Artist: Seongwon “Sarah” Park, BWS Scholarship Winner
BWS Meeting: March 10
The March meeting of the Bloomington Watercolor Society is Monday, March 10th at 6 p.m. at the First Christian Church, 205 E. Kirkwood Ave. Details will be sent to the membership via email. A brief business meeting will open the meeting.
Meeting Program: “Unique Techniques”
Most of what we know we have learned from being in the company of other learners. This is also true for watercolor artists. In the spirit of sharing, members will be invited to share their very best discoveries and favorite watercolor techniques. If everyone who comes participates, everyone should leave a head taller than their original self!! This has the potential of being the best program yet! See “From the Desk of BWS President Laura Brown” for more specifics.
Inside BWS
From the Desk of BWS President Laura Brown:
Hello Members!
We are now heading into Spring and new things are just around the corner!
The program for the BWS Membership Meeting on March 10th at 6pm will focus on “Unique Techniques” in watercolor. BWS Member and Secretary Charlotte Griffin and Vice President and Member Jeanne Dutton will kick off the program demonstrating ways to make textures in watercolor and how to use stencils for lifting.
A few more demonstrators and supply list TBA so keep your eye out for the meeting reminder email.
Board Member Call Out!
Four of our Executive Board Members are exiting their positions this year!
BWS Needs Your Help!
1st Vice President
We are also in need of a nominating committee to help us with prospective candidates for these positions. If you are interested, please contact info@bloomingtonwatercolor.org or check your email to contact the current president directly.
Below are pages from our handbook outlining the duties of these positions. It’s a great chance to get involved with BWS on a deeper level. This is a summarized version, and if you’d like to see the full description of the position, please let me know!
President, Bloomington Watercolor Society
Charge: Presides over all regular meetings, may attend all committee meetings as an ex-officio member except the nominating committees, and signs checks; Reports to: BWS members; Supervises:1st and 2nd vice presidents, secretary, treasurer, Brushstrokes editor, historian, and chairs of the Finance, Meeting Programs, Nominating, Publicity, Scholarship, Activities, Refreshment, and Paint Out committees.
1st Vice President, Bloomington Watercolor Society
Charge: The 1st Vice President shall preside over all meetings in the absence of the President and shall succeed to and become President of BWS in the event that the office of President becomes vacant. The 1st Vice President will serve on the Show(s) Committee and be liaison to the Paint Out Committee. Reports to: BWS President; Supervises: Show Committee; Coordinates with: The Executive Board, particularly the 2nd Vice President. (Per the BWS By Laws, the 2nd Vice President shall have the same duties as the 1st Vice President, except the 2nd Vice President will chair the Membership Committee; Elected by membership.
Treasurer, Bloomington Watercolor Society
Charge: The Treasurer shall handle all the banking and handling of club’s money, including receiving and issuing payments. Drafts may be signed by the President, Treasurer, or Secretary; however, drafts much be approved by the Treasurer. The Treasurer is responsible for reporting to the appropriate state and federal agencies (as required). Reports to BWS President; Supervises Finance Committee; Elected by membership.
Secretary, Bloomington Watercolor Society
Charge: The Secretary shall keep a record of all meetings including board meetings. The Secretary whose term begins in even numbered years will review the BWS By-laws along with one other member. The Secretary will serve as chair; Reports to: BWS President; Supervises: Biennial By-Laws Committee (in even numbered years, and whose term starts in July); Elected by membership.
“We Paint…2-D: Dali and Degas”

“Flutter Ballet” by Nina Ost; Medium: Acrylic markers; Framed size: 16 x 14. “This is a mixture of Degas dancers clad as Dali Butterflies performing on a Dali desert set.”
Now showing through March 28, 2025 at The Vault at Gallery Mortgage, 121 E 6th Street, Bloomington. Gallery Hours are Monday to Friday, 9:00-5:00 p.m. Please call ahead 812-334-9700.
Reception: Gallery Walk Friday, March 7, 5:00-8:00
In addition to Surrealism meets Impressionism in this exhibit presented by the artist members of the Bloomington Watercolor Society, we are featuring the artwork of the BWS Art Scholarship winner, Seongwon “Sarah” Park, a 2024 graduate of BHSS. Stop by and greet Seongwon and enjoy the showcase of her work!
Fifty percent of all sales support the work of Teachers Warehouse, an organization that provides FREE classroom supplies to educators in nine counties.
The Opening Reception was February 7 where the Best of Show and Runner Up awards were presented. Here’s Laura Brown accepting her Runner Up certificate for her entry, “Smile,” reminiscent of Dali’s melting clocks.

Lynne Gilliatt won Best of Show for “Spring Rain.”

Congratulations to the winners and to Lynne whose painting sold that same evening! You can take the video tour at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fcx-MT_0DDQ or browse through the paintings at our BWS SmugMug gallery, https://bloomingtonwatercolor.smugmug.com/We-paint2D-Dali-and-Degas
A Little BWS History
Linda Branstetter, BWS Historian, reported: “According to then BWS president, Jeanne Dutton, 2008 was a year of experimentation and expansion. The first experiment was to host a five day workshop. Fourteen people attended and it gained two new members. They had Judy Betts of Baton Rouge as their instructor. Their second experiment was a field trip to Twin Rock Paper Mill. BWS elevated their membership to include Signature status artists. BWS held a membership show and hosted paint outs. Their membership enrollment rose from 54 to 61 members. BWS members won awards (some national), taught classes and gave workshops.
Outside BWS
Still Time to Catch the Linda Meyer-Wright Show

Artists for Climate Awareness
The organization Artists for Climate Awareness is hosting “climate art” exhibition. The exhibition, named “Distant Thunder,” includes 2-D and 3-D artwork to be displayed online and at the Arts Alliance Center in the College Mall from April 3rd to April 28th. Two examples of pieces in the show follow along with the artists’ statements about these artworks.

Zain Mackey, “Hard Times.” Entry for Distant Thunder” Show. Mixed media collage of discarded watercolors, acrylic ink, reclaimed gesso prints, found S&H stamps, recycled book pages, 17”x21” framed. Artist Statement: “I tore my watercolors of dry deserts with polluted skies and murky mountains into pieces. I sliced through gesso prints of abandoned buildings and ghoulish figures. I found some old S&H Green Stamps in the back of a drawer in my long deceased mother’s desk and I remembered, we had hard times. You deal with hard times not by withdrawing and feeling depressed but by action; actions like stepping forward, helping, calling the lies by name, advocating for change, contributing when you can. Although Auden’s haiku alludes to a far-off thunder as heralding death, I hear in the distance the thunder beings who exist in almost every culture around the world. Their distant thunder calls us to be a force in the protection of nature. It commands us to use our power, passion, force and strength to make changes for the better. This is the message of my collage “Hard Times.” Be the thunder god, be brave, roll on.”

Patty Uffman, “The Coming Storm,” Entry for Distant Thunder Show, Size: 16.375” x 13”, Medium: Watercolor. Artist Statement: As an amateur artist — not a climatologist – in preparation for this exhibit I have simply studied raw data from meteoblue.com (headquartered in Basel, Switzerland) related to Guadalupe Mountains National Park, a remote area located in far West Texas along the Texas/New Mexico border, 110 miles east of El Paso, Texas. It is a park that I have visited, hiked, photographed, and grown to love. With the limited referenced information I have read, I am not trained to extrapolate data for one particular location to a broader base; however, it is clear from graphs reflecting the past forty plus years that Guadalupe Mountains National Park has experienced an increase of three or more degrees Fahrenheit in the mean yearly temperature, and, more notably, a decrease of nearly 40% in the mean yearly precipitation. The impact of these climate changes on animal and plant life in that ecosphere (and, by extension, to the human race) cannot be overlooked. Obviously, rainstorms in the Guadalupe Mountains National Park are essential to help sustain the area’s natural vitality. My abstract painting “The Coming Storm” should not be viewed as ominous, but as a welcome relief after one such long dry period.
Art Alliance’s “Gala Round the Table”
The Arts Alliance of Greater Bloomington is having a “Gala Round the Table” on March 7th, from 7:30-9:30 p.m. at the Ballroom of Fountain Square (3rd Floor) Free to all! Free food!! Cash bar.
The Hoosier Salon
The Hoosier Salon invites you to stop by the Hoosier Art Salon, Suite B245, for a pop-up art sale featuring the works of Susan Mack, Friday, March 8th from 5 to 9 p.m.
In addition, the Hoosier Salon is offering a series of workshops to help foster continual artist inspiration and development in the local art community. Workshops run 2-3 days. Bill Starke’s workshop, “Making the Landscape Simple,” and Tad Ritz’s workshop, “The Power of Suggestion” run April 22-24. Go to the Hoosier Salon website for costs, supplies, and other such information.
Additionally, The Hoosier Salon would love your participation in the 20th Annual Field to Finish Exhibition! April 23 – June 1, 2025. Artists can now enter up to TWO pieces. A discount will be offered for more than one piece submitted by the same artist.
Watercolor Society of Indiana
Tim Lewis, WSI president, sent in this list of upcoming events:
The Watercolor Society of Indiana has posted our 2025 calendar on the WSI website at https://www.watercolorsocietyofindiana.org/.
Upcoming events:
- WSI Regional Membership Exhibit at Hendricks Live! in Plainfield. Limited to the first 50 from WSI members. The show opens April 16th and runs through May 31st.
- WSI Annual Membership Exhibition at The Eiteljorg Museum in Indianapolis. Any WSI member may submit one watercolor to this show – not juried. The show opens May 10th and runs through June 14th.
Membership News
Andy Roberts. I am enjoying painting in SW Florida and have some painting in two local shows on Sanibel Island. The first show is at the Sanibel Public Library with two paintings. The 1st one is “Captiva Sunset” (on yupo), and the second is “North Captiva Icehouse.”

The 3rd and 4th paintings are at a show at the Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundation’s Bailey Homestead. The 3rd painting is entitled, “Jensen’s Marina Pelican” and the 4th, “Green Sea Turtle” (on yupo). Hope to be back in Bloomington at the end of March.

MarySue Schwab. I am honored that my oil painting was accepted in the Hamilton County Midwest Art Show in Noblesville. Out of 260 entries, only 57 were accepted.

Jacki Frey. My painting “Stonington,” was accepted in Indiana Artists Club Juried Show. The show will be at the Newfield Museum of Art in Indianapolis. The exhibit opens March 21 and closes May 16.

Henry Leck. I have a solo show opening up March 1st at the Arts Alliance Center. The opening reception is also on March 1st from 6 to 8 p.m.

Tim Lewis. This watercolor, “For Sadie”, was done as a gift for some close friends who had their first baby a few months ago.

Lynne Giliatt. My latest gouache on paper. Even though this photo picks up a reflection, I think people will enjoy seeing it.

Jerome Harste. My painting, “In the Surf” was juried into the 14th Annual Collectors’ Event at the Simon & Chapin Art Museum in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. Painting juried into this event will be on display from March 6 to April 27 at the Museum.

Gail Fairfield. Mark your calendars for whatever intrigues you . . .
Bloomington Watercolor Society show (includes one of my pieces).
I’ll be at the reception: Friday, March 7, 5:00-7:00.

Intro to Alcohol Ink (workshop) – Saturday, March 8
Bloomington Fine Art Supply https://www.bfasupply.com/classes
Tarot & Alcohol Ink (workshop) – Saturday, March 22
Second Story Studio, Nashville https://www.secondstorystudio.art/event-list
My Alcohol Inks Show at By Hand Gallery
April-May – more details about reception, later
Alcohol Ink Abstract Landscapes (workshop) – Saturday April 19
Bloomington Fine Art Supply https://www.bfasupply.com/classes
Would love to see you!

Now – March 28: “We Paint….2D: Dali & Degas” Show, Vault, Gallery Montage, Bloomington.
Now – April 28: Linda Meyer-Wright Retrospective, Cancer Support Center, Bloomington.
March 1: “Clouds, Barns, & Trees Oh My!” Opening Reception, Arts Alliance Center.
March 7: Opening Reception, “We paint…2D: Dali & Degas,” 5-8 p.m., Vault, Blmgtn.
March 7: “Gala Round Table,” 7:30-9:30 p.m., Fountain Square, Bloomington.
March 8: Introduction to Alcohol Ink Workshop, Bloomington Art Supply.
March 8: Pop-Up Art Sale, Hoosier Salon, Harmony.
March 10: BWS Meeting, First Christian Church, 6-8 p.m.
March 21 – May 2: Artist Club Juried Show, Indianapolis Museum of Art.
March 22: Tarot & Alcohol Ink Workshop, Second Story Studio, Bloomington.
March 22 – 24: “Making Landscapes Simple” Workshop, Hoosier Salon.
March 22 – 24: “The Power of Suggestion” Workshop, Hoosier Salon.
April 3 – 28: Artist for Climate Awareness Show, Bloomington Art Alliance, Mall, Blmgtn.
April 16 – May 31: Regional WSI Exhibition, “Henrick’s Live,” Plainfield.
April 18: Abstract Landscape Workshop, Bloomington Fine Art Supply.
April 23: Field to Finish Exhibition, Hoosier Salon.
May 10 – June 14: WSI Membership Show, Eiteljorg Museum, Indianapolis