Minutes of the BWS Meeting, April 10, 2017


6:10 pm: Call to Order

Welcome and Guest Introductions

Sharon Parsons came as a guest. New members were Barbara Coffman and Tom Tierney. Welcome!

Hospitality thanks (Betty Wagoner/Mary Walker)

Special thanks to Jaqueline Fernette, Mary Walker, Meri Reinhold, Char Dapena, Jeanne Dutton and Bess Lee, who contributed various dishes.

Minutes approval

It was noted that in the Old Business section of earlier minutes, the name needed to be changed from Candi Bailey to Kathy Truelove-Barton. Upon agreement, approval was proposed by Meri Reinhold and seconded by Robin Edmundson. There was unanimous approval.

Treasurer’s report (Patty Uffman)

BWS bank and fund balances were reported. Motion to accept by Jerry Harste and Candi Bailey. There was unanimous approval.

Old Business


The nominating committee submits the following slate for the 2017-2018 season:

President: Jane Matranga
First Vice President: Charlotte Griffin
Second Vice President: Nancy Metz
Treasurer: Patti Uffman
Secretary: Erin Duff

Committee Heads:
Activities Chair: Jeanne Dutton
Historian: Candi Bailey
Refreshments: Mary Walker
Programs: Jo Weddle
Publicity: Sara Steffey McQueen
Scholarship: Jo Weddle
Shows: Anne-Karinne Bley
Technology: Carol Rhodes
Plein Air: Kristen Stamper

New Business:

Committee Reports:

Activities (Jeanne Dutton)

There is a table sale at the May meeting. Jeanne Dutton called for donations of surplus art supplies or books.

A paintout is scheduled at Steve Dawson’s farm on April 29. Directions will be provided for members.

LifeDesigns sent a thank-you card to BWS members for a successful show.

The BWS Spring Workshop, “Alcohol Inks and Water Soluble Crayons on Yupo” on Saturday March 25, led by instructor Lynn Busch was well attended. Participants learned different techniques of applying alcohol inks on Yupo. Attendees also experimented with pearl-ex, a mica pigment that can be added to watercolors, and water soluble wax pastels/crayons.

Charlotte Griffin informed members that the annual Garden Walk would be June 17 and 18, and painters will be sought to participate for all gardens on all days. A signup sheet will be passed around in the May meeting, but volunteers are welcome to talk to Charlotte beforehand.

Upland Painters Activities (Kristen Stamper)

Plein Air Exhibition at Bellevue Gallery

The 1st Annual Plein Air Exhibition of Upland Plein Air Painters & Bloomington Watercolor Society will be at the Bellevue Gallery at the Farmer House Museum April 6 to May 2. upland@bloomingtonwatercolor.org.

Spring Schedule

The spring schedule through May 9 is posted at http://wepaintbloomington.org.

Scholarship (Jo Weddle)

Four applicants have come forward. The foundation committee will meet about it on the 17th of April. Jo Weddle appealed for additional contributions to be added to the fund in the future, so that the award can be $500. Jeanne Dutton pointed out that the organization cannot do that until it has increased the scholarship fund substantially, because once the commitment of $500 is made, BWS would have to meet that commitment in the future.

Gallery Shows: (Tricia Wente and Anne-Karine Bley)

Signature Member show

A BWS Signature Member show opening reception is planned for 4:30 to 6 pm, May 5, at Meadowwood Retirement Center in May. BWS membership will be updated at the May meeting.

Programs (Jo Weddle)

May program

Robin Edmundson will present a program on color harmony.


Betty Wagoner made a plug for people to join the Friends of TC Steele. This is the last year for the Festival of Flowers paint out. Other activities are planned for the spring time slot in the future.

Technology (Carol Rhodes)

Charlotte Griffin asked members present to submit artwork for the BWS Web gallery. Any resolution, format, and size will be accepted.

Monthly Program

Jerry Harste presented a program in abstract techniques, with the theme, “Gamboling Goats.”

Adjourned 8:30 pm

Submitted by Carol Rhodes, BWS Secretary.