March 11 , 2019, Minutes of the Bloomington Watercolor Society
The meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm on March 11, 2019, by Kitty Garlock, President. She welcomed new member Mary Feeney and guests Christine Flask and Robbyn Smith, and Sara Ward.
Hospitality– Carla Hedges thanked Linda Branstetter, Barbara Coffman, Lynn Gilliatt, Charlotte Griffin, and Nancy Metz for bringing refreshments.
Secretary ‘s Minutes – Jill Olshavsky called for a motion to approve the February minutes. Motion: Char Dapena, Second: Meri Reinhold. The motion passed.
Jill gave a brief tribute to Carolyn Waldman, a former BWS member, who passed away on Friday, March 8.
Treasurer’s Report – Patty Uffman reported that we had some minor expenses for our show at the Vault and for Upland signs and paper. Original cards painted by Jean Dutton and Linda Branstetter are currently available for sale.
The Finance Committee will hold its first meeting May 6 at Patty Uffman’s home. Patty reported that Cathy Barton, Carol Rhodes, and Mark Seaman volunteered to serve on the committee with her. Patty asked for input from all chairs for expenses next year. She plans to send out an email, but she also provided forms for requests which are due by April 15.
New Business – President Kitty Garlock discussed the need for volunteers to help arrange tables and chairs and return them to their original positions and to assist with other set-up needs at each month’s meeting. This involves arriving at 20 minutes before 6:00 and staying after the meeting (all work needs to be completed by 8:30). A sign-up sheet for volunteers was available.
Our move to St Marks United Methodist Church saves BWS $630 each year, and Kitty said we need to determine how our monies will be spent. There will be some meeting room expenses such as a portable microphone so that members in the audience who wish to talk will be audible, but most of the extra money will be available for new expenditures such as:
- Reducing our dues to $25
- Funding half the cost of a workshop to make it available to more people
- Paying a small stipend to our program presenters
- Advertising our paintouts and gatherings to promote new membership and community awareness
- Creating another set of greeting cards
- Broadening our choices for potential gallery venues or
- Becoming an official non-profit
Kitty placed a sheet on each table for members to write their suggestions. These suggestions will be discussed at the April Finance Committee meeting and at the regular finance meeting held in May which addresses next year’s budget planning.
The custodian at First Christian Church provided a lot of service to BWS for our meetings, and Kitty asked if we wished to give him $100.00 as a thank you. Motion: Babette Ballinger, Second: Nancy Davis Metz. The motion passed.
Kitty described IU Health’s request for 8 original works which, if selected, would be purchased by the hospital for up to $2,000 and turned into large wall mosaics. There are specific categories for the art which is meant to reflect Monroe County. All submissions are due by the end of March.
Committee Comments – Meri Reinhold explained that the nominating committee is looking for 3 officers for next year: president, secretary, and treasurer. The officers will be inducted at the June meeting and will begin with the summer Leadership meeting and September BWS membership meeting. Interest forms were circulated. In addition, we need chairs for the show committee and the PR position.
Upland Painters – Kristen Stamper reported that Upland meets Tuesday mornings at sites around South Central Indiana. Meetings are outdoors except November – mid-January. Kristen brought a schedule and may be contacted for additional information after the meeting.
Signature Member Group – Nancy Davis-Metz reported BWS signature members’ paintings will be on display in 4 cases at the Indianapolis Airport until mid-July. The cases are on the main level between the ticket counters and food court (across from the restrooms) and have a sign which reads ‘A Signature Collection Bloomington Watercolor Society’. The process of applying and preparing for this display took over two years. The $100 cost for the display was approved and paid by BWS.
Shows – Anne-Karine Bley asked Kitty to thank those who helped with the March reception at the Vault. All paintings from the show must be picked up Friday, March 29 from 10:00-Noon.
Programs – Jo Weddle thanked this years’ presenters. On April 8, Carol Rhodes will present ‘Weaving Depth and Direction into your Painting using Dynamic Composition: Lessons from Paul Cezanne’. We need a presenter for the June 10 meeting, and Jo passed out sheets for suggestions.
For the Good of the Order
Barbara Edmond said the artist registry will be ready in September.
Jeanne Dutton sent her thank you for participants in the Art of Chocolate show and reported that we contributed over $5,000 to the fund raiser.
Kitty made a motion to adjourn which was seconded by Sande Nitti. The meeting was adjourned at 7:04.
Following socializing and refreshments which included Carla’s birthday cake! Claude Cookman presented ‘Six Steps to the Illusion of Spatial Depth’.