Minutes of the Meeting – January 8, 2018

First Christian Church

January 8, 2018, 6:15pm

Guests Welcome: Katya Alexeeva & Merry Wenger

New Members Introduction

Hospitality:  Thanks to Mary Walker, pass around sign-up for refreshments

Thank you to Bess, Charlotte, Jane, & Cassidy for contributing refreshments.

Minutes: Erin Duff – Minutes approval:  Motion Jane Matranga Second Patty Uffman

Treasurer’s Report: Patty Uffman – Balances & Expenses Report

Petty cash: $100, PayPal: $38, IUCU: $1,747, Balance: $1,885.

Reminder: Packets of notecards are for sale for $12 or $1 each.

Old Business

New business

BWS Operating Budget – Patty Uffman

BWS will honor our budget commitments the remainder of the year through June 2018. There are now about eighty BWS members. With continued membership growth, more shows, and more committees, there is a need for more resources. Late last year we voted yes to pass an amendment to change the bylaws. Most members voted in favor. The bylaws state that membership fees will be determined periodically (most likely an annual basis). A budget committee was formed, including Charlotte Griffin, Carol Rhodes, and Patty Uffman. We currently have limited operating funds which are an essential part of any sustainable organization. Our expenses and the list of expenses have increased over the past twelve years. BWS collects about $2,000 a year in membership dues. Our annual expenses equal about $3,000. The committee presented the budget to the board, which voted with a unanimous decision to approve increased dues. We have reallocated some amounts, including a reduced amount for the Venue emerging artists award, eliminating the BWS tote bags, and eliminating the Arts Alliance of Greater Bloomington membership. BWS membership dues (payable May 1st) for next year will increase by $10 (Associate membership will increase by $5). We have also added new allocations, including a $50 budget for the portraits group, a $100 budget for Upland Painters, increased the shows budget to $400, and offset the annual workshop by $250 (so members don’t have to absorb all of the cost).

Our current budget will end after the last meeting in June, 2018. The new budget starts in July, 2018.

If anyone wants to make a gift/donation please address to Bloomington Watercolor Society.

Suggestion: Adding an entry fee of $5-10 for our membership shows. The bylaws state that Signature members are exempt from show entry fees.

Note: The membership show is a benefit for being part of our organization. Adding an entry fee will complicate the show.

Suggestion: We might do another set of notecards. Notecards do bring in more money.

Suggestion: A proposed revenue coming in that would cover us from July 2018 to June 2019. It might be helpful to have revenues and expenses in writing made available to members.

Suggestion: A committee should be formed to come up with fundraiser projects, possibly charging for shows, more notecards, etc to help offset the revenue/budget balance. Motion: Cathy Barton Second: Anne-Karine Bley

Committee Reports

Activities: Jeanne Dutton Art of Chocolate: We Paint Jazz

Art of Chocolate: Mardi Gras overall theme. Our BWS theme is “We Paint Jazz”. Please submit your images soon. An image will be used for the program. The image will go online and you’ll be credited. Check out http://bloomingtonwatercolor.org/bwsshows/we-paint-jazz-prospectus/ to look at the show rules. Please drop off your artwork on Tuesday January 30th. The Opening is on February 2nd for the Gallery Walk. There will be a $100 Best of Show prize and two tickets for the Keynote event ($150 value). The runner up will receive two tickets to the Keynote event ($150 value). The remaining tickets will get distributed by raffle. All details are online.

There will be three volunteers to paint notecards onsite (Cassidy, Robin, & Jeanne). You can donate greeting cards to the event. Sale from cards will go to benefit Life Designs.

Brushstrokes: Jeanne Dutton New editor: Nancy Metz

Publicity: Sara Steffey-McQueen  Anne-Karine Bley speaking for Sara

Winter Scenes for HT must be submitted by January 10th. See Anne-Karine Bley for questions. They will most likely be published January 14th.

Upland Painters Activities: Kristen Stamper

Upland, current locations for this month and general committee participation guidelines

Upland is having a winter organization meeting on January 16th, 10:30am at Jacki’s house in Ellettsville (5024 W September Drive). We are planning our calendar with a pitch in lunch. Please bring a current piece of artwork to share.

There is an organized Plein air event at the Wylie House Museum Bradley Education Center (307 E 2nd St). Theme: Hidden Treasures of Indiana. The prospectus is on the BWS website. You can submit two pieces from an event sponsored by BWS. The pieces need to be 60% completed onsite in Plein air. The final layers can be added later. There is a $5 cash commitment fee to enter. The profits will be used for People’s Choice award (voted on at the reception). Work must be framed with hangers. Please see Penny to sign up. We are taking commitments until March. The reception will be held on Saturday, April 14th 2pm-4:30pm. Please spread the word!

Programs: Jo Weddle

Betty Wagoner is doing the program tonight. Anne-Karine Bley will do the program next month (non-traditional, abstract approach to composition).

Brushstrokes will publish what supplies you need to bring to the meeting next month.

Scholarships: Jo Weddle

The scholarships go out at the end of next month. Posters from White Rabbit have been printed. Sara Steffey McQueen will hang the posters at schools. The scholarship award is $300. Theme: Paint outside the box.


Jeanne Iler

Jeanne Iler was an original BWS member and a professional artist. She moved to California four years ago to be closer to family. Her son passed away suddenly. You are welcome to send her a card. Jo has sent a card to her family on behalf of BWS.

Tricia Wente

says “hello” to everyone!

Program: Betty Wagoner – Aerial Perspective


Meeting adjourned 7:10pm.