BWS Minutes – 5/13/2019

St Marks United Methodist Church

The meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm by Kitty Garlock, President.   She welcomed new member Melissa Adkins.  Jo Weddle introduced her guest, Bernadette de Leon and said Bernadette plans to join BWS.


Kitty read Carla Hedges’ list and thanked Mary Walker, Betty Wagner, Mary Sedman, Dawn Cartwright, and Joanna Samorrow-Merzer for bringing refreshments.

Secretary’s Minutes

Jill Olshavsky called for a motion to approve the April minutes.  Motion:  Babette Ballenger, Second:  Char Dapena. The motion passed.  Jill reminded everyone to sign the attendance sheet.

Treasurer’s Report

Kitty Garlock reported for Patty Uffman that BWS received a thank you card from LifeDesigns expressing their appreciation for our support of the Week of Chocolate.  BWS was among those who helped LifeDesigns raise over $42,000 for programs to provide staff support to people with disabilities.  As Kitty noted, “That is tremendous!”

     Minor expenses were incurred for copies and printer ink, and income came from two new memberships, Melissa Adkins and Douglas Roberts. 

     If anyone has BWS expenses to be reimbursed, receipts may be sent to our post office address, PO Box 5236, Bloomington 47407-5236.  A check will be sent to you the first week of June.

     Remember to renew your BWS membership in June.   See out website for categories and cost. You may renew with Patty Uffman at the June meeting, send a check to the above PO Box, or use your PayPal account. 

Old Business

Kitty reported the the Finance Committee evaluated proposed ways to spend the extra money BWS has.  They selected the 4 proposals which received the most votes at the April meeting.

  1. Pursue the possibility of becoming a nonprofit organization.  While there is no cost, the committee will explore the benefits and any negatives.  So far, the only negative is that it will require record keeping, but that does not appear to be an obstacle. (32 votes with 5 comments)
  2. Cover a percentage of the cost of workshops (21 votes with 5 comments)
  3. Invite more artists from outside to do our programs (workshops/demos) and provide a small stipend  (29 votes with 2 comments)
  4. Purchase/build a portable display wall for shows (16 votes with 5 comments).

New Business

Charlotte Griffin is again coordinating the BWS paintout at the Garden Walk which will be held Saturday, June 8 and Sunday June 9 from 10:00 – 2:00 each day.  She reminded us that it is usually warm and that the walk is held rain or shine.  Charlotte provided a sign- up sheet for 6 slots, 5 at houses and 1 at the History Center.

While she requested people to sign up for a 4- hour slot, Charlotte said that you may share a slot with someone.  Painters should select a spot in the garden that is not in the walkway.  A limited number of Garden Walk tickets will be able for artists to attend the show on the day they are not painting.  Kitty reported that she has painted at the Garden Walk every year and finds it a wonderful experience.   

Committee Comments

Meri Reinhold presented next year’s slate of officers: 

  • President-Patty Uffman
  • 1st Vice President- Kitty Garlock
  • 2nd Vice President-Jane Matranga
  • Secretary- Suzanne Thorin
  • Treasurer- Carol Rhodes

Meri asked for a motion to vote on the slate.  Motion:  Kathy Barton, Second:  Char Dapena.  The vote was unanimous, we had a quorum at the meeting, and the slate was approved.  The officers will be inducted at the June meeting.  Kitty thanked all on the slate.   Charlotte Griffin presented a traveling artists’ palette and some watercolor tubes to Kitty Garlock, outgoing President, in appreciation of her fine service this year.   

Kitty reported that we still need someone to work with Nancy Davis Metz on Brushstrokes next year.  Nancy is willing to do 1/3 of the work, but we need someone to assume most of the editorial role which requires approximately 10 hours a month.  If we are unable to fill this position, Brushstrokes would only be published every 3 months.  Anyone who is interested should talk with Nancy.

Commitee Reports

Activities-Katya Alexeeva reminded us that the Daisy Garton Farmhouse paintout is Saturday, May 18 from 9:00 until 2:00.  On May 22 from 10-12:30 Katya will be at Hinkle Garten farmhouse to collect your framed painting and an easel to display your art (there is very limited wall space).  Volunteers are needed to help hang the show. 

The show will hang  May 25th through the end of August.  The Farmstead Show is open to public on the last Saturday of each month June, July and August from 1:00 to 4 p.m.  Volunteers staff the farmhouse and appointments can be made at other times by calling the number on the Bloomington Restorations Inc. Website, or Contact LeAnn Luce or Kathy Barton  at 812-679-6353.

The art will be on display and possibly sold at these times.  Individual artists will donate 25 percent from sales to pay for restoration of the Farmhouse. The pick-up date for paintings is September 4 from 10:00 AM to noon.

Upland Painters-Kristen Stamper welcomed anyone interested in joining Upland Painters to put their name on the sign- up sheet to receive event announcements on the Saturday before an event.  The schedule is available in Brushstrokes.

Programs-Jo Weddle reported that new member, Stephen Edwards will present at our June meeting.  He was asked to talk about how he does plein air paintings, and he explained in a letter to Jo that he prefers to use his time analyzing a scene and taking reference photos.  He sketches and paints landscapes in his studio.  Jo asked for a volunteer with a truck or large SUV who can help her move our mirror (from First Christian Church to St Marks and back) for Stephen’s presentation.

For the Good of the Order

Babette Ballinger described the art quilt project for which each artist will paint on an 8×8 wood panel.  If she gets enough panels before the Daisy Garton show, Babette will assemble them into a quilt for display.  Some examples for the panels are an acrylic and paper collage, a montage, or a watercolor using either watercolor ground or gouache with an acrylic under coating.

Katya Alexeeva reminded us to bring paintings to share at our meetings, and she set up a table for the display.

Jerry Harste described the Figures of Speech art contest to be held at Anderson Museum of Art, 32 W 10th Street, Anderson, IN 46016 August 2 – September 22.  Entry for the show begins July 8, and there is a $2,000 prize available.

Kitty requested a motion to adjourn. Motion:  Meri Reinhold, Second:  Katya Alexeeva.  The meeting was adjourned at 6:34.

Program-Following socializing and refreshments, Bonnie Gordon-Lucas told us about her background, paintings and line art.  She brought some of her paintings and books and explained that her inspiration comes from poetry, dreams, funny songs, quotes and mis-quotes.  Unfortunately, due to the inability to project her images, Bonnie was unable to present her program “Lyrical Lines”.  Bonnie graciously offered to return for another program after we are able to resolve the computer issues.