BWS Minutes 4/8/2019

Meeting Minutes April 8, 2019

Call to order: Kitty Garlock, president, called the meeting to order at 6 p.m. She welcomed new members Malissa Edwards and Sarah Ward. Two other new members were not in attendance: Steve Edwards and Christine Flask. Kitty also welcomed guest Mary Willett.

Hospitality: Carla Hedges thanked Cassidy Young, Patty Uffman, Suzanne Thorin, Mary Walker, and Penny Lulich for bringing refreshments.

Secretary’s Minutes: Katya Alexeeva moved to approve the March minutes and Penny Lulich seconded the motion. The minutes were approved subject to changing the meeting end time to 6:50 p.m.

Treasurer’s report: Patty Uffman reported that there was March income from new members and from notecard sales. Expenses for the Judy Mudd workshop resulted in a loss of $25 dollars because of the hotel cost. The BWS balance is $3779. Carla Hedges moved to approve the report and Meri Reinhold seconded the motion, which passed.

Committee Reports

Activities: Katya Alexeeva thanked Kitty Garlock, Carol Rhodes, Patty Uffman, and Jo Weddle for help with the Judy Mudd workshop. Katya said that:
• The May 4 Musgrave Orchard paint out is cancelled.
• May 18, there will be a paint out at Hinkle-Garton Farmstead.
• Information and sign up for the garden walk is available. Sign up for two or four hours.

Upland Painters Activities: Kathy Barton thanked everyone who hosted events.
Upcoming Upland activities:
• April 9, Knawbone Camp, hosted by Jane Matranga,
• April 16, Abel Nursery
• April 23, Musgrave Orchard
• April 30, Boyhood home of T.C. Steele at Waveland
Upland paint outs are listed in Brushstrokes.

Nominating Committee: Meri Reinhold announced the slate of 2019-20 officers for the May vote. She said that Jackie Frey and Barbara Edmonds helped with the slate.
• President, Patty Uffman
• First Vice-President, Kitty Garlock
• Second Vice-President, Jane Matranga
• Secretary, Suzanne Thorin
• Treasurer, Carol Rhodes,
Nancy Metz Moved to accept slate. Penny Lulich seconded the motion, which passed.

Where are we Going? Kitty Garlock facilitated small group discussions with large group sharing and suggestions about how to use the extra money BWS has. Kitty passed out ballots with the objectives of the organization and ideas for spending the extra money. Below are the suggested ideas followed by comments made before the small group discussions:

  1. Become a non-profit so that we can apply for grants.
    Kitty said that becoming a 501c-3 is easy. We could qualify under education. There are three pages to fill out. It takes 2-4 weeks for approval. Tax forms have to be filed yearly, but we don’t have over $50,000 we could use a short form. A three-page report has to be submitted every year. Advantages could be: donations to BWS would be tax free, lower postage rates, increased credibility in the community. Babette Ballinger said we have already met many of the requirements, like having a board of directions. The board will discuss becoming a non-profit organization if people are interested in moving forward.
  2. Reduce the cost of membership dues. Carol Rhodes has ideas about what finances would be if we reduced dues.
  3. Cover a percentage of the cost of a workshop, so the cost to members can be minimized. Idea 7 could supplant idea 3, and ideas 3, 5 and 7 could be compressed.
  4. Organize more shows. The problem is who has energy to organize shows, rather than the need for more than money.
  5. Invite more artists from outside the organization to do workshops and demos for our programs. (Which will/may incur a stipend).
  6. Purchase of a portable display wall for pop-up shows.
    Pop-up displays seem to be popular.
  7. Pay for a member to attend a professional workshop IF they teach the lessons of the workshop to us for free. Nancy Metz said there could be a problem with taking the workshop presenter’s intellectual property.

At 6:45, each small group turned in their vote on which ideas to pursue. Kitty said that no decisions would be made tonight beyond what ideas we want to be pursued.

Note: Barbara Coffman brought in paper for the share table, and Bob Burris brought in water bottles.

Program: Carol Rhodes presented a hands-on program, “Weaving Depth and Direction Into Your Painting Using Dynamic Composition: Lessons from Paul Cezanne.”

Respectfully Submitted, Char Dapena