May 9, 2016
Call to order: Nancy Metz called the meeting to order at 6:12 p.m.
Guests: LJ Hall Cueto-Arreola, Kathy Heise, Claire Jenness, Meredith Metz, Roy Reynolds, and honorary member Heidi Heiser
New Members: Nancy had totes for new members Robin Edmundson, Susan Failey, Sheri Hall-Kordosky, and Antonia Richards.
Hospitality: Thank you to Candi Bailey, Kathy Barton, Susie Graham, Jerry Harste, Joanne Weddle, and Taresa Youngman, who brought refreshments.
Artful Learning School Project: Roy Reynolds and Kathy Heise reported on the Artful Learning Program at Fairview School, the first arts-focused elementary school in Monroe County. They are looking for volunteer artist mentors to work alongside the students once or twice a week in a project-based environment.
Grades K-3 focus on drama, dance, and the visual arts. Grades 4-6 students study 2-D, drawing and painting, and sculpture and ceramics. The 4-6 graders chose a major and minor. Many students start out with a particular painting to study. The last step is a student’s impression of the painting. That’s when the volunteer mentor would work alongside the students. The art teacher would be in the room with the volunteer artist, and the artist would only be responsible for their own things.
The time commitment is open. For example, an artist could volunteer every Monday for nine weeks, or every other Monday for a semester. Volunteers could also partner with another volunteer. The art classes meet Mon., Wed., Fri. from 11:25 a.m.-12:15 p.m., and during a similar time slot on Tues. and Thurs. School starts on Aug. 10. Volunteers would follow the school calendar.
Artists can volunteer via email to
Minutes of the April meeting: Carla Hedges moved to accept the April minutes. Candi Bailey seconded the motion, which passed.
Treasurer’s Report: Charlotte Griffin, treasurer, reported a balance of $1,874. $261 was given to the Foundation for Monroe County Community Schools.
Committee Reports
Hospitality: Betty passed around a sign-up list for June and September refreshments.
Shows: Tricia Wente said we should come and see the BWS Signature Member Show at the Waldron Arts Center.
The BWS annual show will be at the Monroe County History Center in December. BWS members may submit one painting each.
Scholarship Committee: There was one outstanding applicant for the BWS scholarship. The scholarship will be awarded at the school’s awards night.
Program Committee: Jo said that the June 13 program will be “Blooming in Bloomington: Spring Flowers” with Jeanne Dutton.
BWS Upland Plein Air Painters: Anne-Karine Bley, the BWS UP season coordinator, reported on upcoming events:
Wed. May 11, Burnham Woods
Wed. May 18, TC Steele Historic Site
Wed. May 25, Kitty’s property
Tue. May 31, Moody Farm
Mon. June 6 will be a planning meeting from 10 a.m.-1:30 p.m. at Babette Ballinger’s house.
The group usually meets from 9 a.m. to noon. Contact Anne-Karine if you have questions about an event. Events will be listed in Brushstrokes. Anyone can attend an event. Those who wish to paint every week can join the group. Group members must host one meeting per year.
Signature Member Applications: Tricia said anyone interested in signature membership should come and see her.
Bloomington Garden Club Annual Garden Walk: Charlotte Griffin said that the garden walk will take place June 25-26. Participating artists will receive a free $10 ticket to the walk. Charlotte passed around a sign-up sheet for artists who want to participate. She is counting on having one artist for each garden on both days. Artists will paint from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. on June 25, and from noon-4 p.m. on June 26. Contact Charlotte
Membership Dues: Membership dues are due in June. Dues can be paid on PayPal or by check. Cost is $25 for single membership, $40 for family, and $10 for students.
Nominations: Meri Reinhold is chairing the nominating committee. Candi Bailey and Carol Rhodes are on the committee. A slate will come by email, and we will vote in June.
Jeanne Dutton moved to adjourn and Kathy Barton seconded the motion. The meeting adjourned at 6:58 p.m.
PROGRAM: Betty Wagoner demonstrated and led the group in “Experimenting with Watercolor Pencils.”
Respectfully submitted,
Char Dapena, Secretary