>Minutes of Last Meeting

First Christian Church

10 February 2025

The meeting was called to order by President Laura Brown at 6:05 pm EST.


Membership Chair, Julie Boyd, brought the members attending up to date with the fact that there are 91 members with 3 new members and 1 returning member since November.

Previous Meeting Minutes

The January meeting was canceled due to weather so the previous meeting was on November 11, 2024.  The minutes were posted on line. Secretary, Charlotte Griffin, reminded attendees that corrections are accepted at any time.  No updates were offered online or at the meeting; therefore, the minutes were accepted.

Treasurer’s Report 

Treasurer, Christine Peterson reported the monetary status in the Credit Union, Paypal, and cash reserves.  Details, for those not in attendance at the meeting, can be had by contacting the treasurer.


President, Laura Brown, told the attendees that the BWS Show benefitting Teachers Warehouse is up at The Vault at Gallery Mortgage.  She thanked Jeanne Dutton for all of her work in collecting images, doing publicity, and coordinating with the Rotary Organization.  Laura mentioned that the opening reception was popular and thanked all the members who came to the opening and especially those who provided refreshments. 

Jeanne Dutton took the floor and announced that the painting by Laura Brown had been awarded the Runner Up prize and Lynne Gilliatt’s work was chosen as Berst in Show.  The Theme of the show is “We Paint…2D: Dali and Degas?”.  Besides the works submitted by members based on the theme, there were a number of paintings by the 2024 BWS Scholarship winner, Seongwon (Sarah) Park.  Sarah’s parents were able to attend and see their daughter’s work on display.

The show will be on display until March 28, 2025, with a 2nd reception on Gallery Walk Friday, March 7.  Works can also be viewed in Smugmug and a video produced by the Rotary club is available on Youtube.

Laura also reminded the attendees that the Linda Meyer Wright retrospective show is being shown at the Cancer Support Center and will be available through April.  As always contact the Cancer Support Center to make sure that there is not an event occurring that would keep people from seeing the paintings.

Volunteers Needed

Laura asked all attendees to consider contributing their time to running the BWS organization.  The By-laws outline an organization that parcels the work into small enough pieces so that no one-person is overburdened as long as all of the positions are filled.  In the next few months emails will be sent out detailing the positions and responsibilities.  There are board positions, chairman positions, committee positions, and voluntary single event management positions that make BWS run.


Daniel Goebbert sent around a signup sheet for refreshments for meetings from March through June.  Members can contact him directly to signup if they were not able to attend this meeting.


The upcoming programs are as follows:

  • March 10—Members will describe some of the unique techniques that they have run across in doing watercolor
  • April 14— Laura Brown will hold a discussion of her Journey in the World of Creating Sketchbooks.  Members will be encouraged to bring their own examples.
  • May 12Four on the Floor-Four Member-artists will be demonstrating their approaches to painting flowers.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:30 p.m.


Sara Steffey McQueen talked about creating and using inks made out of the natural things around us (berries, leaves, soft rocks, nuts, bark, etc.)  She allowed all attendees to use inks that she created. The inks came an array of colors (yellow, brown, blue, magenta, black) and could be mixed to create other colors.  She brought some of her favorite books about creating and using natural inks so that attendees could leaf through them.