some heart paintings into the Arts Alliance Center Gallery for February. There are a few BWS members that exhibit in the Mall Gallery & Community Space.”

Andy Roberts. “This is a small pen and ink- watercolor I did this week in SW Florida. I am enjoying the Plein Air Painters group that I belong to here. We paint every Thursday at a different location. Weather has been cooler than normal but not like Indiana.” 

Andy Roberts

Henry Leck. “I took two paintings over to the Brown County Art Guild. The painting entitled ‘Snow Packed Path’  received Honorable Mention.”

Henry Leck – “Snow Packed Path”

Kathy Truelove Barton. “I have 2 pieces entered in The Art Guild Patron Show in Nashville, Indiana. My painting is titled ‘Between Chores’ and was painted on property belonging to Harry and Anabel Hopkins in Brown County Indiana. Anabel rejoined our BWS for 2022.  Welcome back Anabel. The show at the Guild closes February 19th with awards on that day and is open to the public with masking and distancing requested; see the web page for hours and directions.

Painting by Kathy Truelove Barton, title “Between Chores,”  Fall 2021; Watercolor on paper; W 14″ x 11″ H; Daniel Smith paints; Strathmore 300 series paper.

MarySue Schwab wrote to say that although see didn’t get to the gallery prior to drop-off for the Van Gogh show, she would like to share her sunflower piece –acrylics on a clay relief, in a shadow box. MarySue said she was glad she made the effort as it is now ready for another show! Sunflowers on this very cold day! Stay warm everyone!  She closed by saying she was planning on working on some spring flowers today.

Katya Alexeeva. “My panting “Mystical Visit” won 3rd place in The Brown County Art Guild Patron Show. This painting was done in oil on canvas 24″x30″. Attached is the short Russian story that inspired the painting. The Patron Show is at the Art Guild in Nashville. It is open to the public. It closes February 19th with an awards ceremony.”

Katya Alexeeva — “Mystical Visit”

 Tom Cat and Angel

 “Peace upon you”, Angel said gently, having a seat on a thick branch near Tom Cat shaking the snow off from the branch.   “Hello!”, responded Cat uncovered his green eye, looked over Angel and turned away.

Angel hid his bare feet under his wings and looked down.  A snowy yard full of laughter, screams and squeaking footsteps was lying beneath them.

 “You’ve climbed high “, Angel said, assessing the distance to the ground.

  At least a snowball won’t reach here.

Angel nodded with understanding and picked up his hanging wings.  They kept silent for a while.

“Have you come for my old lady?”, without turning his head, asked Cat.

Cat’s voice was lazy, but Angel immediately saw the pain and anxiety surrounding him.

 “No, I’m not going to take anyone”.

 “A-a-a”,—a cloud of anxiety has been broken.  “She says every day that soon an Angel will take her”, explained Cat.  “I see, probably another one will come”.

They were quiet, but apparently Cat was concerned about Angel’s presence and he asked as indifferently as possible,   “Well, why are you here?”

-Well, I am taking a break and sat down. I saved a kid in your town himself. Oh, that’s a tough job. I’m on my way home now.

-So, you are ……. Can you cure a disease?

 – Depends on the disease. But I can do a lot, I am a Guardian.

“So, why are you sitting here!!! “, Cat roared.  “Come on!”

 And he, like a red-headed vortex, hit the ground. The Angel landed nearby quietly.

 The old lady was so skinny, that it took Angel some time to see her among the pillows.

Her eyes were closed and her chest was stirring, filling the room with a wheeze,  whistle and sobs.

Angel bent over her, put white wings on her chest, and whispered something gently and quietly.

While he was standing there, Cat threw some wood in the oven, shoved a cold kettle on the stove and put a large cup of milk, pouring some herbs in it – preparing a drink for the mistress. /   dusting

When the Angel straightened up, the old lady’s breath became smooth and quiet, and her cheeks gained color.

  “Let her sleep,” said Cat to Angel, “she is so weak”.

 Cat turned away and quickly wiped his eyes.

“I guess, I’ll stay here”, said Angel, stirring up the honey. “Until Anna gets up”.

 How do you know that she is Anna?

 I am Angel and I know your name is Murr

“So, I think we’ve kind of met”, chuckled Cat.   ‘And what do I call you?”

 We don’t have names. I am just Angel.

  Cat silently moved up the cream to Angel and took a sip out of the mug.

The wall clock was ticking over the table, the firewood was crackling in the stove, and the wind was growling outside the window.

 “You asked me, why I climbed so high”, chuckled Cat suddenly, “it comes out I had been waiting for you”.

And listening to the wind the Cat thoughtfully added, “I have to knit you socks.  Well, you are barefoot in the snow…”

Membership Tip & Techniques

Bess Lee: Use up Your Paints and Play!
While I was painting my piece for the BWS Van Gogh exhibit, I had a new thought and a new idea for practicing – without expectations or boundaries.  I have been trying to figure out a way to PRACTICE more knowing it will improve my skills without being disappointed in what I’m doing…letting go enough to practice.

So, I had leftover paint, this time acrylics, (but I also did this same “freeing” experiment with watercolor that I had squeezed out of the tubes). I had finished my piece, had paint left over and I said to myself “just PLAY with this paint”.

So I looked at about 15 more Van Gogh images and just started painting. (This also reminded me of the MUSE-seum class that Carol Rhodes and Nancy Metz are teaching again in the spring time. If you’ve never taken it, I highly recommend. I’m taking it myself for the fourth time.). So I took my leftover paints and I just said “play! play! play! Here was my result.”

Good practice and a LOT of fun.  My new “go-to” for practicing… use up those leftover paints!

Carol Rhodes: Paint Like the Masters. Carol shared some tips from taking a “Paint Like the Masters” course in which Van Gogh was featured:

1. Allow brush strokes to show, giving the impression of movement.
2. Particularly in background areas, emphasize stroke.
3. Use opaque colors—strident, bluish greens and blues are prevalent in many paintings. 
4. Paint complementary and contrasting strokes next to each other (called “simultaneous contrast”). Portraits often contain reds and greens in staccato strokes.
5.  Use broken dark lines (especially very dark blue) to define shapes.

February Calendar

Jacki Frey — “First Snow”

February 1 to 19 — See Sara Steffey”s work at By Hand Gallery, Bloomington.

February 1 to 19 — See Brown County Art Guild Patron’s Show, Nashville.

February 4 — Virtual Opening Reception of Van Gogh Show at Gallery Mortgage, 5 – 8 p.m.

February 4 — Opening Reception of Susan Savanuk’s Show at Gallery B, Bloomington.

February 4 to March 28 — Van Gogh Show, Gallery Mortage, Bloomington.

February 4 — Deadline to enter AquaVenture 2022.

February 14 — BWS Business Meeting and Program, Zoom, 6 – 8 p.m.

February 19 — Closing and Awards Ceremony, Brown County Art Guild Patron’s Show.

February 26 to 27 — Delivery date of paintings for Friends of T.C. Steele Show.

March 1 — Deadline to reserve booth at New Harmony’s First Blush of Spring Show.

March 5 to 27 — Friends of T.C. Steele Show, Nashville.

March 7 to April 15 — AquaVenture 2022 Show, Louisville, KY.

March 18 — Deadline to enter Phenomenon Show in Terra Haute.

April 2 — Opening of Phenomenon Show in Terra Haute.

April 23 — 4th Arts of Earth Day at T.C. Steele Historical Site.

April 23 — Ribeyre Center Art Sale, New Harmony.

December 2021 Brushstrokes

Kitty Garlock — Christmas Card

Holiday Party — December 13

Our Annual Holiday Party will be held Monday, December 13, at First Christian Church, 205 East Kirkwood, Bloomington. Starting time: 6 p.m. or ONLINE from 6:30 to 7:00.

Members and guests are invited. This year it will not be a dinner but a dessert, and everything is entirely complimentary. At the party, attendees will enjoy personally wrapped individual Bundt cakes of their choosing, hot coffee and tea, and cold holiday punch.

To stay at home, but contribute a card and/or ornament to receive a Bundt cake, email Jeanne Dutton by December 7th.

Here are the Party Details:

 This year’s Holiday Party is to be a social evening – an opportunity to be together. During the party there will be an optional activity if you are motivated to create some festive art. You can choose one or both of these alternatives.

  • You can bring one or two painted watercolor postcards made on any theme (a greeting card like “thinking of you” or “get well”; a special occasion holiday card such as Christmas, Valentine’s Day, Easter, etc.; a scene from a place you have visited or a local feature, etc.) You can purchase ready-made watercolor postcards or cut a card out of your own watercolor paper (4 x 6 inches in size). The idea is to bring one and take one someone else made home, or bring two, take two home.
  • You can make one or more small painted structure(s) that could be made to hang on a tree. We will place our creations as ornaments onto a holiday tree, to leave at the church during December and half of January. Artists will be able to take their pieces home sometime after Epiphany. (Aquagami is a great way to participate; see Nancy Metz’s Pinterest page at .)

If you can’t meet in-person but want to partake:

  • All at-home members are invited to join virtually for a half an hour or so while we show everyone’s artwork.
  • If you create and contribute a piece of art, you can get a little Bundt cake as a gift from BWS. Here’s how:
    • Before the party, Carol Rhodes will arrange to pick up your creation and deliver a Bundt cake to you. (She’ll be in touch about the schedule.)
    • At the party, we’ll do a Zoom so you can connect to everyone and view a display of the artworks of fellow BWS members along with yours.
    • If you do choose to stay at home but send your artwork, please email Jeanne Dutton at by the end of the day on December 7. (She will be ordering the cakes and coordinating with Carol.)

The deadline to say you were coming to the church was December 1 as we needed to know how many to expect to plan for refreshments and table setup. So December 7 is your last opportunity to participate. We’d love to see you on Zoom if not in person.

January Program News

Betty Wagoner will conduct the January 10 program entitled “Watercolor Pencil and Watercolor Painting.” Here is what Betty said about the program: “We will explore a few watercolor pencil techniques that can be used with watercolor painting. Using watercolor paints can provide more colors than available in watercolor pencils, notably by mixing colors. We will review a few examples of watercolor pencil artworks that have and have not employed watercolor paints in the artworks. Because of the Zoom format, the program will be primarily demonstration, but it will be possible for viewers to try out a few techniques while watching the program.”

Inside BWS

A Note from Our BWS President

Every year the BWS president, with the help of the board,  appoints a three-person Nominating Committee to select a slate of officers for the next year. I hope you will consider volunteering some of your time for the Nominating Committee. Being on the Nominating Committee will not absorb a lot of your time; it’s a short term commitment. Those of you who would like to serve on the Nominating Committee, please contact me. Thank you, Joanna Samorow-Merzer

Ride Sharing

Some of our members have difficulty driving at night and getting to the in-person meetings, especially during the winter.  To make it easy for these members, people can now write to asking to join, and Carol Rhodes will subscribe them to a list connecting those who are interested in rides.  Members can chat with each other about ride-sharing by sending email to Carol Rhodes is monitoring the list and can help arrange rides to and from meetings.

Announcing the BWS Benefit Exhibit
February & March 2022

“We Paint…Van Gogh’s World!

Stars! Swirls! Sunflowers! Self Portraits! Vibrant Colors!

What does the man, the artist, his work, inspire in you??

The Vault at Gallery Mortgage once again welcomes BWS for our annual benefit exhibit. 

Any 2D medium is welcome in this show, so get creative!  Three judges will determine who wins the cash prizes for Best of Show and Silver Second.  Artists who enter a painting will have their name put in a hat for the drawing for door prizes donated by none other than Andrew Preston of Preston Arts Center. (Heads up!  The grand door prize is a Sienna Pochade Plein Air Paint Box Medium, value $156!)

This year, our BWS show will benefit an outstanding organization, one which touches all of our lives in one way or another…Teachers Warehouse!   Founded by the Rotary Club, TW served over 2,200 teachers from across five counties in 2020-2021.  Check them out at

Watch your email for all the details and the full prospectus and video links that will certainly inspire you.  Here’s one now!

Delivery is Tuesday, February 1, 10-12.

Deadline for photos for the SmugMug gallery and publicity is January 10.

Questions?  Email Jeanne Dutton at

Outside BWS

Friends of TC Steele

Betty Wagoner, BWS Paint Out Chair, announced that the Friends of TC Steele Member Art Show will be held March 5 to the 28th. This information will be added to the BWS Show Calendar and to Brushstrokes once the prospectus is complete.

Think About Giving Art this Holiday

Every weekend between now and Christmas the Arts Alliance Center in the Bloomington College Mall is open for business, featuring local artist, many of whom are BWS members. Christmas is a great time to give a piece of original art to a friend whether authored by you or one of the members of our group.

Art Illiana Gallery — Call for Entries

Art Illiana Gallery (26 N. 6th Street, Terra Haute) has an open call for entries to “The Crow Show.” Entries can be submitted between now and December 24. The show will run from January 7 through March 18. Entries must be original works in any art medium and completed within the last 5 years. For more information see the prospectus.

Show Calendar

As a service to its members, BWS is initiating a show calendar project – a listing of upcoming shows that may be of interest to BWS members. We want our exhibitors to have an easy way to find upcoming opportunities, and we want to encourage those who are less experienced or new to exhibiting.

The show calendar will be updated and sent to you every month as an attachment to the email announcing the publication of Brushstrokes.

The December update to the Show Calendar is attached to the email announcing that the December Newsletter is now online. This is a list of upcoming shows and exhibition opportunities that may be of interest to BWS members.

Barbara Edmonds, who complies the information on this spreadsheet for BWS, asked that we emphasize that members please send any information for local area or regional shows to She also wants members to know that all the ONLINE COMPETITIONS are usually INTERNATIONAL, and thus they are listed at the very last of the spreadsheet. 

Membership News

Mary Sue Veerkamp-Schwab has been commissioned to paint a mural on the office wall at St. Paul Newman Center in Bloomington. The wall will have icons of the 2 saints of the parish and two of the archdiocese. Featured will be inspiring quotes from the saints. “The whole piece will come together by creating a background that will appear to be marble or an old manuscript. I am having fun creating the faux cracks“ says MarySue. MarySue has extensive experience teaching using her calligraphy skills in her art. One of her secrets is to use a level to get each line straight. “It’s time consuming but worth it in the end. I use white charcoal pencil to make the lines, which are easier to remove than pencil.” 

Congratulations Kitty Garlock!! In May of 2019 BWS had a paint-out at the Hinkle-Garton Homestead on 10th Street with a show that followed where all the pictures produced at the paint-out were for sale.  Kitty Garlock donated her picture “Call to Lunch” for possible future use or sale to Bloomington Restorations Inc, the foundation that maintains the home.  Little did she know that the foundation would eventually create a cookbook of Daisy’s recipes around this idea and use her painting for the cover. 

On Saturday, December 3rd these books will go on sale at the homestead for $14.95.  Kitty states that it was an unexpected honor for the foundation to use her painting for the book cover and she is proud to represent both Upland Plein Air and Bloomington Watercolor Society in this project. 

The accompanying photo was taken from the Hoosier Times Home page, Nov. 13, 2021.

Tips & Techniques

Motivate your Art Practice with Small, Quick, Daily Paintings 

Editor’s note. This is another in an occasional series of tips and techniques from fellow BWS members. Please share your ideas and images with Brushstrokes’s co-editors Nancy Davis Metz and Jerry Harste.

Text and images by Claude Cookman

Is it just me? Or do you also have trouble finding the motivation to go into your studio and paint regularly? Perhaps the solution is to lower our ambitions — to work small, quick, and daily.

I have lost track of how many large, ambitious paintings I’ve started, only to lose interest or get stuck and toss them on my unfinished pile. Invariably, it takes days or weeks to psych myself up to begin another big project. 

In early November I started a practice that motivates me to work, primarily because it lets me finish every painting. Few ideas are original and I discovered this one years ago in Carol Marine’s book, Daily Painting: Paint Small and Often to Become a More Creative, Productive, and Successful Artist. I was reminded of it recently by a YouTube video. The concept is to create small paintings, in a limited time frame, every day, or as often as you can.

I work with pastels, but you could use watercolor, oils, acrylics, ink, indeed, any medium. I have chosen a 6- x 6-inch format, but any small format will suffice. I try to finish my pieces in an hour or less, which keeps me from overworking them. Many of us aspire to paint more loosely. A short time frame helps achieve that quality. 

For me, it’s important to draw from a physical, three-dimensional motif. So, I set up a still life, limited to two items, the night before and arrange the lighting. You could work from photographs or sketches and choose any motif or genre. Most nights, I also select my palette of pastel sticks.

Much of the creative fun comes from choosing the objects. Because I love to cook, a lot of the paintings showcase food. I like to juxtapose organic with human-made objects; rough textures with glass, plastic or metal; verticals against horizontals. I also like to arrange items that might suggest a narrative or pick two objects so incongruous they leave the viewer scratching her head. 

Organizing the night before lets me get started first thing in the morning when my energy is high. It also allows my subconscious to percolate overnight. Often, I awake with ideas about the composition or color scheme. For example, the actual background of the accompanying examples is a white sheet. The painted backgrounds all flow from my subconscious as I play with color and abstract mark making. 

This approach lets me experiment without worrying about ruining a high-stakes painting. I have several brands of pastels from hard to soft sticks, pan pastels, and pencils. And I paint on five different surfaces from grit to velour. I’m only beginning to explore the permutations. 

Working small, quick, and daily lets me practice my craft without the pressure of having to make a perfect painting. I learn almost as much from a small painting as a large one. Composition, color scheme, value structure, edges, focal point, and other decisions are necessary for a painting of any size. Past a certain point finishing large paintings often becomes just a matter of rendering.

When I do my next large piece, I expect the skills I have internalized through this daily habit will manifest themselves in my intuitive mark making. To help ensure this, I keep a journal in which I record my discoveries and articulate my process for each painting. 

Best of all, I awake most mornings excited about going to my studio and working. Finishing a painting almost every day motivates me to start the next one. 

December Calendar

Painting — Compliments of Kitty Garlock

  • Between Now and December 13 — Make a card or “structure” for BWS Holiday Party.
  • Between Now and December 31– Make a 2021 tax deductible donation to BWS Scholarship Fund.
  • Between Now and February 1– Create a painting for the BWS Benefit Show (Delivery of painting will occur on February 1; Photos for SmugMug Gallery are due January 10).
  • December 13 — BWS Holiday Party, First Christian Church.
  • December 24 — Last day to submit paintings to “The Crow Show” in Terra Haute.

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