First Christian Church
February 12, 2018, 6:15pm
Guests Welcome
New Members Introduction: Glenda Thompson & Carolyn Waldman (not present)
Hospitality: Thanks to Mary Walker, pass around sign-up for refreshments
Minutes: Erin Duff – Minutes approval: Motion Patty Uffman Second Char Dapena
Treasurer’s Report: Patty Uffman – Balances & Expenses Report
$50 from two new members.
Old Business
Patty Uffman: Dues increase & BWS Operating Budget
Our current year ends in June. When dues become due in May, the annual cost will increase to $35.
New Business
Jane Matranga: We are asking for nominations to form a BWS money raising committee (four people). Please email Jane if you are willing to serve on the task force or if you have any ideas to share. The committee will meet in mid-March and come up with ideas to raise funds/ determine what is feasible for 2018-2019.
We are also looking for nominations for board members. We will need a new Secretary and President (Jane will move to the 2nd Vice President position) next year. Patty Uffman will stay on as Treasurer. Patty Uffman and Kathy Barton were on the nominating committee last year. Nominations must be turned into the Board before everyone votes in May. The Chair of Nominating committee will present new nominations at the April meeting.
Committee Reports
Activities: Jeanne Dutton (not present)
Art of Chocolate: We Paint Jazz
Approximately 150 people came to the reception from 5-7:30pm. Best of Show went to our brand new member, Katya. Her family was here visiting from the Ukraine. Candi Bailey received second place for her shell mosaic. Carol Rhodes art was selected to be on the cover of the program. Proceeds from card sales went to Life Designs.
Brushstrokes: Nancy Metz
Jo Weddle: A shout out to Nancy for doing such a great job taking over Brushstrokes. It takes a lot of time and hard work!
Publicity: Sara Steffey-McQueen (2 min.) (Sara not present)
Cassidy Young: The Kentucky Watercolor Society will announce to their members about our workshop with Dale Popovich so we can get more interest. Sara distributed the scholarship posters to the local high schools. The prospectus and PR items will be distributed in March.
The Wylie House exhibition will be in April. There will be postings on the community calendars. Sara will release information on social media and Cathy Barton is in charge of print media. If you have something that you’d like to say about your piece please submit to Sara or Cathy. Check out @GalleryWalkBtown on Instagram to see some of our work posted.
Cassidy offered to run a workshop on Instagram for those who are unfamiliar with the app.
Upland Painters Activities: Kristen Stamper
The Upland schedule has changed: February 20th meeting will be sketching ballet class at MAC, Feb 27th will be sketching at Mathers Museum, March 13th at Wylie House museum during Spring break
The Upland Show
Please read Brushstrokes regarding information on the Upland Show—Hidden Treasures of Indiana.
Please grab a prospectus from Kristen.
Kitty Garlock: We are asking for a $5 commitment fee to submit your plein air painting for the Hidden Treasures of Indiana at the Wylie House. Paintings will be judged for People’s Choice Award. The $5 commitment fee goes to the award. Please look at the prospectus to get information on how the paintings need to be hung. Artists must manage their own sales. Buyers will be contacting the painters directly. You are welcome to sell your painting during the show but please have another painting to take its place. The reception will probably be the best opportunity to sell your painting. Note: these are plein air paintings, not still lives.
Programs: Jo Weddle Printed programs list passed out to everyone.
Alice Sharp will be our guest next month for the program on “Plein Air Painting.”. Alice creates illustrations for textbooks.
Connie Brorsen has reserved our Christmas Party for December 5th at Meadowood.
Scholarship: Jo Weddle
Information went out to school counselors on January 24th. Posters have been delivered by Sara. The deadline is Friday, March 30th. We were planning to pass out fliers at the Venue during the Emerging Artists Show but that has been put on hold. We have lots of fliers to pass out. The Youth Art Month at the Waldron in March will be a good opportunity to get the word out.
Nancy Davis Metz: IMO an abbreviation for “In My Opinion” in Brushstrokes: “If you could paint anywhere your heart’s desire, where would you paint?” Please answer in no more than three sentences and email to Nancy.
Claude Cookman: The Thursday, February 22nd portrait model will be Connie Brorsen (BWS member) at Meadowood from 1-3pm.
Notecards are available for $12/pack.
Meeting adjourned 6:50pm.
Program: Anne-Karin A Non-Traditional Approach to Composition