First Christian Church 6:15 pm
Charlotte Griffin ran the meeting for Jane Matranga who was taking students to Paris.
New members introduction: Francie Agostino, Dawn Cartwright, and Suzanne Thorin
Hospitality: Refreshments Chair, Mary Walker, gave thanks to Nancy Davis-Metz, Jacqueline Fernette, Patty Uffman, Charlotte Griffin and Penny Lulich who provided bounteous refreshments. Mary passed around a sign-up for refreshments for future meetings.
Minutes: Charlotte Griffin referred to the minutes of the April meeting as published on line. No corrections were voiced.
Minutes were approved: Motion: Carla Hedges, Second: Kathy Barton
Treasurer’s Report: Char Dapena gave the treasurer’s report for Patty Uffman who was ill and specifics are available by contacting Patty. Char reminded the members that membership dues are to be paid in June. Dues are $35 for individuals and $50 for families and should be mailed to our PO Box or you can use pay pal. BWS cards with envelopes are for sale for $12/packet.
The report was approved: Motion: Betty Wagoner, Second: Kitty Garlock
Old Business
Charlotte Griffin distributed the slate of officers for 2018-2019. The handout included the list of Committee Chairs who represent the extended board and Officers who represent the Executive Board. These individuals will take office following the June meeting. The members of BWS vote on the Officers/Executive board. The chairpersons are appointed by the president; the only open position is for Activities chairman, and anyone who would like to volunteer should contact Kitty Garlock. The members in attendance approved the election of the slate of officers proposed as follows:
- Kitty Garlock, President
- Jane Matranga, 1st VP
- Charlotte Griffin, 2nd VP
- Patty Uffman, Treasurer
- Jill Olshavsky, Secretary
Charlotte Griffin reported on the BWS sponsored workshop by Dale Popovich. Dale, who was a graduate and an instructor at the American Academy of Art, Chicago, IL, presented a successful workshop on April 28 in which all who participated learned a lot. Dale did 3 demos. Those who attended painted along with him on the third demo. Charlotte Griffin brought 2 of Dale’s demo paintings, and she and 4 others brought their paintings from the workshop.
New Business
Chair Reports
- We will have an art supply table sale in September or October to raise money for our scholarship fund. During your spring cleaning, please create a box for the sale.
- Charlotte Griffin passed around a sign-up sheet for the 2018 Garden Walk paint out. Those who sign up receive a ticket to the garden walk.
- Nancy Davis-Metz passed out a list of up-coming weekend paint-outs which she and Babette Ballinger put together, and she passed around sign-up sheets:
Upcoming Paint outs:
May 19, Brown County State Park,
June 16-17, Bloomington Garden Club Garden Walk, Artist in the Garden
July 14. People’s Park,
August 17. West Baden Springs,
September 8 T.C. Steele Historic Site,
and October TBD May Creek Farm.
For more detail see Brushstrokes closer to the specific date.
Upland Plein Air Painters:
- Kristen Stamper reported that Upland Plein Air Painters would meet
- May 15 at Morgan Monroe State Forest,
- May 22 Tuesday at Payne Town,
- May 29 at Cedar Creek, hosted by Jackie Frey,
- and June 5 at Babette Balliger’s home for an organizational meeting and pitch-in lunch.
Kristin passed around a sign-up sheet for hosts for future Upland meetings. Kristin also reported that the Hidden Treasures of Indiana exhibit at the Wiley House barn which ended on Thursday, involved 18 artists who exhibited 44 works (up to 3 per artist). Over 65 attended, and one painting was sold. The entrance fee was used for a People’s Choice Award which was given to Kristen Stamper and Jackie Frey in a tie vote.
Jo Weddle reported that she presented the BWS scholarship to Clara Smith at the BHHSS awards ceremony, and she read Clara’s letter which was quite impressive. Clara will be invited to attend one of our meetings in the Fall.
Jo Weddle reminded the members that Sara Steffey-McQueen’s program for the June 11 meeting is ‘Mixed media and abstract’. Members are each asked to bring a failed painting or two as well as watercolor crayons.
At the June meeting we will be asked to contribute ideas for next year’s programs.
Kathy Barton said that we could publish a BWS book for about $20 with the proceeds to be used for our scholarship program. Kathy volunteered to work on it, and Babette Ballinger and Candi Bailey also volunteered.
Anne-Karine Bley reported that she is chairing the 2018 BWS show on August 3 at the Vault at Gallery Mortgage. She passed around sign-up sheets for people to bring food for the reception on August 3, to take in and hang the show, and to greet people at the reception on September 1. Images should be submitted by July 7 (note this is a correction in date) to Anne-Karine for publicity. August 1 from 10-12 is when paintings are to be dropped off, August 3 from 5-8 is the reception, September 7 from 5-8 is a second gallery walk when a representative from BWS would be helpful. There is no specific theme for the show, but the committee will decide on a title.
- Charlotte Griffin reported that Jerry Harste’s show at the Waldron ends May 19 and encouraged everyone to see it.
- Jo Weddle described the tree painting in the lobby of First Christian Church which features her and several other BWS members’ tree paintings.
- Bob Buress told us about Paint Columbus, the first annual event for plein air painting in which he participated. Artists are invited to submit 2 paintings, and 1/3 of the paintings sold. Columbus will repeat the event in the Fall as part of ‘Exhibit Columbus’.
- Cassidy Young reported that on Friday the Academy of Science and Entrepreneurship would have an emerging artists show from 5-7:30.
Meeting adjourned at 7:00 pm
Program: Cassidy Young: Collaborative Art Exercises/Silly Portrait