Painting by Penny Lulich
Our February 12th Meeting
Bloomington Watercolor Society will meet Monday, February 12th, at the First Christian Church, 205 E. Kirkwood Ave. The business meeting will begin at 6 p.m. Enter through the Washington Street door; the door code will be sent by email. The meeting will not be on Zoom.
February’s Feature Program
Painting Winter Scenes. This month’s program leader, Penny Lulich says, “I love painting snow scenes, so come and paint with me as we explore snow with mountains and pine trees, and maybe a skier or two. We’ll explore color, shadows, and even flick some paint! I find I enjoy myself more if I have my favorite things.”
So bring your usual watercolor supplies, plus a few small sheets of paper for practicing drawing trees and tree lines, a wax resist crayon, and some salt. Penny will show how to splatter snowflakes using white gouache, so you may want to bring an apron, too.
For Your Information here is Penny’s palette. (Stars ** represent most often used.)
Permanent yellow light
** Yellow ochre
** Sap green
Green gold
Cobalt green
** Cobalt turquoise light
Pyrrol scarlet
Transparent pyrrol orange
Alizarin Crimsom
** Opera, pink
Ultramarine deep
** Indigo
** Cobalt blue
Shadow violet
** Transparent brown oxide
Quin deep gold
** Quin purple
** Burnt sienna
New Gamboge
Penny recommends a number 10 round brush, and a three-quarter inch angle shader. It’s helpful to have a sword liner or an equivalent for the tiniest tree branches.
Penny will have a drawing for a couple of art giveaways.
Inside BWS
“WE PAINT…Peter, Paul and Mary”
February 2 – March 29, 2024
A BWS Exhibition Benefitting Teachers Warehouse!
Inspired by the varied styles and eras of Peter Max, Paul Klee, and Mary Cassat, the artist members of the Bloomington Watercolor Society have created a wonderfully varied exhibit full of psychedelic color, cubism, and domestic scenes.
Showing at The Vault at Gallery Portage (121 E 6th Street). Normal Gallery Hours: 9am – 5pm Monday – Friday, except for days of receptions for which Gallery Hours are. 9am – 8pm.
And Breaking News from President Jeanne Dutton:
The show is up, the opening reception over, and now to announce the winners!
Three judges each choose their top three using certain criteria, including adherence to the theme, materials used, composition, and presentation, etc. Comparing notes, they then team up to choose the top two.
Silver Second is “FLOWER POWER 2” by Char Dapena.
Her painting was from a drawing she did back in her college days when Peter Max posters were everywhere. Char receives a certificate and $75 from BWS.
Best of Show is “INSIGHT,” alcohol ink on Yupo, from first-ever-exhibitor, Gail Fairfield. Gail receives a certificate and am award of $100 from The Vault.
Winners of the door prizes are Babette Ballinger taking away a #10 Round Aqua Elite watercolor brush; Lynne Gilliatt winning a Peter Max inspired tote from MoMA; and Sharon Parsons taking home a beautiful handmade, leatherbound journal.
Congratulations to all the winners!
The video tour of the exhibit can be seen on YouTube, and thanks to Bloomington North Rotary for sponsoring it once again.
GALLERY 2024 |
The gallery can also be found on SmugMug at
A second reception is planned for March 1, 2024 during Gallery Walk.
Applications are Now Open for Signature Membership
Andy Roberts, 2nd Vice President, announced that applications for Signature membership would be processed during the 2024 year. The process will begin by those who are interested contacting Andy to express their intent to apply by the end of March. Physical applications need to be submitted by April 30. Judging will take place in September.
Outside BWS
Upland Plein Air
The Upland Plein Air Member Show opens at the Arts Alliance Center in the College Mall on Saturday, February 3rd, with a reception from 1:00-3:00 pm. Upland members will exhibit works in a variety of subject matter, styles, and mediums. Cards, as well as artwork, will be for sale. The show runs through Saturday, March 2nd. Arts Alliance Center hours are Thursday – Saturday, 11:00 am-8:00 p.m., and Sunday 12:00–6:00 p.m.
Cancer Support Center
Artists for Climate Awareness
Artists for Climate Awareness will host an in-person workshop February 13 from 5:30-8 p.m., entitled “Embracing Emotions through Abstract Watercolors”. The workshop invites artists to express their emotions as they delve into the intersection of art and environmental consciousness by reflecting on climate change through the powerful medium of abstract watercolors. For more information contact Carol Rhodes.
Artist for Climate Awareness will also host a Juried Exhibition for its members at the Art Alliance Center in Bloomington from April 1-18. The theme of that exhibition is, “Depictions: Earth, Life, and Our Shared Responsibility.”
The Hoosier Art Salon
The Hoosier Art Salon has several upcoming shows:
Young at Art: February 17 – March 31. Reception March 9th, 2-4 pm. Featuring the artwork of local students, Kindergarten-8th grade.
Field to Finish: April 13-16. Reception Wednesday, April 17th, 5-7 p.m. Showcasing the lovely “field” photographs and “finished” pieces of art that were produced during the First Blush of Spring Paint-Out by Indiana artists. Canvases must be stamped. Entry fee of $30 is required for non-Hoosier Art Salon members and $25 entry fee for members. All work must be for sale. Art must be received by April 8th.
Simplify through Color and Shape with Lon Brauer Workshop. April 15 & 16, 9-4pm. Painting is a language – a visual language – and our goal as artists is to find a way to translate what we see into a form that will represent that vision on canvas. Photographic reference will be discussed as a tool to help us better understand what two-dimensional imagery is all about. This workshop will benefit any painter regardless of the chosen subject matter.
The Watercolor Society of Indiana
The Watercolor Society of Indiana is hosting a Regional Exhibit of Indiana Artists at the Brown County Art Gallery, 1 Artist Drive, Nashville, from February 10th to March 28th. Any artist over 18 and a resident of Indiana can apply to show their work in this show.
The Annual WSI Exhibition will take place in June and July.
More information about either of these shows can be found on the WSI website.
Membership News
Timothy Lewis. I want to announce two upcoming opportunities:
- WSI’s Annual Member Show prospectus will be sent to members in mid-February. This show allows any WSI member to exhibit one painting in the unjuried show. The show this year will be at th Gallery 42 in downtown Indianapolis.
- WSI’s Annual Juried Show prospectus will also be sent to members in February. This juried show will be at the Indianapolis Museum of Art at Newfields.
- To join WSI go to their website at
I will be serving as President of the Watercolor Society of Indiana for 2024 and 2025.
I was featured in an article in the Greenfield Daily Reporter on Saturday, Jan. 20th for being a part of the “God’s Gift of Winter” show at the 43 East Gallery in Greenfield. I have two winter scene watercolors in this show which will run through the end of February.
New work: “Obscured” is a 16” x 12” watercolor of a solar eclipse in tribute to the April eclipse that will be visible across Indiana this year. Painted using QoR Watercolors on 300# Arches cold-pressed watercolor paper.
Jacki Frey. I put a painting of my ginger cat into the Upland show at Art Alliance. Consider this a personal invitation to come see the show!
Jerome Harste. I’ve been playing with pattern. I’ve entitled this, Landscape: My Ode to Kee. (Acrylic on 12×18″ cradle board).
And to experiment with color and explore the affect and effect of geometric patterns clashing with organic patterns, I created Eclipse. (3-D Collage Acrylic on 8×8″ canvas).
Bess Lee. Here is one of my paintings for the Cancer Support Center Art Show which features my work. The show will run March 3 to April 28.
Erika Wente. Here are three recently painted watercolors for the February Brushstrokes: (1) “ Three Horse Portraits” 14” x 11” ; 2) “Aspen” 7” x 8”; (3) “Mountain Snow” 11″ x 14.”
Deborah Rush. The only thing I managed to get finish is this painting of “Bridge at Stourhead Gardens.”
MarySue & Bill Schwab. Both of these paintings have a new home in Napa, California! Both are commissioned California scenes, I painted the field of poppies and Bill painted the old tree.
Meri Reinhold. I am in Antarctica on a Viking expedition ship Octantis. The majesty of the environment here is beyond words. However, one artist inspired me to try her very limited palette style. These two paintings are after Mona Eckhoff. Not really original works.
Andy Roberts. I have a painting that I created in anticipation of selling some of my works in Florida this next two months. I will be painting with the Sanibel-Captiva Art League and maybe enter a show of theirs while there. This painting is from a photo that I took last spring of a Sandpiper along waters edge. Watercolor on watercolor canvas.
Stephen Edwards. Attached is image for “Waiting For One Last Turn”. I was invited by the Hoosier Salon to participate in the Clowes Collaborative with 17 other artists. The work will have a reception on March 1st at the Hilbert Circle Theatre and be on display till June 9th. A fun little self portrait called “Just The Right Angle” I also attached. It is me taking a photo of an old lawnmower but looking at the scene in a reflected truck mirror propped up on the edge of the lawnmower. In the small circular mirror, you can see my wife holding a cell phone out to get the photo I worked from for the painting.
February 1 to March 1 — Susan Savastuk’s Show at the Cancer Support Center.
February 1 to March 31 — Applications for Signature Status in BWS are open.
February 3 — Upland Plein Air’s Member Show at Arts Alliance.
February 10 to March 18 — WSI’s Regional Exhibit at Brown County Art Gallery.
February 12 — BWS Meeting, First Christian Church, Bloomington.
February 13 — Artist for Climate Awareness Workshop, Ivy Tech, Bloomington.
February 17 to March 31 — Young at Art Show at Hoosier Salon, New Harmony.
March 3 to April 25 — Bess Lee’s Show at Cancer Support Center.
Aril 1 to 18 — Artist for Climate Awareness Membership Show at Art Alliance.
April 13 to 16 — Field to Finish Show, Hoosier Salon, New Harmony.
April 15 & 16 — Lon Brauer Workshop, Hoosier Salon, New Harmony.