Minutes of the Meeting, September 10, 2018

September 10, 2018
First Christian Church; Upstairs in Great Hall
5:00 Art Supply Sale and picture set up
6:00 meeting called to order by Kitty Garlock, President


Guests: Kristina Rittichier, Peggy York-Garcia, Arlene Goetz, Joann Mercer, and Clara Smith, the BWS scholarship winner and her father, Ron Smith.

Hospitality – Carla Hedges

Thanks to Meri Reinhold, Cassidy Young, Glenda Thompson, Linda, Katya Alexeeva, Jo Weddle, Bess Lee, Kitty Garlock, and Sara Steffey-McQueen who, along with herself, provided refreshments.

A Piece of History – Candi Bailey

Candi dipped into our history records and related that in 2010 BWS held a show during the Columbus, IN architectural tour, and we exhibited 71 paintings.

Secretary’s report – Jill Olshavsky

Minutes were approved based on a motion by Meri Reinhold, seconded by Jo Weddle. Jill reported that the BWS by-laws will be reviewed/revised this year. Proposed changes are due 9/10/2018 via e-mail to info@bloomingtonwatercolor.org.

Treasurer’s report – Patty Uffman

The Treasurer’s report was approved based on a motion by Meri Reinhold, seconded by Kathy Barton.

Patty reported that we currently have 82 members, and former member Joann Baum plans rejoin in the Spring.
The Scholarship fund has a balance of $1541. Patty and Jo Weddle met with the MCCSC scholarship fund coordinator and learned that we do not need to maintain a particular balance in that fund. Jo chairs the scholarship committee and will meet with Deb Strother and Sara Steffy McQueen to determine guidelines and amount for the scholarship.

Jo recognized our scholarship winner, Clara Smith who received a round of applause. Kitty suggested that Clara’s letter be published in Brushstrokes.

Old Business

Membership Roster

Charlotte Griffin passed out a member roster and requested that any needed changes be noted.

Show Report

Anne-Karine Bley reported our show is in its final week at the Vault, and it includes 39 paintings. One painting has sold. She thanked all participants and acknowledged Kathy Barton for helping when she was out of town and for arranging the HT article and photos about the show. These photos were shared. The first Friday September show had 55 visitors, and Kathy thanked members for reaching out to the public. One visitor has joined BWS and another may join at a later date. Anne-Karine thanked those who contributed to the reception. Friday, September 28 from 10-12 is the takedown date.

New business — Committee Reports

Jo Weddle reported that all programs for our monthly meetings and all paint outs and shows have been scheduled for the year. Charlotte Griffin distributed a card she made which lists all of these programs and activities. Suzanne Thorin will present Botanical Painting Techniques at the Oct. 8 meeting; information will be in Brushstrokes.


  • Katya Alexeeva noted that the Anthiohian Orthodox Church, site of the Oct 2019 paint out, will have a festival this year on October 6 from 11-5, and she gave us a postcard with information.
  • Meri Reinhold asked for additional volunteers to work at the Peden Farm Children’s Festival Sept 27 for elementary students and Sept 28 for pre-schoolers. BWS has a table in the barn for art activities with the children, and Anne-Karine developed a dot card activity for the festival. BWS members are invited to paint at the Festival, but they must register in advance by notifying Meri or Cassidy Young.
  • Sara Steffy McQueen is hosting this year’s Oct. paint out on Oct. 13 at the May Creek Farm which is 12 miles SW of Bloomington. There will be a potluck lunch, and Sara Steffy will send directions in early October.

Upland Painters:

Kristen Stamper announced that Upland Painters meets once a week, usually Tuesdays at locations that are listed in Brushstrokes. If you need information, send an e-mail to upland@bloomingtonwatercolor.org. All members are required to host an outing once a year.

Portrait Group:

Claude Cookman announced that the Portrait Group meets every other Thursday. Their first show will open for the October 5 Gallery Walk in the downstairs gallery of the Monroe County Library from 4:30-6:00. Refreshments will be provided. See Claude for information.


  • Jeanne Dutton announced that for this year’s Week of Chocolate, the BWS show in February will have the theme of “We Paint the Blues”. The show’s prospectus will be distributed in October.
  • Kitty Garlock thanked everyone and asked for comments.
  • Patty Uffman announced that this evening’s art supply sale raised $206 for the scholarship fund.

The meeting adjourned at 6:45.
Program:  Members shared the art that they created over the summer

Brushstrokes— September 2018

Black and White
by Candi Bailey

Sunlit Mission/San Francisco de la Espada
by Patty Uffman

Sept. 7

Visit final reception for 2018 BWS Member Show

We invite you to visit the annual Bloomington Watercolor Society Member Show and see paintings done in a variety of water-based mediums. Expect to see a range of painting styles and subjects from 39 artists.

The show’s title, “We Paint … Past, Present, and for the Future,” is a nod to the Bloomington Bicentennial without limiting each artist’s choice of subject matter.

The exhibit opened Aug. 3 and runs through Sept. 27. It will be part of Bloomington’s First Friday Gallery Walk Sept. 7. Hours for viewing at The Vault at Gallery Mortgage are Monday – Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and First Friday on Sept. 7 from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Sept. 10

“Show and Share” and Scholarship Table Sale

Jacki Frey painted Bean Blossom Bridge when weather canceled an Upland paintout this summer. Members are asked to bring the paintings they produced this summer to the September meeting.

After a summer hiatus, Bloomington Watercolor Society resumes its monthly meetings Monday, Sept. 10. Members are asked to come early for the Table Sale and to bring paintings they have worked on this summer for a “Show and Share” session.

The sale starts at 5 p.m. BEFORE the meeting. There will be NO EARLY SALES. All proceeds go to the BWS Scholarship Fund. Thanks to contributions from members and friends, the table sale will feature many beautiful art books, papers and tablets, paints in all mediums (oil, acrylic, watercolor). Gently used and brand new art supplies include everything from charcoal sticks to brushes to a French half easel.

Checks or cash will be happily accepted. Members are asked to “round up” their totals, recognizing it all goes to a good cause.

The business meeting will start promptly at 6 p.m. with a refreshment break scheduled about 6:45 p.m. The “Show and Share” program will follow refreshments at 7 p.m.

The meeting is at the First Christian Church at the corner of Washington Street and Kirkwood Avenue. Please enter through the Washington Street entrance.

Saturday paintouts this fall

Sept. 8

BWS members are encouraged to participate in Indiana’s oldest plein air painting competition, the 30th Great Outdoor Art Contest, cosponsored by the Friends of T.C. Steele State Historic Site and the Indiana Plein Air Painters Association.

The Great Outdoor Art Contest categories include watercolor, acrylic, oil, and drawing/mixed media/other. All work must be started and completed the day of the contest; all paper and canvases must be stamped by the site staff before work begins. Gates to the T.C. Steele State Historic Site opens at 7 a.m. Artists may work till 2 p.m. when all artwork in the competition must be placed in the judging area.

Registration materials are available for download at http://www.t.c.steele.org/brochure_goac-18_bd_final-compressed/.

Even if you choose not to paint, the event offers food and entertainment along with a chance to see amazing art created in a short time period.

Oct. 13

Enjoy a Saturday paintout and potluck lunch with your BWS paint pals at May Creek Farm Oct. 13 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. In addition to your painting supplies, bring a covered dish to share and your own plate and utensils. The shelter has electrical outlets that can accommodate a few crockpots.

The address is 8755 S Rockport Road, Bloomington IN 47403. Sara Steffey McQueen, a May Creek resident, says GPS sometimes sends people past their place so be alert. Here are suggested directions:

From Bloomington, take either Second Street or Third Street west to S.R. 37 South. Stay right to avoid getting on I-69. Turn right (west) at the first stoplight, which will be at Victor Pike. Follow Victor Pike and stay right as it splits at a “bottom.” Go up a large hill with a quarry. At Rockport Road ( a T intersection), turn left. May Creek is about a mile.

“Our community has a pinetree-lined drive to the left with a tall sign that has about 10 addresses and our name at the top,” Sara says. “Take the gravel drive and you will pass our dumpster, mailboxes, and come to the parking lot. Usually you will see a large white ‘Farm truck’ parked there. Park in the lot, and as you get out, walk to where the gravel leads — to the grassy field. We are painting wherever you are drawn. As you walk to the end of the gravel, look toward the Maypole and volleyball net. Walk across the field, between the Maypole and volleyball net, through the orchard, and you will see the shelter house with a blue metal roof. This is where we have an outhouse, running water, picnic tables, electricity, and a sweet little pond. We will have lunch there.”

Katya Alexeeva, Babette Ballinger, and Kathleen Barton were among the BWS artists exhibiting their works at the West Baden Springs Paintout in August.

Upland Schedule for September, October

Come out for a Tuesday morning paintout wth Upland. For details email us at upland@bloomingtonwatercolor.org.

Sept. 4 Champs Barn, hosted by Sande Nitti

Sept. 11 Karen & Justice St. Rains, hosted by Kitty Garlock

Sept. 18 TBA, hosted by Kitty Garlock

Sept. 25 Upland will not meet due to Peden Farm event (Sept. 27-28 and pick up from Member Show (Sept. 28, 10 1.m. to noon)

Oct. 2 Burris or T.C. Steele, hosted by Anne-Karine Bley

Oct. 9 Horse Farm, hosted by Eric Brock (long distance)

Oct. 16 Gnaw Bone Camp, hosted by Jane Matranga

Oct. 23 Nashville, hosted by Lory Winford

Oct. 30 Laura Lynne’s Place, hosted by Babette Ballinger

By-laws to be reviewed

In even years such as this one, we review BWS by-laws and solicit proposals for any necessary changes. After proposed changes are reviewed and approved by the Board, members are asked to vote at the November meeting. If you have a by-laws change to propose, please send it on or before Sept. 10 to info@bloomingtonwatercolor.org.

— Jill Olshavsky, secretary and by-laws chair


BWS programs announced for coming year

Program chair Jo Weddle has arranged the following programs for 2018-2019:

Sept. 10: Show and Share

Oct. 8: Botanical Painting Techniques, Suzanne Thorin

Nov. 12: Paint a Flower as Georgia O’Keeffe Would Have, Carol Rhodes and Nancy Metz

Dec. 5: Holiday Party at Meadowood

Jan. 14: Loosen Up with Gesture Drawing, Jane Matranga

Feb. 11: Head Count: Figure Proportion by Counting, Jane Matranga

March 11: Beyond Perspective: Eight Steps to Spatial Depth, Claude Cookman

April 18: Weaving Depth and Direction into Your Painting Using Dynamic Composition: Lessons from Paul Cezanne, Carol Rhodes

May 13: Lyrical Lines, Bonnie Gordon-Lucas

June 10: Plein Air Painting: A Direct Approach Using Your Innermost Artistic Urges, Don Geyra


State of the Society

by Jane Matranga, BWS President, 2017-2018

Bloomington Watercolor Society completed a successful and busy year. Meeting night programs included the members “Show and Share” in September, drawing faces, turning art into prints from White Rabbit, learning about the history of watercolor in the United States, aerial perspective, plein air painting, composition, and abstracts using mixed media We had 37 members and guests at the Holiday Party in December. Several members won prizes for their innovative ornaments. Members participated in Peden Farm, Monroe County Barn Tour, Daniel Smith presentation, We Paint Jazz for The Art of Chocolate. The Dale Popovich Workshop had 12 attendees.

The 2017 Member Show opened for the October Gallery Walk with 150-200 attendees on opening night. Two paintings were sold that evening. The show closed Nov. 22. Thirty-four members participated.

We had monthly paintouts such as the end-of-summer paintout and the Bloomington Garden Club June Garden Walk. T.C. Steele Paintout in September had several BWS winners including Cassidy Young, 2nd place in watercolor; Donna Whitsitt and Candi Bailey, Honorable Mention in watercolor; Erick Brock, Honorable Mention in oils; and Lory Williams, Honorable Mention in mixed media.

Upland celebrated its third year as a group (its second as an official BWS committee) with weekly paintouts. The group held its annual show at the barn behind the Wiley House. 

It has been my pleasure to serve as president this year. Thanks to Charlotte Griffin and Patty Uffman for all their help and guidance. I look forward to more participation in the activities of the society in the coming year.

Thanks to 2017-2018 officers and committee chairs: Charlotte Griffin, 1st vice president; Nancy Metz and Babette Ballinger, 2nd vice president; Patty Uffman, treasurer; Erin Duff, secretary; Jeanne Dutton, activities; Jeanne Dutton and Nancy Metz, Brushstrokes; Candi Bailey, historian; Mary Walker, refreshments; Jo Weddle, programs; Sara Steffey McQueen, publicity; Jo Weddle and Jeanne Dutton, scholarship; Anne-Karine Bley, shows; Carol Rhodes and Charlotte Griffin, technology; and Kristen Stamper, Upland.

Member news

Bridge in Ronda,Spain
by Meri Reinhold

“Bridge in Ronda, Spain” by Meri Reinhold was juried in to the 25th Annual Juried Exhibition at Jasper Community Arts, Krempp Gallery. The show will hang Sept. 5 to 28, with a reception Thursday, Sept. 6, from 5 to 7 p.m. The Jasper Arts Center is at 951 College Ave. in Jasper. The painting is the result of a 2016 trip to Spain with Charles Gruppe and other watercolorists (including fellow BWS member Jo Weddle). “Originally intended just as a journaling exercise, later I painted it as a 20 x 16 painting on Arches 140-pound paper,” Meri said.



Katya Alexeeva, visiting artist, will demonstrate at Flowing Colors Studio First Friday Sept. 7 and will set up inside or outside the building atrium, depending on the weather. The Flowing Colors Studio is above Caveat Emptor Bookstore, 112 N. Walnut St., Suite 600. An open studio reception is Friday, Sept. 7, 5 to 8 p.m. Light refreshments will be served. Flowing Colors Studio features the work of Joanne Shank, Don Geyra, Betty Wagoner, Patricia C. Coleman, Alyssa Many.

Letters by Zofia Matuszak

Zofia Matuszak was one of 25 artists representing the Association of Polish Watercolors at Fabriano in Acquarello in Spring-Summer 2018. Her painting “Letters,” was inspired by her visit to Bloomington and her travels in the region last year.

Don Geyra announces that his radio program, Dancin’ Don’s Art Party on WFHB Community Radio, now airs two hours earlier. You can listen every Monday from 11 p.m. to 1 a.m. Tuesday. Art Party is a tasteful mixed genre music show filled with motivational anecdotes to help everyone connect with their innate creativity, to inspire working artists, to help us all wind down from a busy day or get ready to work through the night.

Linton Barn
by Robin Edmundson

Robin Edmundson received a Merit Award for her piece, “Linton Barn,” at the Good Ole Summertime juried member exhibition of Hoosier Salon at the Hoosier Salon Gallery in New Harmony.

Hoosier Artist Gallery has designated Sara Steffey McQueen as a featured artist for September. A BWS signature member, Sara creates in a variety of mediums. She was trained at Indiana University in photography, drawing, and printmaking. The Hoosier Art Gallery is at 45 S. Jefferson in Nashville. The reception is the fourth Friday Nashville art walk from 4 to 7 p.m.

The Magician
by Sara Steffey McQueen

by Debbie Tocco

Debbie Tocco won first place in the nonprofessional watercolor division at the Indiana State Fair.


Social media users recognize IMO as an abbreviation for “In My Opinion,” and each month we close by giving you the chance to share your opinion on a specific question.

This month the question is:

If you could offer only one piece of advice to a beginning watercolor artist, what would it be?

Jeanne Dutton

  1. Buy the best supplies you can afford. You may save money on cheap supplies, but you’ll pay for it in frustration.
  2. Relax and have fun. It’s just paint on paper. 🙂

Claude Cookman

After 25 years, still in most every drawing or painting I hit a point where things are not working, and that vicious voice in the back of my head says, “Time to abandon ship, give this one up, and go read a novel.” Invariably, if I keep working, most of the problems get corrected and sometimes an acceptable image results. Advice: Don’t listen to that voice, never surrender to your doubts, push through the rough spots, never quit!

Kriste was experimenting with brushloading when she created this blade of grass.

Kriste Lindberg

Experiment, make mistakes, keep trying. The experience will help you develop your own style. Overall, enjoy!

Patty Uffman

Advice to new watercolorists: Don’t use too much water.

Zofia Matuszak

Pay attention to the quality of the paper you choose. 100% cotton papers, both Hot Press and Cold Press, with weight of 300g/m2 will hold water well. When you paint on such paper, for example, clouds or water, you will have time to freely construct the space and tonal gradations.

Carol Rhodes

Don’t sweat the details. If something is bothering you about your painting and you are unsure about a fix, just put it away for three days to three weeks and then look at it again. In seeing it anew you could be surprised: You may instantly know what it needs, or you might even find the issue to be much more minor than you had initially perceived it.

Kitty Garlock

Just do it! Don’t be afraid to let the paint take you away. The more time you spend doing it the more the paint will tell you how it all works!

Jerry Harste

Do something. Then do something to that something. Then do something to that something and soon you will have something. (Jacob Johns)

Robin Edmundson

If I could offer one piece of advice to a beginning watercolor artist, it would be to practice, practice, practice. Go for quantity and the quality will take care of itself.

October question for IMO:

What makes a person an artist? How do you know when you have earned the right to claim this august title?

Send your 1- to 3-sentence response to Nancy Davis-Metz by Sept. 21, and look for your opinion to be published in the October issue. Please use IMO as your email’s subject line.

Summer 2018

The Fireflies
by Rose Brenner

Mission Vibrations
by Barbara Coffman

BWS Preview

Members Show

by Suzanne Thorin

In Defiance
by Glenda Thompson

We Paint … Past, Present, and for the Future

opens Aug. 3 at The Vault

The show’s title, We Paint … Past, Present, and for the Future, is a nod to the Bloomington Bicentennial without limiting each artist’s choice of subject matter.

Since the exhibit runs Aug. 3 through Sept. 27, it will be a part of Bloomington’s First Friday Gallery Walks on both Aug. 3 and Sept. 7. Hours for viewing at The Vault at Gallery Mortgage, 121 E. Sixth St., are Monday-Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and First Fridays from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Paintings must be delivered Wednesday, Aug. 1, between 10 a.m. and noon to The Vault at Gallery Mortgage, 121 E. Sixth St. Paintings should be created with aqua media on a two-dimensional substrate. Watercolor paintings may include other water-based mediums (collage, pastel, pen and ink, etc.) as long as their use does not exceed 50 percent of the work. For additional guidelines and show labels, see the show prospectus at www.bloomingtonwatercolor.org and follow the link Show Rules in the menu at the right.

To show work, individuals must have paid BWS dues for 2018. (See article below for dues details.)

It is strongly recommended that art be for sale; however, this is not a requirement. Any sale is subject to a 25 percent donation to a local charity of The Vault at Gallery Mortgage’s choosing. Currently, they are supporting Stepping Stones.

BWS Hospitality Chair Carla Hedges is coordinating refreshments for the Aug. 3 Gallery Walk reception. Contact Carla Hedges to tell her what you can bring.

Last call:

Dues are past due

If you haven’t yet paid 2018 BWS dues, now is the time. Single membership is $35, family membership is $50 (for two from same household), student membership is $15, and associate membership (nonresident) is $15. Mail your check to BWS, P.O. Box 5236, Bloomington, IN 47407-5236; or go to BWS website www.bloomingtonwatercolor.org, click on Join BWS and use PayPal. You can use a credit card if you do not have a PayPal account.

Family factory manufactures

Sumi-e ink sticks, slates

by Meri Reinhold

During her trip to China earlier this summer, BWS member Meri Reinhold toured a family factory where they make Sumi-e ink sticks (since the Tang Dynasty) and the slates for grinding them.

First, the blacking comes from soot: either pine tar or tuna oil. They collect the soot from either the top of the burner or the sides, with the top being the finest. The soot is then mixed with “animal glue”; I think this translated as gelatin from boiling hides and bones.

Next it is pounded over and over, folded and pounded some more with a little canola oil. Then it is kneaded by hand, divided buy weight and rolled into a sausage shape. It is put into a wooden mold, which is then placed into a press.

When it comes out, it has a pattern pressed into it on three sides. One side has a design indicating the quality of the ink stick. On the back are characters telling about the ingredients and qualities of that stick’s particular mix. The side imprint is the family’s name.

When moved from the press, the sticks cure for six months under humidity and temperature controls. Finally, the sticks are polished and the design is painted on. The highest quality sticks have gold-leafed designs.

We also watched the slate department where one fellow was creating a design and another was carving one. A finished slate is included with the photos.

Author’s note: I was corrected on my pronunciation of Sumi-e. It is not “sumee-ee.” It is “sumee-a” with a long “a” at the end.

2018-19 BWS Officers

Secretary Jill Olshavsky, Treasurer Patty Uffman, 2nd Vice President Charlotte Griffin, 1st Vice President Jane Matranga, and President Kitty Garlock

Check out these great summer

destinations with Upland and BWS plein air

*July 23 Harvest Moon Farm, hosted by Kristen Stamper

July 31 Mary Hartke property at Walnut Pike and Allendale Drive, hosted by Betty Wagoner

Aug. 7 Way Cross, hosted by Jacki Frey

Aug. 14 Lampkin’s Ridge, hosted by Jacki Frey

Kathy Barton’s painting from last year’s West Baden Paintout

*Aug. 17-18 West Baden Springs Paintout, register by calling the Brown County Art Gallery at 812-988-4609 or email indianaheritagearts@gmail.com before Aug. 16

Aug. 21 Bean Blossom Bridge, hosted by Lory Winford

Aug. 28 TBA, hosted by Katya Alexeeva

Sept. 4 Champs Barn, hosted by Sande Nitti

*Sept. 8 T.C. Steele Great Outdoor Paintout

Sept. 11 Karen & Justice St. Rain’s, hosted by Kitty Garlock

* Indicates Paintout is NOT on the typically scheduled Tuesday

Celebration of Life

James Yang

James Yang

A celebration of the life of James Yang will be held 2-4 p.m. Saturday, July 21, at Indiana University’s Mathers Museum, 416 N. Indiana Ave.

James, who died May 30 in Taiwan at age 81, was a former Bloomington Watercolor Society member. He imbibed deeply in both eastern and western cultures.

After earning a doctorate in American Literature from IU, he taught English in Taiwan for many years. He was a master of the Chinese arts of brush painting, calligraphy, paper folding, and the erhu, a traditional bowed instrument. In retirement, he and his wife, Jenny, returned to live in Bloomington, where he was an ambassador for Chinese culture, giving numerous presentations to a wide range of groups, including one on calligraphy to BWS. A tribute can be found at http://www.traditionalartsindiana.org/in-memorial-james-min-ching-yang/.

BWS painters at Garden Walk

Nancy Martin, whose garden was featured in the Garden Walk, holds a card painted by Penny Lulich.

Claude Cookman has an appreciative audience as he paints at the Monroe County History Center. The children’s parents are IU graduate students.

Member news

Bean Harvest by Robin Edmundson

Robin Edmundson‘s painting, “Bean Harvest,” took first place in the Landscape Division of the Lawrence County Art Association’s Midsummer Art Competition.

Alex’s Choice
by Claude Cookman

Claude Cookman has a painting accepted into the Watercolor Society of Indiana’s annual juried show. The exhibition runs Aug. 5 through Sept. 29 at the Indianapolis Museum of Art. Titled “Alex’s Choice,” the abstraction was inspired by Jeanne Dutton’s watercolor classes at the Waldron and Nita Engle’s books and videos. Claude created the base layer by mixing four batches of watercolor, pouring them on the paper and then tilting it to let them run together. “The process allows very little control,” Claude said. “Primarily the medium takes over and sometimes yields delightful surprises.” Some of the textures resulted from techniques that Jeanne taught. The title refers to the fact that Joyce and Claude’s younger son Alex chose this painting as a holiday gift a couple of years ago.

Bloomington Brews
by Candi Bailey

Kathy Barton, Anne-Karine Bley, and Kristen Stamper have a group exhibition at the Shawnee’s Summer Theater in Bloomfield, Ind. Their “Three Sisters Paint” show features watercolor, acrylic, and oil paintings from both plein air adventures and studio work. The show hangs in the theater lobby through July 24 and is open for viewing during box office hours noon to 5 p.m., Monday through Saturday as well as during performances on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday evenings and the Sunday matinee.

Lynne Gilliatt‘s art group will hang a studio show at Meadowwood in August. The reception is Aug. 10, 4:30 to 6 p.m.

Candi Bailey, Rose Brenner, Linda Meyer-Wright, and Susan Savastuk had work juried in to The Venue’s Art & Soul of Bloomington show that will hang until July 31.

Rose Brenner will have a show of her paintings at the Waldron Arts Center July 28 through Aug. 25. An opening reception will be Friday, Aug. 3, 5-8 p.m.


Social media users recognize IMO as an abbreviation for “In My Opinion,” and each month we close by giving you the chance to share your opinion on a specific question.

This month the question is from BWS leadership. They want to know what BWS means to you. What role (creative, social, educational) does it fulfill for you? How has BWS enriched your life? Why are you proud to be a BWS member?

Claude Cookman

I would like a redo on the last issue’s question about what inspires us, because members if BWS are my greatest inspiration. I’m a solitary person, and BWS is the first organization I’ve joined since leaving the Boy Scouts at age 14, but when I look over the shoulders of my artist friends at a BWS paintout, Upland plain air gathering or Portrait Group session, I know I’ve found my home. I am energized, instructed and inspired as I watch these artists put meaning in our motto: “We paint!”

Kathy Barton

BWS has enriched my life in many ways. I have met and made friends, attended workshops, received tips and comments on paintings in progress, been given opportunities to exhibit and show my work in the community. I would recommend the group to anyone who wants to expand their horizons.

Kitty Garlock

What started as and remains my biggest source for ideas and inspiration are the two groups sponsored by BWS: Upland Painters and the Portrait Group. They have introduced me not only to great sites and places I never knew were in Indiana, but they have also provided me with experiences and classes I never would have had. They have made me want to explore media materials on how to paint, be a better painter, to try new things, and to explore more deeply the world of art.

September question for IMO:

If you could offer only one piece of advice to a beginning watercolor artist, what would you say?

Send your 1- to 3-sentence response to Nancy Davis-Metz by Aug. 31, and look for your opinion to be published in the September issue. Please use IMO as your email’s subject line.

Minutes of Meeting, June 11, 2018

June 11, 6:15pm, First Christian Church

Hospitality thanks (Mary Walker)

Thank you to Mary, Betty, Claude, and Jane!

Minutes approval:

Minutes were available on the Web and no changes were proposed. Motion Cathy Korinek   Second Kitty Garlock

Treasurer’s report (Patty Uffman)

Thank you to everyone who renewed their memberships!  Please send your membership payment by the end of June!

Old Business

Installation of 2018-19 Officers

There is no formal ceremony for incoming officers. We will take a headshot photo of each new officer to publish on the BWS website.

The new executive board: President- Kitty Garlock, VP- Jane Matranga, 2nd VP- Charlotte Griffin, Treasurer- Patty Uffman, and Secretary-Jill Olshavsky.

A special thank you to Jane Matranga for your efforts as President. A small gift of portable watercolor paintbrushes was given to Jane.

Charlotte – Garden Walk 

Thank you everyone for signing up to paint on the Garden Walk. It is a two to four hour commitment to paint. This event is sponsored by the Bloomington Gardening Club. Please pick a good spot so you aren’t in everyone’s way! Lots of people walk through the gardens and sometimes the paths are small and narrow. Please introduce yourselves to the owner of the garden and ask them for a good place to set up camp!

Charlotte has printed BWS business cards to hand out to visitors who would like more information.

The addresses will be posted online 24 hours before the Garden Tour. We are encouraged to start the tour at the museum.

If you sign up to paint in the gardens then you do not need a ticket.

New business 

Committee Reports

Activities Jeanne Dutton

  • Table Sale (When you Spring Clean create a box for the Sale)

The Table Sale will be held September 10th, the first meeting this Fall. If you are cleaning out your studio, please bring things to donate to the Table Sale! Any usable art supplies in any medium will be accepted. You can price them or drop them off a head of time at Jeanne’s house and she will price them. All proceeds will be used to support the BWS Scholarship fund.

Suggestion: We should use grocery store round-up on all items for sale (to the nearest dollar) to avoid change of nickels and dimes.  Motion for rounding to the nearest dollar at the Table Sale: Robin Edmundson Second: Nancy Davis Metz

  • Day Trip

There is a day trip for Ivy Tech Center for Life-Long Learning. You can enroll online. The trip on July 19th will an extended tour of Twinrocker Paper Company in Indiana. Transportation (bus) is included and you get to make your own piece of paper. The early bird special is $69. Limited to 20 people. Lunch (not included) will be at German bakery next door.

Upland Painters Activities Kristen Stamper

The 2018 calendar has already filled up! If you need contact info please see Kristen.

  • Tuesday we will meet at the IU Campus behind the Lily Library with access to the President’s house garden.
  • June- Yellowwood State Forest & Kinder Farm.
  • July – Moody Farm, WhippoorWill Farm, & Harvest Moon Flower Farm.
  • August- Lake Cross, Lampkins Ridge, Bean Blossom, and the near west side neighborhood of Bloomington.

We have been invited to paint at the Botanical Gardens in a few weeks. This will be a separate event from the Upland’s usual paint-outs.

Please keep in mind that all painting locations have shade and are accessible for everyone!

Claude Cookman (6-10 Min) Portrait Group Video Show

The Portrait Group tries to schedule models as diverse as possible in age, ethnicity, gender & gender identity. We meet every other Thursday from 1-3pm. August through may will meet at the Banneker Center 930 W 7th Street. The rest of the meetings will be held at the Monroe County Public Library (room 2A, past the racks of DVDs).

Everyone is welcome! All mediums welcome! Participants encourage and support each other. $3-5 fee to pay the models. Please email Claude if you would like to model or join!                                                                     

Programs Charlotte Griffin

Pass around suggestion sheet for Programs for next year return to Charlotte

Activities Nancy Metz

July Paint out and Participation in Brushstrokes

July 14th will be at People’s Park on Kirkwood/Dunn at 7:30am-11:30am. Historically July paint-outs are cancelled due to weather. This time we’re meeting extra early to beat the heat! People’s Park is right across the street from Bloomington Bagels.

Nancy has passed out a small sheet of aluminum foil. You will know what it’s for once you read Brushstrokes!

Please send news for Brushstrokes in advance before it’s posted! Member participation is much appreciated.

Shows Jane Matranga

2018 Membership Show plans

  1. Get paintings ready to for the Membership Show, drop off is Wednesday, Aug 1st, 10-noon.  Please be on time and respect the drop off window; get a friend to help drop off if need be.  No sawtooth hangers or screw eyes; flat hangers and taunt wire please.  Please read the prospectus.  Most importantly, please participate and submit a painting.
  2.  Folks who would like to submit their painting for publicity purposes need to email them to Kathy Barton by July 7th.  This is optional and is not a requirement to participate in the show.
  3.  Thank you to everyone who has already volunteered to help with show preparations and food donations.
  4.  Other info: Show location:  The Vault at Gallery Mortgage, 121 E Sixth St
  5. Reception Aug 3rd, 5-8 September Gallery Walk, Sept 7th, 5-8 Volunteers needed
  6. Pickup Sept 28, 10-noon

Publicity: Char Dapena

A Save the Date Card will be emailed to you! Please forward to others. Show title: We Paint (past, present & future). The show information will be posted on Instagram, in galleries, and in Bloom magazine. We are in contact with the Herold Times. You have 6 weeks to get your painting done and framed!


  • BWS received a card from Deanie, Bob Ferguson’s wife. Unfortunately, Bob passed away on May 25th. Deanie has made a donation to BWS.  There will be a service for Bob on Labor Day. The venue TBD. If you would like to send a card please email Nancy for the address.  Suggestion: It would be nice to do something nice with the donation from Deanie instead of spending it on napkins/snacks.
  • James Min-Ching Yang (former BWS member) has passed away May 30th in Taiwan at the age of 81. We will get the address to send a card to the family. The family has always been extremely supportive of the arts.
  • Betty Walker, Joanne Shank and Kathy Barton have a studio downtown on the Square. If anyone would like to do a demo on gallery walk nights, please let them know. You can bring a box of matted art to sell. Please contact if you are interested!
  • Kristen Stamper: Rose Brunner is currently at the Waldron! The Brown County Gallery juried show has accepted a piece by Kristen. Congratulations Kristen!
  • Nancy Davis Metz and Carol Rhodes will be offering a class June 30th 9am-5pm. Title: Through the Windows. Watercolor and Gouache. Please enroll!
  • Thank you to Claude Cookman for an extra contribution to BWS along with your membership.

Program: Sara Steffy-McQueeen “Mixed Media Abstracts” Let’s play with some of those failed paintings

Brushstrokes — June 2018

June 11 meeting

Program to explore mixed media abstracts

Sara Steffey McQueen will guide BWS members in an exploration of abstraction and mixed media with watercolor. Members will take a short look at the history of nonobjective art and talk about their own experiences with abstraction.

“We will then jump into playing in abstract expressions,” Sara said. Members should bring a small painting to donate for “deconstruction.” These “rejected” images will be cut and torn and shared. “This will be a playful and intuitive approach to abstraction, using our knowledge of composition to create a small mixed media painting with collage and other water media,” Sara said.

Bring any watercolor crayons you have, glue, and masking tape. Sara will have materials to share also.

The program follows a brief business meeting that starts at 6 p.m. The monthly meeting is at the First Christian Church at the corner of Kirkwood Avenue and Washington Street. Please use the Washington Street entrance.

How I did it

Myrtle Beach Summer, Version 2

By Jerry Harste

Myrtle Beach Summer, Version 1

Myrtle Beach Summer, Version 2

To explain how I did “Myrtle Beach Summer, Version 2,” I have included an image of an earlier version of the same subject as it clarifies at least part of the process I used in creating Version 2.

I worked from the same photograph to create both paintings. Both versions are on a full sheet of 300-pound watercolor paper. Version 1 was made using watercolors; Version 2 was painted using Golden Fluid acrylics.

In Version 1 I worked wet on to dry using every color in the rainbow by laying down short rectangular brushstrokes of first one color, then another, using three different flat watercolor brushes (1/4-inch, 3/4-inch, and 1-inch). Color governed my decision making both in terms of composition and unity. I varied the brushstroke size as well as making sure dominant colors in one area also showed up in other areas.

In Version 2 (the acrylic painting), I began wet on wet by first wetting down the entire sheet of watercolor paper and then, while still really wet, crumpling up a sheet of white tissue paper and laying it on the watercolor paper lightly so that some areas touched the surface while others did not. While everything was still wet, I spritzed the tissue paper with a watered down solution of Quinacridone Crimson, making sure some areas would stay white. In this process, remember that acrylics dry darker whereas watercolor dries lighter.

Once this was completely dry, I took pieces of heavy duty aluminum foil, painted a thin coat of black gesso on the back, and then while still wet (but not too wet — I count to 10) I turned it over and placed it lightly on the sheet of watercolor paper. Working rapidly and using a blunt stylus, I drew an outline of the house you see in the painting. Once the house was dry, I used the same process to put in the boat. (Caution: Once you turn over the gessoed foil do not touch it with your fingers or hands. Use only the stylus, or you will end up with a big glob of black on your paper that you will either have to work around or incorporate into the painting itself.)

Once this gesso was perfectly dry, I worked wet on dry limiting myself to only three colors: Quinacridone Crimson (my red), Turquoise Phthalo (my blue), and Quinacridone Nickel Azo Gold (my yellow). By combining and varying the intensity of these colors, I began laying down the paints using the same brushstroke technique I had used in Version 1.

Jeanne Dutton stopped by my house just as I had completed Version 1, and I asked her what she thought. After a moment of silence, she said, “Well, it is colorful!”

“I know,” I said. “I’m thinking of doing another version only with a much more limited palette.”

“Great idea,” she said.

Since then, I have found some people like Version 1 better than Version 2. Some even see a bird sitting on one of the pier’s posts in Version 1. Although using gesso on aluminum foil is tricky, I like the effect as it produces a varied line that opens up new possibilities for both the artist as well as the viewer.


Your dues are due

It’s time to renew your BWS membership. Single membership is $35, family membership is $50 (for two from same household), student membership is$15, and associate membership (nonresident) is $15. You can bring payment to the June 11 meeting; mail a check to BWS, P.O. Box 5236, Bloomington, IN 47407-5236; or go to BWS website www.wepaintbloomington.org, click on Join BWS and use PayPal. You can use a credit card if you do not have a PayPal account.

BWS Scholarship awarded

Clara Smith of Bloomington High School South received the 2018 BWS Scholarship, which will provide her $300 to purchase art supplies for her college art classes.

Jo Weddle attended the BHSS Honors Program to present the BWS Scholarship in addition to the Eberly Scholarship, which is awarded every other year to a senior who will be studying fine arts at Indiana University. Clara received both scholarships.

Playing with portraits

Cassidy Young (left) had members studying their own faces by doing continuous line contour drawings at the May meeting. She then led members through exercises to help them understand facial proportions before venturing in to looser portrait work. Center: Bess Lee measures Ann Umphress’s facial features. Bottom: Barbara Hoffman and Cathy Korinek “trace” their faces with one hand and draw with the other.


July 14

Saturday morning in the Park

BWS is trying something different. Its Saturday paint-out in July will be in People’s Park at the corner of Kirkwood and Dunn from 7:30 – 11:30 a.m. July 14. Note that this is an early morning paint-out in an effort to “beat the heat.” Bagels and coffee will be provided.

Get ready for We Paint!

2018 Member Show

Aug. 3 — Sept. 27

This year’s BWS Member Show, “We Paint … the Past, the Present, and for the Future,” is a bit earlier than previous years, so it is time to finish your painting and framing.

Paintings should be created with aqua media on a two-dimensional substrate. Paintings may include other water-based mediums (collage, pastel, pen and ink, etc.) as long as their use does not exceed 50 percent of the work. Encaustic and oil are excluded from the member show. To enter the show, artists must have paid BWS dues for 2018.

Each member may submit one framed watercolor. Work should be matted, and flat hangers should be used. Sawtooth hangers and screw eyes are not permitted. Maximum size is 24 inches edge to edge, not including the frame. Neutral matting and framing are encouraged.

Important Member Show dates

July 7: Submit images for publicity

Aug. 1: Deliver painting between 10 a.m. and noon to The Vault at Gallery Mortgage, 121 E. Sixth St.

Aug. 3: Opening reception 5 to 8 p.m.

Sept. 7: September First Gallery Walk, 5 to 8 p.m.

Sept. 28: Pick up painting at The Vault

For more information and labels to be used when submitting artwork, go to http://www.wepaintbloomington.org/,and follow the link Show Rules in the menu at the right.

Upland Painters worked at the Cedar Creek Winery May 29.

Upland announces its summer schedule

June 19: Yellowwood Shelter hosted by Betty Wagoner

June 26: Kinder Farm hosted by Kitty Garlock

July 10: Moody Farm hosted by Sande Nitti

*July 23: Harvest Moon Farm hosted by Kristen Stamper

July 31: Mary Hartle property at Walnut Pike and Allendale Drive hosted by Betty Wagoner

August 7: Waycross hosted by Jacki Frey

August 14: Lampkin’s Ridge hosted by Jacki Frey

August 21: Bean Blossom Bridge hosted by Lory Winford

August 28: TBA hosted by Katya Alexeeva

* Designates that this is NOT a Tuesday. July 23 is a Monday.

For more information on Upland, email upland@bloomingtonwatercolor.org.

Donna Whitsitt’s start

Sande Nitti at work

Francie Agostino’s work


Bob Ferguson

Bob Ferguson works on a painting of Carla Hedges in a 2009 class.

Bob Ferguson, longtime member of BWS and a frequent watercolor classmate of many BWS members, died May 25. He and his wife, Deanie, moved to Bloomington 12 years ago after Bob retired as a corporate executive in retail industry. He was active in the Northside Exchange Club and the YMCA as well as BWS. Bob brightened every room he entered with his humor and interest in people. Many of us will miss him.

Anyone wanting to write a condolence note to Deanie can email  Nancy Davis-Metz for Deanie’s address.

Member news

Continue reading

Minutes of the Meeting, May 14, 2018

First Christian Church 6:15 pm

Charlotte Griffin ran the meeting for Jane Matranga who was taking students to Paris.

New members introduction: Francie Agostino, Dawn Cartwright, and Suzanne Thorin

Hospitality:  Refreshments Chair, Mary Walker, gave thanks to Nancy  Davis-Metz, Jacqueline Fernette, Patty Uffman, Charlotte Griffin and Penny Lulich who provided bounteous  refreshments.  Mary passed around a sign-up for refreshments for future meetings.

Minutes:  Charlotte Griffin referred to the minutes of the April meeting as published on line.  No corrections were voiced.

Minutes were approved:  Motion: Carla Hedges, Second: Kathy Barton

Treasurer’s Report:  Char Dapena gave the treasurer’s report for Patty Uffman who was ill and specifics are available by contacting Patty.   Char reminded the members that membership dues are to be paid in June.  Dues are $35 for individuals and $50 for families and should be mailed to our PO Box or you can use pay pal.  BWS cards with envelopes are for sale for $12/packet.

The report was approved:  Motion: Betty Wagoner, Second: Kitty Garlock

Old Business

Charlotte Griffin distributed the slate of officers for 2018-2019. The handout included the list of Committee Chairs who represent the extended board and Officers who represent the Executive Board. These individuals will take office following the June meeting. The members of BWS vote on the Officers/Executive board.  The chairpersons are appointed by the president; the only open position is for Activities chairman, and anyone who would like to volunteer should contact Kitty Garlock.   The members in attendance approved the election of the slate of officers proposed as follows:

  • Kitty Garlock, President
  • Jane Matranga, 1st VP
  • Charlotte Griffin, 2nd VP
  • Patty Uffman, Treasurer
  • Jill Olshavsky, Secretary

Charlotte Griffin reported on the BWS sponsored workshop by Dale Popovich.  Dale, who was a graduate and an instructor at the American Academy of Art, Chicago, IL, presented a successful workshop on April 28 in which all who participated learned a lot. Dale did 3 demos. Those who attended painted along with him on the third demo.  Charlotte Griffin brought 2 of Dale’s demo paintings, and she and 4 others brought their paintings from the workshop.

New Business


Chair Reports


  • We will have an art supply table sale in September or October to raise money for our scholarship fund.  During your spring cleaning, please create a box for the sale.
  • Charlotte Griffin passed around a sign-up sheet for the 2018 Garden Walk paint out. Those who sign up receive a ticket to the garden walk.
  • Nancy Davis-Metz passed out a list of up-coming weekend paint-outs which she and Babette Ballinger put together, and she passed around sign-up sheets:

Upcoming Paint outs:

May 19, Brown County State Park,

June 16-17, Bloomington Garden Club Garden Walk, Artist in the Garden

July 14. People’s Park,

August 17. West Baden Springs,

September 8 T.C. Steele Historic Site,

and October TBD May Creek Farm.

For more detail see Brushstrokes closer to the specific date.

Upland Plein Air Painters:

  • Kristen Stamper reported that Upland Plein Air Painters would meet
    • May 15 at Morgan Monroe State Forest,
    • May 22 Tuesday at Payne Town,
    • May 29 at Cedar Creek, hosted by Jackie Frey,
    • and June 5 at Babette Balliger’s home for an organizational meeting and pitch-in lunch.

Kristin passed around a sign-up sheet for hosts for future Upland meetings. Kristin also reported that the Hidden Treasures of Indiana exhibit at the Wiley House barn which ended on Thursday, involved 18 artists who exhibited 44 works (up to 3 per artist). Over 65 attended, and one painting was sold.  The entrance fee was used for a People’s Choice Award which was given to  Kristen Stamper and Jackie Frey in a tie vote.


Jo Weddle reported that she presented the BWS scholarship to Clara Smith at the BHHSS awards ceremony, and she read Clara’s letter which was quite impressive.  Clara will be invited to attend one of our meetings in the Fall.


Jo Weddle reminded the members that Sara Steffey-McQueen’s program for the June 11 meeting is ‘Mixed media and abstract’.  Members are each asked to bring a failed painting or two as well as watercolor crayons.

At the June meeting we will be asked to contribute ideas for next year’s programs.

Kathy Barton said that we could publish a BWS book for about $20 with the proceeds to be used for our scholarship program. Kathy volunteered to work on it, and Babette Ballinger and Candi Bailey also volunteered.


Anne-Karine Bley reported that she is chairing the 2018 BWS show on August 3 at the Vault at Gallery Mortgage. She passed around sign-up sheets for people to bring food for the reception on August 3, to take in and hang the show, and to greet people at the reception on September 1.  Images should be submitted by July 7 (note this is a correction in date) to Anne-Karine for publicity.  August 1 from 10-12 is when paintings are to be dropped off, August 3 from 5-8 is the reception, September 7 from 5-8 is a second gallery walk when a representative from BWS would be helpful.  There is no specific theme for the show, but the committee will decide on a title.


  • Charlotte Griffin reported that Jerry Harste’s show at the Waldron ends May 19 and encouraged everyone to see it.
  • Jo Weddle described the tree painting in the lobby of First Christian Church which features her and several other BWS members’ tree paintings.
  • Bob Buress told us about Paint Columbus, the first annual event for plein air painting in which he participated.  Artists are invited to submit 2 paintings, and 1/3 of the paintings sold.  Columbus will repeat the event in the Fall as part of ‘Exhibit Columbus’.
  • Cassidy Young reported that on Friday the Academy of Science and Entrepreneurship would have an emerging artists show from 5-7:30.

Meeting adjourned at 7:00 pm

Program:  Cassidy Young:  Collaborative Art Exercises/Silly Portrait

May 2018 Brushstrokes

May 14 meeting

Portrait Play to follow monthly business meeting

Bring your miscellaneous watercolor supplies, pencils, and sketchbook and be ready to explore playful portraits. Don’t worry. Other mark-making supplies and paper will be around to use as well. Cassidy Young will present the basics of facial proportions and lighting techniques through creative, collaborative, and very playful activities. “We are going to let go of the frustrating perfection that often hangs on making portraits,” Cassidy said. “With any luck, while we’re having fun, you might pick up a trick or two to improve your portrait work.”

Cassidy’s presentation will follow a brief but important business meeting where the 2018-19 slate of officers will be announced and voted on and members can sign up for Garden Walk paint-out sites. Members who attended the Dale Popovich workshop in April will also bring their paintings. The meeting starts at 6 p.m., Monday, May 14, at the First Christian Church at the corner of Washington Street and Kirkwood Avenue.

May 19

Saturday plein air opportunity

Enjoy a day of plein air painting at Brown County State Park Saturday, May 19. Painters will meet at the Abe Martin Lodge at 9:30 a.m. and then choose where they want to work. The group has 12:30 p.m. lunch reservations at the Little Gem Restaurant in Abe Martin Lodge. Individuals can resume painting after lunch if they so choose.

BWS Spring Workshop:

Dale Popovich teaches landscape painting

Dale Popovich, an exhibitor at the Brown County Art Gallery, taught students how to paint a fluid landscape like the one to the left. For more pictures and a description of the workshop see the BWS website page about the workshop. http://bloomingtonwatercolor.org/member-shows-workshops/dale-popovich-workshop/.

Candi Bailey, Carol Rhodes and Robin Edmundson were among the attendees who arrived early to set up.

Dale did two demos and then broke the painting process into manageable pieces for attendees to work.

Dale’s informal style put everyone at ease.

Hidden Treasures of Indiana

Frey and Stamper tie for People’s Choice Award

Jacki Frey, “Autumn Light”

Kristin Stamper, “Indiana Idyll”

People who attended the April 14 reception for the Hidden Treasures show of plein air paintings voted for People’s Choice Award, and it was a tie! Jacki Frey’s “Autumn Light” and Kristen Stamper’s “Indiana Idyll” received the honor.

You have until May 9 to see the Upland Painters’ exhibit of plein air paintings. Seventeen artists are exhibiting 43 works at the Wylie House Museum’s Bradley Education Center, 317 E. Second St., Bloomington. The hours are 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday, and 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday.

If you are interested in learning more, visit www.bloomingtonwatercolor.org or contact Kristen Stamper at upland@bloomingtonwatercolor.org.

BWS, LCAA set up Bedford Paint-out 

Kitty Garlock, Mary Jo Cannedy, Jacki Frey, Kathy Barton, Kristen Stamper, Lynne Gilliatt and Jane Matranga at the Wiley Art Center in Bedford April 28. BWS and Lawrence County Art Association arranged a joint paint-out in Bedford.

Annual Table Sale to support BWS Scholarship

Finally, it’s spring! And that means we are all in the mood to spring clean our studios. Right? Don’t toss those supplies.

Clean, usable supplies for all mediums will be accepted for September’s Annual Table Sale; art books are always welcome. You may drop off items at Jeanne’s house, or keep them until the second Monday in September, which is the date of the sale. Bring them early enough to be tagged with prices, or price them yourself. If you have questions, contact Jeanne at info@bloomingtonwatercolor.org.

The BWS Scholarship receives 100 percent of the proceeds.

Upland Painters’ May schedule

May 8: Lake House, hosted by Henry Lech

May 15 Marion’s Cottage, hosted by Babette Ballinger

May 22: TBA, hosted by Candi Bailey

May 29: Cedar Creek, hosted by Jacki Frey

Urban sketchers at Inkwell

Contact upland@bloomingtonwatercolor.org for details.

Claude Cookman at McCormick’s Creek

Sande Nitti at McCormick’s Creek

Member news

Robin Edmundson, “Linton Barn”

Robin Edmundson is having an Open Studio Saturday, May 5, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Come see her new work. BWS members are invited to “stroll around the gardens, walk along the creeks or up the paths through the woods,” Robin said. “It’s guaranteed to refresh your spirit and inspire your own creative work.”

Jacki Frey painted this oil for the Field to Finish competition with the Indiana Plein Air Association. It currently hangs at the Hoosier Salon Gallery in New Harmony.

Jerry Harste has a show at the Waldron Art Gallery titled “Visual Literacy: My Journey” running April 27 – May 19. A reception is scheduled for Friday, May 4, 5 – 8 p.m. He hopes to see you there.

Beyond BWS

The deadline for digital entries for the 2018 Watercolor Society of Indiana‘s Juried Exhibit is May 11. Go to www.watercolorsocietyofindiana.org/juried-exhibit/ for more information.Pieces juried into the exhibit will hang at the Indianapolis Museum of Art Aug. 3 – Sept. 29.

The Kentucky Watercolor Society‘s annual juried show, Aqueous USA, will hang at Actors’ Theatre of Louisville Sept. 6 – Nov. 4. Mail entries and payments must be postmarked by July 1. Images may be submitted via email or USPS. The prospectus is at www.kentuckywatercolorsociety.org/files/Aqueous_2018_Prospectus.pdf.

Hoosier Art Salon has published its prospectus for the 94th Annual Hoosier Salon, which will hang at the Indiana State Museum Aug. 3 – Oct. 14. Applications are being accepted now through June 15. The prospectus and application is available through Juried Art Services http://www.juriedartservices.com/index.php?content=event_info&event_id=1434.

Indiana State Fair competition entries are open, For watercolor information, turn to page 15 in the Open Entry Book that can be found at https://www.indianastatefair.com/state-fair/competitionscontests/indiana-arts-building/.

Indiana Wildlife Artists is looking for two judges, one a fine arts judge and the other a naturalist judge for its annual exhibit in Indianapolis. Judging will take place Aug. 25starting at 10 a.m. and lasting for several hours. For more information, contact Diana Hunter at hunter_diana@sbcglobal.net or 317-331-9676 as soon as possible. Please include your home address and personal phone number along with a paragraph about your experience or credentials.

Lawrence County Art Association offers a class on color usage June 6, 13, and 20 taught by Deb Weld. The class will run from 10 a,m, to noon. Deb invites students to use any medium they prefer but it is BYOM — Bring Your Own Medium. The total charge for the class is $30, payable at the first class. To add your name to the class list, call Phyllis Westfall at 812-279-4734 or 812-583-7130.


Social media users recognize IMO as an abbreviation for “In My Opinion,” and each month we close by giving you the chance to share your opinion on a specific question. This month the question is:

If you had unlimited funds to purchase any watercolor painting in the world, what painting would it be and why would you choose it?

Tricia Wente

I viewed John Singer Sargent’s watercolors in a special show many years ago in Toledo, Ohio, and fell in love with his freshness in the way he approached his plein air painting. My first choice is “Bedouins,” a very interesting double portrait with great linear use of paint … [leaving] the white of the paper to create the incredible shapes of sunshine. Another of his works, “Mountain Fire,” is painted with gorgeous color in a very spontaneous manner.

Kitty Garlock

I have no desire to own big name pieces that would require high security to keep safe nor such famous ones that even unlimited funds could not purchase. I tend to value works by people I know and love. One such piece took my breath away when I saw Kristen Stamper’s “Indiana Idyll” at the Hidden Treasures plein air art show — that, if I had unlimited funds, would be the picture I would buy!

Lynne Gilliatt

I would buy “Peonies” by Charles Rennie Mackintosh … because it’s soft yet hard edged, like I like to paint and has oraqnges, pinks, whites and bold black lines too! He combines the petals of the peonies against the designed wavy lines of the background. He inspires me.

Claude Cookman

I have the perfect spot on our living room wall for Andrew Wyeth’s 1962 watercolor, “Frostbitten,” a graduate seminar in texture and value. Four weathered apples, in varying shades of red, rest on a sunlit window sill against a rough plaster wall and a rotting window frame, while outside dessicated autumn grasses press against the panes. Wyeth violates a hallowed rule of composition by putting the edge of the frame almost on the vertical center, but the intersection of five vertical and five modestly diagonal force lines, plus the octaves-wide range of values from the sky-white exterior to the rich brown-black wall along the right edge, lift his composition above such limiting strictures. (www.flickr.com/photos/miafeigelson/14218520754)

Editor’s note: I encourage you to search the Internet for images of these beloved paintings. Go to Google, type in the name of the painting, the artist’s last name, and the word “image,” and several images should pop up. — NDM

June question for IMO:

Where are you currently finding new ideas and inspiration? Identify a book, website, video, or other resource that you rely on to keep your creativity clicking. In three sentences or less, tell how you use it or why you like it.

Send your 1- to 3-sentence response to Nancy Davis-Metz by May 21, and look for your opinion to be published in the May issue. Please use IMO as your email’s subject line.

Minutes of the Meeting, April 9, 2018

First Christian Church
April 9, 2018, 6:16pm

  • Guests Welcome- Former BWS member, Dan Alexander (a wonderful artist who has a studio over The Book Corner) is a guest tonight.

Dan opens his studio to the public every other month on the first Friday. He is always looking for art to fill the gallery wall in his studio, no commission if your work sells. Please bring a bottle of wine/munchies the night of the event and self-promote your art

  • New Members Introduction- Linda Branstetter, Linda Mann, Dianna Mattos, Donnie & Elizabeth Mattos (family membership)
  • Hospitality: Thanks to Anne-Karine Bley, Bess Lee, Betty Wagoner, Kathy Barton, Sara McQueen and Mary Walker for all the goodies.  Mary passed around sign-up for refreshments for future meetings.
  • Minutes: Erin Duff – Minutes approval: Motion Meri Reinhold Second Kathy Truelove-Barton
  • Treasurer’s Report: Patty Uffman – Balances & Expenses Report

Old Business

  • Charlotte- We are low on enrollment with the Dale Popovich workshop on April 28th. There is space for 20 people. There will be a handout about materials that you will need, along with links to his tutorials
  • Jane- Won’t be present for the May BWS meeting (taking students to Paris). Jane will become the 1st Vice President for the next BWS term. Jane will be retiring next year.

New Business

Jane Matranga:

  • Call for members willing to serve as president and secretary
  • Call for volunteers to serve on a money generating ideas task force

Committee Reports

Programs: Jo Weddle  The May meeting program has been switched. Cassidy Young will present at the next BWS meeting on May 14th with Collaborative Art Exercises & Silly Portrait Exercises. Please bring watercolor materials to the meeting. Sara Steffey McQueen will present at the June 11th BWS meeting with Non-Objective: What is Abstract to You? Please bring some unsuccessful pieces of art that you have made. We will have a group discussion.

There will be a sheet passed around at the BWS June meeting to gather ideas and suggestions for Program topics next year.

Scholarship: Jo Weddle -The BWS Scholarship applications came in on March 30th through MCCSC, only one person applied. The BWS Scholarship Committee will give a recommendation back to the foundation. MCCSC will make the final decision.
Shows: Anne-Karine Bley –  Members Show – August/September, upcoming juried shows.

  • The Membership Show is scheduled in August and will be held at The Vault at Gallery Mortgage. The information is also on Brushstrokes. Drop off will be August 1st at 10am-12n. The reception will be on Friday, August 3rd. The Gallery Walk on August 7th will be another opportunity to see the show. Pick up will be on September 28th. The size limitation is 24”, edge to edge. Make sure your membership dues are paid (requirement to be in the show)! Anne-Karine Bley will send out lots of emails as reminders.
  • The Art of Chocolate: Please keep thinking of ideas for next year!
    Now is the time to start thinking about the Signature Membership process if you are interested. There is a list of shows that you can apply to (National Watercolor Show, State Fair, Watercolor Society of Indiana, etc.). Deadlines to join shows is quickly approaching.
  • The Show Chair is constantly looking for venues for future BWS shows. Not all spaces are appropriate for Membership Shows. Anne-Karine is compiling a list of information for artists upon request.

Upland Painters Activities: Kristen Stamper

  • Plein Air painting at Cascade Falls 4/10 will be from 11am-1pm. Please dress warm!
  • Saturday,4/14, is the artist reception for Hidden Treasure of Indiana at the Wylie House.
  • Tuesday, 4/17, will be with Rebecca out near Morgan Monroe State Forest.
  • Tuesday, 4/24, the paint-out will be at McCormics Creek State park.
  • Tuesday, 5/1, the paint-out will be at Bryants Lake Shelter House.
  • The Tuesday, 5/8, paint-out will be at a Lake House belonging to Henry Leck in Brown county.

On May 10th, artists must pick up their paintings from The Hidden Treasures of Indiana Show. There are 17 members displaying 43 paintings. The show looks great! Great publicity and support from Kathy Truelove-Barton and Sara Steffey McQueen. All of the property owners of where Upland has painted have been invited to the show. There will be an award of $75 for People’s Choice Award. Voting will be held at the reception.


Jo Weddle: The Church has instituted security procedures and doors will be locked. The Washington Street door will be able to be opened by a code on the security keypad to the right of the door between 5:00 and 9:00 – the code is: 1029#. Be sure to punch the numbers firmly and don’t forget the #. That should open the door. Jo Weddle will monitor her phone 812 345 6217 throughout the meeting if you have a problem.

Bess & Joe Lee: have a show at the Blueline Gallery. The show will be up through April 27th. 30% of profits will go to Earth Charter (a non-profit out of Indianapolis). The Blueline Gallery is open from 10am-5pm Monday-Friday.

Meri Reinhold: is downsizing and moving into town. She brought a ton of painting supplies for everyone to take home.

Robin Edmundson: is having an Open Studio May 5th from 10am-5pm. The address is 6877 E Bland Rd. Solsberry, IN 47459 812-876-9583. Robin has a painting in the Hoosier Women Artists Exhibit: Works Selected for the Statehouse. The show will be up until July 7th. The address is 920 E State St, Lafayette, IN 47905.

Jo Weddle: The last BWS meeting, Jo passed around a Bloomington sketchbook from 2004. She accidentally took one home that wasn’t hers. Jo will bring the book back to the next meeting.

Patty Uffman: Watercolor prints of 8 watercolor cards w/ envelopes are for sale for $12. All profits go to BWS /Scholarship fund. We will possibly make new cards in the future.

Sara Steffey-McQueen:

  • 2nd May Day Celebration on the first weekend in May! There will be a pot luck and an outdoor dance party on Saturday. Sunday will be the family day (May Pole, puppet show, family celebration). Everyone is invited to come!
  • The Tree Sisters Organization is planting 2 million trees a year. It is a Great Brittian charity. They focus on reforestation of Rain forests that have been destroyed. If you are selling your art, please consider donating a percentage to Tree Sisters.

Meeting adjourned at 6:56pm


From “Ladies’ Medium” to Color Field: A Short History of Watercolor Painting in America
Nan Brewer, the Eksenazi Museum of Art’s Lucienne M. Glaubinger Curator of Works on Paper

Brushstrokes — April 2018

April 9 meeting

From ‘Ladies’ Medium’ to Color Field:

A Short History of Watercolor Painting in America

Nan Brewer, the Eskenazi Museum of Art’s Lucienne M. Glaubinger Curator of Works on Paper, will discuss the evolution of the watercolor movement in America using examples from the museum’s collection by artists such as John La Farge, Charles Burchfield, John Marin, Carolyn Brady, and Sam Gilliam. She will also explore the effects of technology, art education, professional societies, and the rise of modernism on the medium’s popularity and practice.

Ms. Brewer’s presentation will follow a brief business meeting that starts at 6 p.m. The meeting is at the First Christian Church, at the corner of Kirkwood and Washington. Please use the Washington Street entrance.

2018 Saturday paintouts

open April 7 in Bedford

BWS and the Lawrence County Art Association are teaming up for a Paint-out in Bedford Saturday, April 7. This will be an excellent opportunity for some Urban Sketching and plein air painting in our sister town, said Babette Ballinger, who has been arranging the event.

Members of both organizations are invited to meet at the Wiley Art Center, 1402 J St., in Bedford around 10 a.m. and paint at various locations around downtown Bedford until 1 p.m. In case of inclement weather, April 21 has been set as a rain date. Participants are encouraged to paint or draw in whatever medium they choose.

Mark your calendars for other Saturday BWS Paint-outs this year:

May 19: Brown County State Park, 10 a.m. to your choice with an option to gather at the Lodge for a 12:30 lunch

June 16-17: Garden Walk in partnership with the Bloomington Garden Cub

July TBD: Breakfast in People’s Park (July is hot, so painters will start early. Coffee and bagels provided.)

Aug. 17-18: West Baden Springs Paint Out, arranged by Indiana Heritage Arts

Sept. 8: 30th Annual Great Outdoor Art Contest at T.C. Steele Historic Site

Oct. TBD: 2018 Paint-out Finale at May Creek Farm

Member news

The Meadowood Retirement Community’s gallery will showcase “About Me: Carla Hedges Gallery Show” during the month of April. The show includes watercolors, mixed media, photos on canvas, yupo, and handmade quilts. The reception is April 6 from 4 to 6:30 p.m. Carla suggests coming by Meadowood early so you can get downtown for the First Friday Art Walk and see Bess and Joe Lee’s Show, “SAVE THE ANIMALS/SAVE YOURSELF,” at the Blueline Gallery. It’s “the best of all worlds,” said Carla.

Barrel Roof Spring
by Robin Edmundson

Robin Edmundson is having an Open Studio Day Saturday, May 5, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. You are welcome to come to her Greene County studio to view her new work as well as walk the gardens, creeks, and woods for inspiration for your own work.

Lifelong Reader
by Jerry Harste

Jerry Harste‘s mixed watercolor media artwork has been selected to be shown in the Treasury Room of the Waldron Art Gallery from April 28 to May 21. The opening reception is May 4 from 5 to 8 p.m.

Spring is here

Are you ready to get outside to paint? Join Upland for some fun painting adventures now that the weather has turned. Here is where we are headed on Tuesdays this month. Contact us at Upland@bloomingtonwatercolor.org for details.

April 3: Urban sketch, hosted by Katya Alexeeva

April 10: TBA, hosted by Penny Lulich

April 17: Rebecca Sink-Burris property, hosted by Jacki Frey and Sande Nitti

April 24: McCormick’s Creek State Park, hosted by Jacki Frey

May 1: Bryant’s Creek Shelter in Morgan-Monroe State Forest, hosted by Betty Wagoner

Hidden Treasures of Indiana

at Wylie House Barn

The “Hidden Treasures of Indiana” exhibition opens Tuesday, April 3. Stop by the Wylie House Barn — the Bradley Education Center — at 307 E. Second St. to enjoy the plein air exhibition of 17 paintings in a variety of mediums.

The Bradley Education Center is open Tuesday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. The show will hang from April 3 through May 9.

The artists reception will be Saturday, April 14, from 2 to 4:30 p.m. Reception guests will vote for People’s Choice Award at the reception.

Beyond BWS

The Watercolor Society of Indiana has posted the prospectus and online entry form for its Juried Exhibit 2018: www.watercolorsocietyofindiana.org/juried-exhibit/. The postmark deadline for entries is May 9 with a May 11 deadline for submitting images. Selected paintings must be delivered to the WSI Office between June 11 and June 29. The show will be open from Aug. 3 to Sept. 29 at the Indianapolis Museum of Art.


Social media users recognize IMO as an abbreviation for “In My Opinion,” and each month we close by giving you the chance to share your opinion on a specific question. This month the question is:

What’s your favorite triad of paints to work with? Pick three paints that play well together and share how or why you like them so well.

Candi Bailey

French ultramarine for blue … I’ve used it a long time and am comfortable with what it will do. Probably the cadmium yellows if I had to choose. Red … cadmium or vermilion although I don’t use much red.

Lynne Gilliatt

I suppose I’d say yellow, white and orange are my most used colors. Tempera preferred for indoor scenes. More water for outside sites; and mixing them makes them even more opaque and mysterious.

Carol Rhodes

It all depends on what I want to accomplish. For landscapes, I like to use Ultramarine Blue PB29, New Gamboge, and Permanent Rose PV19 or Permanent Alizarin Crimson. Because each one of these has a red component and the red is a little bluish, the overall effect is bold, full and warm.

Jeanne Dutton

Permanent Rose, Ultramarine, and some sort of yellow — and it all depends upon the mood I am in or what flower I happen to be painting at the time. Honestly, most times I don’t even think about it. It’s a case of whatever’s within reach.

May question for IMO:

If you had unlimited funds to purchase any watercolor painting in the world, what painting would it be and why would you choose it? Please identify the name of the painting and the artist.

Send your 1- to 3-sentence response to Nancy Davis-Metz by April 21, and look for your opinion to be published in the May issue. Please use IMO as your email’s Subject Line.

Minutes of the Meeting March 12, 2018

First Christian Church

March 12, 2018, 6:10pm

            Charlotte Griffin (1st VP) filling in for Jane Matranga (president)

Guests Welcome: Don Cartwright, Linda Merile, & Dawn Grace

New Members Introduction: Glenda Thompson

Hospitality:  Thanks to Mary Walker, pass around sign-up for refreshments

Minutes: Erin Duff – Minutes approval:  Motion Candi Bailey  Second Betty Wagoner

  • Correction by Kristen Stamper- The Hidden Treasures of Indiana date was incorrect published in the Minutes on Brushstrokes last month. The date needs to be corrected to April 3rd.

Treasurer’s Report: Patty Uffman – Balances & Expenses Report Acceptance: Motion Char Dapena Second Nina Ost

Old Business  

Joanne Weddle: Security. We’d like to keep the Church building secure without leaving all of the doors open. The doors will be locked after the meeting starts. There is a security box to the right of the door that will require a four-digit security code to unlock the door. The code will be valid for a designated time before it expires (the few hours the meeting is held). An email will be sent to BWS members with the door security code and Jo’s cell phone number (in case you need help getting inside).

Cards sold as part of the Art of Chocolate Week: BWS sold $130, Gabe (The Venue) sold $50, The Art of Chocolate sold $80 during opening night. A total of $260 card sales. Kristen Stamper sold a painting at The Art of Chocolate! Congratulations, Kristen!

New Business

Jane Matranga:

  • Call for volunteers to serve on nominating committee.

The nominating position is short lived. We are looking to find people to take on the responsibility for a year. Please volunteer!

  • Call for volunteers to serve on a money generating ideas task force 

Joanne Weddle shared The Bloomington Sketchbook printed in 2004. The book was passed around the room. It would be a great idea to publish a BWS Sketchbook for Bloomington’s two-hundred-year anniversary! Note: Susan Jane Williams is a professional publicist that can make cards out of all of our work. She may be a good contact to discuss publishing a BWS Sketchbook.

  • Chair members, please announce if you a staying/leaving your position for the next term

Committee Reports

Activities: Charlotte Griffin  The Workshop on April 28 is on Landscape Painting presented by Dale Popovich.

    The Website has more information and the Paypal button is active.

Brushstrokes: Nancy Metz Nancy not present.

Publicity: Sara Steffey-McQueen Sara not present.

Programs: Jo Weddle 

  • April 9th Meeting Nan Brewer (The Lucienne m. Glaubinger Curator of Works on Paper, Eskenazi Museum of Art, IU) will be presenting “Ladies Medium” to Color Field: a short history of watercolor painting in America.
  • May 14th, Sara Steffey McQueen will present on “Mixed Media Abstracts”.
  • June 11th, Cassidy Young will present on “Collaborative Art Exercise/ Silly Portraits”.

Scholarship: Babette has scholarship donation forms.

Applicants are due by March 30th. Donation forms are available through the MCCSC foundation. Please pick up a form if you’d like to make a donation. A $300 scholarship will be awarded to a MCCSC High School graduating senior.

Shows: Anne-Karine Bley Anne-Karine not present.

Charlotte delivered Anne-Karine’s message to members to inform them that the fall membership show will be early this year (August or September).  It will be hung at The Vault.  Expect a prospectus soon and plan on creating some wonderful art to enter in the show this summer.

Activites: Jeanne in absentia:

    A reminder to everyone to pick up their paintings at the Vault on Monday, April 2, from 11am-2pm. Jeanne will send out a reminder.

Upland Painters Activities: Kristen Stamper 

    Upland is sponsoring a show of Plein Air paintings: Hidden Treasures of Indiana. Please sign up now! Paintings must be turned in on March 31st at  The Wylie House. Plein Air is the theme. You can submit up to two pieces. Paintings can be up to 35” wide. There is a $5 commitment fee which will go to the People’s Choice Award. The show will run from April 3rd-May 9th.

Wednesday, March 13th, Upland Painters will paint inside the Wylie House museum. Tuesday, March 20th, Jackie Frey.


Meri Reinhold: Sent out an announcement on February 8th on the listserv but it did not go through. Announcement: there is an artist in residence opportunity at Porcupine State Park for two weeks. Applications are due March 30th. Artists will find out if they have been accepted by April 30th. The artist will stay at a rustic cabin, 25 miles from the shoreline of Lake Superior in the UP of Michigan. There are lakes, rivers, waterfalls in the virgin forest. The payment for the residents will be one finished art piece.

Jo: Charles Gruppe: Afloat or Ashore- trip to the French Rivera in Europe. Lunch and dinner not included. The trip will include time in France and Italy (coast cities). The focus will be on Impressionism. The trip leaves from New York. You do not need to be a painter to join the trip.

Charlotte Griffin passed around copies of an email from Brown County Art Guild for a plein air offering on March 31st, hosted by Jeanne McLeish and Jerry Smith. More info at https://www.facebook.com/events/407014663044618/?active_tab=about

Meeting closed @ 6:40pm

Program: Founding members Alice Sharp and Paul Sharp made a presentation about how to do plein air painting.