First Christian Church
March 12, 2018, 6:10pm
Charlotte Griffin (1st VP) filling in for Jane Matranga (president)
Guests Welcome: Don Cartwright, Linda Merile, & Dawn Grace
New Members Introduction: Glenda Thompson
Hospitality: Thanks to Mary Walker, pass around sign-up for refreshments
Minutes: Erin Duff – Minutes approval: Motion Candi Bailey Second Betty Wagoner
Correction by Kristen Stamper- The Hidden Treasures of Indiana date was incorrect published in the Minutes on Brushstrokes last month. The date needs to be corrected to April 3rd.
Treasurer’s Report: Patty Uffman – Balances & Expenses Report Acceptance: Motion Char Dapena Second Nina Ost
Old Business
Joanne Weddle: Security. We’d like to keep the Church building secure without leaving all of the doors open. The doors will be locked after the meeting starts. There is a security box to the right of the door that will require a four-digit security code to unlock the door. The code will be valid for a designated time before it expires (the few hours the meeting is held). An email will be sent to BWS members with the door security code and Jo’s cell phone number (in case you need help getting inside).
Cards sold as part of the Art of Chocolate Week: BWS sold $130, Gabe (The Venue) sold $50, The Art of Chocolate sold $80 during opening night. A total of $260 card sales. Kristen Stamper sold a painting at The Art of Chocolate! Congratulations, Kristen!
New Business
Jane Matranga:
- Call for volunteers to serve on nominating committee.
The nominating position is short lived. We are looking to find people to take on the responsibility for a year. Please volunteer!
- Call for volunteers to serve on a money generating ideas task force
Joanne Weddle shared The Bloomington Sketchbook printed in 2004. The book was passed around the room. It would be a great idea to publish a BWS Sketchbook for Bloomington’s two-hundred-year anniversary! Note: Susan Jane Williams is a professional publicist that can make cards out of all of our work. She may be a good contact to discuss publishing a BWS Sketchbook.
- Chair members, please announce if you a staying/leaving your position for the next term
Committee Reports
Activities: Charlotte Griffin The Workshop on April 28 is on Landscape Painting presented by Dale Popovich.
The Website has more information and the Paypal button is active.
Brushstrokes: Nancy Metz Nancy not present.
Publicity: Sara Steffey-McQueen Sara not present.
Programs: Jo Weddle
- April 9th Meeting Nan Brewer (The Lucienne m. Glaubinger Curator of Works on Paper, Eskenazi Museum of Art, IU) will be presenting “Ladies Medium” to Color Field: a short history of watercolor painting in America.
- May 14th, Sara Steffey McQueen will present on “Mixed Media Abstracts”.
- June 11th, Cassidy Young will present on “Collaborative Art Exercise/ Silly Portraits”.
Scholarship: Babette has scholarship donation forms.
Applicants are due by March 30th. Donation forms are available through the MCCSC foundation. Please pick up a form if you’d like to make a donation. A $300 scholarship will be awarded to a MCCSC High School graduating senior.
Shows: Anne-Karine Bley Anne-Karine not present.
Charlotte delivered Anne-Karine’s message to members to inform them that the fall membership show will be early this year (August or September). It will be hung at The Vault. Expect a prospectus soon and plan on creating some wonderful art to enter in the show this summer.
Activites: Jeanne in absentia:
A reminder to everyone to pick up their paintings at the Vault on Monday, April 2, from 11am-2pm. Jeanne will send out a reminder.
Upland Painters Activities: Kristen Stamper
Upland is sponsoring a show of Plein Air paintings: Hidden Treasures of Indiana. Please sign up now! Paintings must be turned in on March 31st at The Wylie House. Plein Air is the theme. You can submit up to two pieces. Paintings can be up to 35” wide. There is a $5 commitment fee which will go to the People’s Choice Award. The show will run from April 3rd-May 9th.
Wednesday, March 13th, Upland Painters will paint inside the Wylie House museum. Tuesday, March 20th, Jackie Frey.
Meri Reinhold: Sent out an announcement on February 8th on the listserv but it did not go through. Announcement: there is an artist in residence opportunity at Porcupine State Park for two weeks. Applications are due March 30th. Artists will find out if they have been accepted by April 30th. The artist will stay at a rustic cabin, 25 miles from the shoreline of Lake Superior in the UP of Michigan. There are lakes, rivers, waterfalls in the virgin forest. The payment for the residents will be one finished art piece.
Jo: Charles Gruppe: Afloat or Ashore- trip to the French Rivera in Europe. Lunch and dinner not included. The trip will include time in France and Italy (coast cities). The focus will be on Impressionism. The trip leaves from New York. You do not need to be a painter to join the trip.
Charlotte Griffin passed around copies of an email from Brown County Art Guild for a plein air offering on March 31st, hosted by Jeanne McLeish and Jerry Smith. More info at
Meeting closed @ 6:40pm
Program: Founding members Alice Sharp and Paul Sharp made a presentation about how to do plein air painting.